The Rebuilding of Our Great Nation | Operation Phoenix

It’s time to act.


Greetings ACP.

I’ll be pointing out the obvious. I address you here on this website because we are in an extremely rough position at the moment. In fact, this is one of the worst conditions ACP has ever been in for a long while. When the ownership was internally working against Trader and Max’s multilogging, both Trader and Max stated to me personally that we’d have nothing to fall back on if we were to end multilogging. I ignored these warnings, as I had desired to be the incarnation of justice and honor in the Army of Club Penguin. So together, ACP’s owners and I continued pushing against the multilogging regime. Finally, Trader had retired and Max was fired soon after. I had finally got what I wished for, but it didn’t come the way I hoped for. Instead of seeing a prosperous ACP, I came to see something on the brink of crumbling. Sure, I had ridden this army of it’s corruption and immoral acts, but that means nothing now that our army is on the verge of complete collapse.

At the moment, all of our divisions are struggling to survive. Some divisions have had little to no activity over the past week, and haven’t been performing as well as our ownership had envisioned them to be. We’ve had an extreme shortage of troops and we haven’t found a stable method of recruiting new people to our army, meaning that the replenishment of our troops has been almost impossible. It’s the hard truth that ACP isn’t going to survive at this current rate, and we must do something about it. This is in no way our troops’ fault. You have all worked your hardest and stayed loyal ignoring how badly we are performing, and I can’t thank you hard enough for that. It isn’t the owner’s fault either. You are all working for the benefit of your respective divisions and doing your best without resorting to multlogging. The fault of this collapse lies on those who turned their backs to us and left the army, for the purpose of gaining something greater in another army. If such a traitor is reading this post, I’d like to let you know that you are truly pathetic.

It is now time for us all to act. We must work with all our strength to make this nation great again at all costs. From this point on, all divisions must have at least 4 events a week regardless of the circumstances. The ACPRF will soon be revamped and autotyping will hopefully be reinforced in the ACP once more. Recruiting from CPPS chats seem to be a necessity, and that will be worked towards as well. The amount of moderators and owners attending events for their own divisions has greatly disappointed me recently. Included in Operation Phoenix is the increased strictness of rule guidelines for owners and moderators. Rules regarding event attendance are hereby implemented by the sole leader of the ACP (Sidie9) and are listed below:

Owners are required to attend every event of their respective division from this point forward, with an exception of one event a week. Failure to abide by this rule will result in punishment (this excludes unscheduled events).

Moderators are required to attend every event of their respective division from this point forward, with an exception of two events a week. Failure to abide by this rule will result in punishment (this excludes unscheduled events).

Laziness is no longer tolerated by me and the ownership, and it needs to be addressed within this army. Chat rules will continue to be enforced, and cussing will result in an immediate 1 hour ban.

We need to do something, and we are going to do something. We cannot let this army crumble any more. We are at breaking point and we must work together and rise to the challenge.

We need to stand tall. Will you join me?

Or will you turn your back to us?

I will know your answer to that question in due time.

Will you stand with me?

Will you –


… defend freedom –

and preserve justice?

I’ll let you decide.

xaticon lelouch2


ACP Leader

10 Responses

  1. Good luck ACP. Get well soon.

  2. The Time Lords stand with you.

  3. May the force be with you.

  4. Live Long and Prosper.

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