[AUSIA] Clovers Re-awaken The Fire Warriors!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND, Fire Warriors Revival– Good evening ACP! Yesterday, 24th November, our AUSIA division logged onto CPA Battleground in the server of Battleground for a themed event dedicated to the former army named Fire Warriors, which our honorable Commander-in-chief AustinFraud, and General Ugly have led in the past. We began gathering in the Town under the tag and uniform of Fire Warriors. The leading of this event was carried out by AustinFraud, Ugly, and Alemax. The event occurred in the rooms of Iceberg and Snow Forts. We practiced various formations and did numerous event-theme-related tactics, before finally concluding the event in Snow Forts. Thanks to those who attended thus making it possible for us to obtain a maximum size of 22.

Max Size: 22

Max Size Picture:

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