[AUSIA] Clovers Celebrate Veterans Day!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND “Veterans Day Tribute Event”– Good evening ACP! On Sunday, 12th November, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in the server of Battleground to celebrate Veteran’s Day. We first did numerous creative tactics, which were dedicated to ACP veterans and legends, who have contributed significantly towards the growth of the army, thus helping ACP attain peak multiple times throughout the past seventeen years of existence, before proceeding to pay tribute to the real-life superheroes who were willing to sacrifice their life to keep the citizens safe. We started by warming up in the Town, before moving to the Snow Forts, where we also concluded our event. Thanks to everyone who attended, thus making it possible for us to attain a maximum size of 25. Additionally, thanks to AustinFraud and Zoomey for leading the event.

Max Size: 25

Max Size Picture:

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Veterans Day / Remembrance Day


On this November 11th, 2016, we remember and respect all the fallen soldiers who gave their lives and those who are currently placing their lives on the line to protect their country, its people, and what it stands for. We owe a great deal to these brave soldiers, because without them, we would not be here today. Continue reading