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UK Training Session on Breeze 5th December

Hello, ACP. Today, the UK division logged onto Breeze where we had a training session in Town, our tactics were average and our size wasn’t amazing however this is the first UK event that has been successful enough for it to actually be posted so for that at least I’m pleased. Well done to those troops who helped hype for the event, keep up the good work! We maxed 11 and averaged around 9. Carry on reading for pictures  provided by I, Elsa and Purp.


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UK needs you, come back soon <3

UK needs you, come back soon <3

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A message to the UK division

I’m am so proud of you guys for every event we hold is another step to rebuilding ACP’s UK division. We aren’t defeated yet and this UK division will rebuild and we’ll make it rebuild together other the next few days we’ll be recruiting to rebuild as well as having a few practice battles / training to check our progress.As Purp always used to say recruiting will get us far and we shall follow in her foot steps and in her advice.

Keep faith in your division UK and one day we’ll fight to get back to this


“Don’t give up, the beginning is always the hardest, so let’s keep going till the very end!” Natsu Dragneel

Super Edwin


7 Responses

  1. I attended

  2. it was a nice battle. acp will hopefully improve, same with rpf.

  3. Helsman, bring us about. Set course – to glory.

  4. YAYYYY! We maxed 11 btw! Here are my pics:
    http://prntscr.com/9aqqyz (perfect E+K bomb whilst brad gets stolen by aliens)
    http://prntscr.com/9aqml2 (E+C bomb)
    http://prntscr.com/9aqlhs Perfect E+2 in line
    http://prntscr.com/9aqk4x E+8 + E+H

  5. That awkward moment when I’m in the old picture.

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