Message to all ACP troops: Fun events including prizes and games will be scheduled soon! Be on the lookout for those on the events post.
- Introduction
- The 12-Month Recap
- Messages from former ACP leaders/legends and I
Greetings ACP!
Two days ago, September the 29th, marked the 9th year since this grand army’s establishment. The ACP has been defending freedom and preserving justice on this island since it’s creation by Oagalthorp, and no matter how many struggles we have faced – we have always prevailed. This post is dedicated to the eventful 12 months since our army’s 8th birthday.
This post could possibly contain largest recap on the ACP website (beat that Purp!).
The 12-Month Recap
October 2014

US/UK – Champions Cup battle against Golds
While this month wasn’t as eventful as many others, it saw the ACP succeed with landslide victories against multiple armies in the Champions Cup against the Golds and later the Red Strikers, seeing fantastic sizes of 30-40+. Then, for the first time since the 22nd of June, the Second Triumvirate (consisting of Mrtchy, Purple Slime4 and Mikester) took the top spot in the CPAC top ten on October the 5th. On October the 10th ACP leader Mrtchy announced the abolishing of autotyping within our army, and the army continued to see successful consistent results.
Time then brought us to October the 14th, when former ACP soldier 78562cool announced his retirement from the community. The ACP sadly went on to lose to the IW in the Champions Cup after a less-than-average performance by our forces. The army continued with their training sessions, u-leads and practice battles, all proving successful.
November 2014

AUSIA – Raid of Ice Box
November proved to be a rather eventful month, including newly returned hostilities with the Light Troops. On November the 1st, an AUSIA practice battle with the Doritos went out of control when Light Troops forces surprisingly logged on as well. On November the 3rd, loyal ACP soldier I Am Kicky departed from the army community. An AUSIA recruiting session was raided by a relatively small Light Troops force which complete ACP victory. November the 6th saw ACP leader Mikester retire, marking the end of the Second Triumvirate.
The ACP AUSIA division decided to challenge the Light Troops to a battle on the server Ice Box on November the 7th and succeeded in an absolute victory. We continued to host regular events as well as raids on Light Troop soil, and a number of defenses of Breeze occurred as well.
After countless raids and battles between the ACP and the Light Troops, ACP leader Mrtchy issued a declaration of war against the Light Troops military. We went on to succeed in invasions of Crunch, Thermal, Tuxedo, Sleet and Half Pipe. We finished of the month with a gigantic battle over Breeze with the Light Troops army, in which we came out victorious.
December 2014

AUSIA – Mrtchy’s final event
We began the month of December with the invasion of Migrator and the reclamation of Breeze, both proving to be a success. We continued to invade and defend numerous servers from the Light Troops, and met almost constant success until we finally failed to defend our capital Breeze from the enemy. On December the 9th, a loyal moderator named Rockstar1819 was promoted to third in command of the AUSIA division and the ACP.
We continued to invade many servers such as Ice Box countless times. On December the 14th, we were met with the sad departure of ACP owner Jacknat02. We saw another departure on the 20th, this time it was our beloved and amazing leader Mrtchy, who had commanded the ACP and it’s AUSIA division since Flipmoo’s retirement in late June. His retirement saw 40+ penguins online and gave him a great farewell.
The 20th day also saw the promotion of two moderators to temporary 3ic, King Mondo and Sonic. The next day, the Nachos launched a declaration of war against our empire and it was met with a swift response from former ACP leader Flipmoo, who threatened to return if the war was to continue. On December the 23rd, we received an early Christmas present from the Dark Warriors – including numerous servers from the Nacho nation – due to the Nacho breaking their treaty with DW.
We then went on to celebrate Christmas with numerous fun posts, including the promotion of Fluffyboy3 to the leader position, and cleansed many of our servers. On the last day of the month, King Mondo and Lumarnara were promoted to third in command. This was followed by the retirement of dear old ACP soldier and a friend of mine, Superaalden/Fluffy Sheep.
January 2015

US – War Training
The month of January began with our AUSIA division celebrating the new year, along with the retirement of former ACP owner Wicked Wickz. We battled the Nachos and Light Troops over numerous servers such as Mammoth and Breeze, until former ACP leader Flipmoo announced the end of the Nacho – ACP war on January the 3rd along with a new treaty between the two armies. The 17th day of the month saw us warn the Omegas army we’d declare war if they continued stealing our troops, and we did. On the 18th, Maxy777 of the UK force published the ACP’s declaration of war and scheduled the invasions of their nation.
We continued to host training and recruiting sessions, as well as invade servers from their nation until there was nothing left. Lumarnara finally declaring victory over the Omegas on the 29th.
February 2015

February was a rather uneventful month filled with training sessions, recruiting sessions, practice battles and U-Leads. The AUSIA division battled RPF for fun on the 3rd and succeeded, and the UK division lost in a practice battle against WV. A majority of the month was filled with constant practice battles and recruiting, until February the 27th when Sidie9 was promoted to third in command, which was definitely the greatest thing to ever happen in my army career :D. We finished the month off with a success against the Fire Warriors in the March Madness CPAC tournament, maxing 25+.
March 2013

AUSIA – War Training
The new month of March began with a post by me issuing my new adventure as third in command. On the 8th of March, ACP leader Fluffyboy3 announced the abolishing of the medal promotion system. Long-serving ACP leader and soldier (perhaps one of the kindest and friendliest too) Purple Slime4 retired on the 13th, leaving behind the legacy of a great leader who lead during the third triumvirate, kept the army in shape and enacted true kindness to all troops and even enemies. 2-time leader of the ACP Kingfunks4 returned to the army as a third in command two days later on the 15th of March.
The army continued to host regular events, including a UK/US Saint Patrick’s Day celebration where we maxed 25+. On March the 18th, ACP leader Fluffyboy3 was forced to step down from his leadership position after an ownership vote which resulted with a landslide victory in support of his removal. Along with the removal, Ahmed 7569 was inaugurated as the leader of the ACP. We began invading Light Troops servers and met success at almost every event, having a size of around 20 constantly.
April 2015

AUSIA – The Retirement of Star (Invasion of Snow Fort)
On April the 1st the leadership pranked ACP moderator Crazy Tow by saying he was promoted to leader for April Fools :D. ACP leader Ahmed announced that no ACP troop could join or even assist Earthing’s new army, the Insurgents. We invaded many LT servers and defended them as well, and ACP owner Skyfish officially announced his retirement on April 5th. On the same day, the Nachos army issued an official declaration of war against our nation.
We battled over servers such as Breeze, White House and Fjord. On April the 12th, the much loved ACP AUSIA Commander Star/Myma001 announced her departure from the army. Her retirement event met sizes of 25-30+, and was replaced by Sidie9. After numerous events, ACP 4ic Abhi20 of the AUSIA force announced his retirement on the 27th of April.
May 2015

US/UK – Tournament Battle Against Shadow Troops
The month of May began with the announcement that ACP was #1 on CPAC’s “Top 30 Armies of All Time” list, a rather prestigious achievement. We went into a massive operation to rebuild after hitting a low 8th on CPAC’s top ten armies on May the 10th, and reconstruction became the main priority. Kenneth had his birthday on May the 13th and he was promoted to the rank of Captain! On May the 17th, we decimated the Shadow Troops in the first round of the Spring Smackdown, mustering 27+ troops.
On May the 27th, ACP leader Ahmed7569 officially promoted second in command Bam117 (the greatest savage man on earth) to the rank of leader. To finish off the month, the US force raided Nacho capital Fjord.
June 2015

US – Raid of Fjord
The Army of Club Penguin grew a lot as a whole during the month of June, seeing a massive increase of size at events. The month began with a large AUSIA training session, meeting 22+ troops online. We raided Fjord on the 2nd of June, meeting great sizes. On the 4th, ACP leader Bam117 announced a simple new uniform that soldiers would have to wear to battle. June the 6th saw the sad departure of ACP third in command and AUSIA division co-leader, Rockstar1819. The AUSIA division followed his retirement with a large success in a practice battle with the Water Ninjas, maxing 20.
On June the 11th, a PB with the Nachos went wrong (or right?) when the Nachos refused to show up and ACP decided to raid the Nachos capital instead. We showed what we were capable of once again, and showed a troop count of 35-40+. The US division followed this up with a successful practice battle against the Ice Warriors, gathering 30-35+ troops. After the Dark Warriors announced a declaration of war against the D.R.A.C.P, the ACP AUSIA division raided the U.S.D.W capital Frosty, maxing 17-19+.
The US division raided the server Fjord once more on June the 15, averaging around 33+ troops. On the 25th, a practice battle with the Nachos was raided by an army named SHIELD, which had an ownership consisting of some rogue ACP owners. ACP leader Ahmed7569 sadly announced his official resignation from the position of leader and D.R.A.C.P president on the 27th of June, leaving Bam117 to be the sole leader of the army. The month ended with 3 successful training sessions, 2 of them being raided by SHIELD.
July 2015

UK/US – Raid of [server not mentioned]
July began with a successful AUSIA divisiontraining session, a US division battle with Nachos and a long-awaited sequel to Kenneth1000’s award-winning reality television show “Cooking With Bam117” released on the 4th of July! The next day a US division training session was raided by the old troll group Purple Republic, and Bam117 promoted fourth in commands Lord West and Trader to third in commands. On the 8th, the Nachos empire declared war on the ACP and invasions/defenses were published. Bam117 the greatest savage man in the world made a post calling out the ‘Nachos SS concept” the next day. The Nachos were decimated for the next 10 days, as the ACP outnumbered them in almost every conflict.
On June the 23rd Bam117 launched “Operation P.A.R.R.O.T,” an operation dedicated to taking a majority of the RPF’s nation. After 24 hours, the ACP had already declared the operation a success after seizing RPF’s capital server Tuxedo and many others. On the final day of the month, Bam117 announced his temporary leave from the ACP due to an important real-life situation, and left Albaro Lord and Sidie9 in charge of the army as temporary leaders.
August 2015

US – Re-invasion of Snow Fort
We began the month of August with the first battle of the Legends Cup VI against the Nachos SS, where we took the victory with ease and had a troop count of 20+. ACP temporary leaders Albaro Lord and Sidie9 launched Operation Babirusa on the 1st of August in an effort to turn the war with the RPF around. We began the operation with a successful AUSIA re-invasion of Breeze, maxing 16-17 troops. The US division followed the success up with a victory on the server Snow Fort when RPF forces failed the defend in the first 20 minutes of the battle, automatically giving ACP the victory. We then invaded Snow Globe, meeting victory once more.
On the 4th, the rising army named the Snow Ninjas merged into the ACP and many new soldiers joined our ranks. After the merge we succeeded against the RPF in two invasions, the invasion of Grasshopper and Ice Berg. On the 6th, Albaro Lord met with RPF leader Silverburg and agreed to postpone the war until the end of the Legends Cup VI tournament. Bam117 returned the next day and held a training session on Breeze maxing 35+ troops. Sadly his reign as ACP came to an end after defeating the Ice Warriors in an upset at the Legends Cup VI on the 7th of August, and published his retirement post the next day on the 8th. Filling into his place was temporary ACP leaders Albaro Lord and Sidie9.
On the same day as Bam117’s retirement, the Special Weapons and Tactics army declared war on the ACP. We quickly responding with our own invasions and published defenses. We succeeded in defending Breeze and Snow Fort, and seized several servers from their nation as well. On August the 10th, Maxy777 revived the inactive ACP Recruiting Force. The week continued with battles against SWAT until we faced and sadly lost to RPF in the next round of the Legend Cup VI, maxing 20+ soldiers. Battles with SWAT raged on until the 21st, when our brother ally the Doritos crushed them and their alliance that they had gathered to defeat DCP. On the same day, leader Albaro Lord announced his retirement from the Club Penguin army community after a week of leading the ACP, leaving Sidie9 to lead the ACP alone.
We finished off August with some successful invasions of free servers, and the return of Kenneth1000 as a leader alongside Sidie.
September 2015

US – Practice Battle with Dark Bandits
The “September Drop” came into full effect this year during September, as many troops went back to school and events dropped in quality. We began with several training sessions, all of which emitted average results. On September the 5th, Sidie9 announced the ACP’s return to the New Dawn Alliance. On September the 6th, the Dark Bandits transferred their entire nation to the ACP (consisting of Ice Shelf and Cream Soda). The 11th marked the birthday of long-time ACP veteran, fourth in command and Medal of Honor recipient Noka8 On the 12th, ACP second in command CapnRyan11 went on leave and ACP moderator Rix15 became temporary ACP third in command. On the same day, ACP had a practice battle with DB who failed to show up, maxing 23+.
On September the 13th, Operation Broken Steel was initiated by the ACP leadership with the goal to annex bring freedom and democracy to servers of smaller armies such as Rain Force and Puffle Attack. The operation was a success, claiming many new servers for the ACP nation. On September the 20th, Kenneth1000 – who had been serving as an ACP leader for the past few weeks (and the host of the show “Cooking with Bam” – stepped back down to the rank of captain. On the 22nd, ACP fourth in command Max43810 was promoted to third in command.
We finished off the month with numerous recruiting and tactics sessions (all proving rather successful) and ACP’s 9th birthday on the 29th of September!
Messages from former ACP leaders/legends and I
Due to the special occasion happens to be Army of Club Penguins’s 9th Anniversary, I have asked some former leaders/legends of the ACP to share some words concerning the anniversary, how ACP has progressed as an army and the impact that ACP has had on themselves.
Kenneth1000: Sidie has asked me to say a few words, so here it goes. This is the 6th time I have celebrated ACP’s birthday and even then it never gets old. The ACP is a historic army and I believe our birthday is not just an important event for the ACP, but it is an important event for all of CP armies. This army has made an indelible impact in this community. We have influenced many armies and made history, not to mention the number of CPAC Army Legends this army has produced. Throughout the years I have been in this army, it has been a part of me, so I celebrate this birthday almost with the same emotion and feeling I would on my actual birthday. We will continuing achieving great things together. Happy Birthday ACP!
Flipmoo (Slimball2007): To be written!
Mchappy: I have been asked to write a paragraph or two in celebrating of our anniversary. First I’d like to say, I’m honored to be asked. I have been helping this army for around seven years now. Seven. I have not regret any of it, as I have made amazing friendships that will last a life time. We have essentially been at the forefront of this community for as long as I can remember. Even if we lost a bit of ground in the Top Ten, we are still able to help define and shape this community.
I wrote a post a long time ago, asking if the people of the Army of Club Penguin would never give up even if it got tough. I asked the soldiers if they would still be dedicated had ACP – for whatever reason – fallen from the “grace” of the Top Ten. I have seen it countless times where we are able to push back and rise again, and again, and again. People would think our time was finally over, but we would just bounce back. This is my favorite thing about this army. It’s ability to adapt. No army has had to do it as much as us.
Yes, this is just a silly Club Penguin group where we spend our free time to relax from real world stress. But I ask that all of you take a while to think about the history this army has done. Feel free to look into our archives, picking random months/years and just reading. Looking up “army of club penguin” on Google, and just reading. Being aware of our history will motivate you all to continue this great legacy.
We will always be a family. We will always be a community. Even when Club Penguin is long gone. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Purpleslime4: HOLY HECK!!!! WE MADE IT TO 9 YEARS! THAT’S.. THAT’S 108 MONTHS! ACP’S BEEN LIVIN’ FOR 108 MONTHS! I’m so happy for ACP right now, NINE FRICKIN’ YEARS! GREAT JOB. THIS IS SO GROOVY. And also, ditto to everyone else’s messages because I have no time to write this D= Keep defending freedom and preserving justice, ACP!
Sidie9/Vexillarius: Ever since August the 8th I have had the pleasure of leading the amazing army that is the ACP, and I can tell you right now that being in this army has been the most enjoyable experience in my army career. The ACP has always been family, and the number of friends that I have made here is amazing. It is because ACP made me feel at home that I stayed after I rejoined in November last year, and I probably wouldn’t be in the community right now if it weren’t for that. I have shared so many unforgettable experiences leading and serving as an ACP soldier, and many of the people I met have helped me get to where I am today. Even after I retire, I will never forget the ACP and the troops that I have met.
It is not the leader that defines the army, it is YOU. No matter how many leaderships pass by it is the troops that make the army what it is, and without the troops we are neither an army or a family. I would like to thank all of those who have served the ACP in the past or the present, or those who have assisted us in our times of need. I will probably never be viewed as a great leader, but that doens’t matter to me. What matters is that we remain what we are: the Army of Club Penguin, a family.
As this 3000+ word post concludes, I would like to remind you that the ACP is not over. 9 years is not and will never be enough, as we will reach high points and soar through the top ten for another year. It is no lie that the ACP is in a rough spot right now. Very recently we dropped to 9-10th in the CPAC Top Ten a few weeks after my inauguration as ACP leader. However, that will not stop us.
We are unstoppable.
No matter how much we fall, we will always come back stronger than before.
We are unstoppable.
No army can stop us on our road back to the top.
We are unstoppable.
It is our dedication that will bring the ACP back to it’s former glory. Now is the time to show the community that we aren’t over.
We are unstoppable.
Happy Birthday ACP!
Ƈσммαηɗєя Sιɗιє [vex]
ACP Leader
Filed under: ACP | Tagged: Army of Club Penguin, army of club penguin 9th birthday, Army of CP, clover fighter, clover fighters, Club Penguin, sidie, sidie9 |
Excellent post! Wow, 9 years of ACP. That’s really a long time! ACP will bounce back more than ever and show the army we are strong.
Happy anniversary to ACP from DCP
happy anniversary!
Whooooo! Awesome! 😀
Happy birthday guys! ^-^
I am very proud to have been part of the longest tradition in CP armies. I know I don’t stop in very often but I do read this website weekly at a minimum. It’s truly incredible this organization is 9 years old. It astounds me that in a few months it will have been 7 years since I first discovered this army. We’ve been through our ups and down in that time but we’ve shown that our dedication and purpose has never waned and our resolve stronger than ever. Happy 9th birthday ACP!
-Lumarnara, ACP soldier
call me purplejelly4 cos I AM JEALOUS OF THIS POST!! IT’S SO MUCH BETTER THAN MY 8TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY POST!! You certainly beat me to it, it’s the big ol’ year recap! Epic post there, Vex. Just makes me super proud to have been in this army and it’s awesome how we’re older than kids in YEAR 4 right now! So. Awesome. Cannot wait for 10 years. STAY LIVIN ACP!
All Hail The ACP!