ACP History Week Official Launch; The Color Wars Announcement

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – The Army of CP Higher Command are excited to announce the launch of the very latest themed week: ACP History Week.

The Army of Club Penguin is set to travel back through time over the next seven days, as part of the very exciting ACP History Week. This themed week will include a variety of themed events that focus on different parts of ACP history – be that significant wars, battles, iconic moments or memorable enemies.

While the nature of the entire weeks schedule is being kept under close wraps for now, we can exclusively reveal the themed celebration will be kicking off tomorrow, Friday April 9th, with The Color Wars.

A huge thank you to Frog for all the incredible graphics he has produced.

This huge community event will see four of the biggest armies – the Army of CP, Water Vikings, Help Force and Silver Empire – go back to basics in an attempt to emulate the iconic 2006 Color Wars. For context, here is a short exert from the CP Army Wiki that describes the events of the Color Wars in more detail:

The Color Wars started in mid 2006. The armies were basically focused on colors such as red, blue, green, black, pink, orange, yellow, and brown. The armies were not organised and did not have websites or forum threads. The members of the armies logged in whenever time the user wants. As snowball fights got popular, Club Penguin released the first Sports Party on August 4, 2006 and featured the colors red and blue. At that time, the red army was the biggest as they were organised and had a leader named Korn, however the leader got overthrown and the army slowly declined and there were no more armies at that time.

The Color Wars battle tomorrow will be a solely in-game led battle, with no armies relying on big word bubbles, voice chat orders or Discord commands. Instead, it will pit the four armies against each other in a rogue style match-off, where the emphasis will be on CP Rewritten leading and commands. The Army of CP will don Green, the Water Vikings Blue, Help Force Yellow and Silver Empire Red. Who will come out on top?

The following days events are yet to be announced, but we can exclusively tease a historic World War V battle re-enactment, alliance war and long awaited battle with some of our most unforgettable enemies ever. The next seven days truly promise to be an amazing spectacle for the Army of CP soldiers.

What do YOU think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!


ACP Temporary Commander-in-Chief & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

9 Responses

  1. Exciting!

  2. Oooh I can’t wait!!!

  3. Can’t wait!!

  4. I’m so freaking excited y’all have no idea!!!!

  5. Oooh, this is gonna be good! I can’t wait!

  6. This is gonna be amazing

  7. This is so exciting! Aaa I can’t wait!! <3

  8. So cool and a really fun way to learn about our legendary past!

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