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Events for the Week 1st August – 7th August


This past week, we’ve seen much tactical improvement, as well as during this interesting month of July. We’ve advanced in the very important Legends Cup tournament continuously, and there’s been larger participation in events as well as the army as a whole. Let me say this now; if this is continuous, ACP will continue to live long & prosper in harmony. It may seem like it’s overwhelming or a lot of work to contribute, but in reality it isn’t. Time management is also not hard to practice, so combine the two of them. Let’s advance in the tournament and make this month an amazing one.


Remember to comment on the results posts to show you attended!

Make sure to comment on this post which events you can attend!

❗ Today’s Events ❗

❗ [US] Legends Cup Tournament Training ❗

When: 4th August 2016

Server: TBA (To Be Announced)


6 pm EST

5 pm CST

4 pm MST

3 pm PST

12 am GMT



❗ [UK] Practice Battle vs. ??? ❗

When: 5th August 2016

Server: ~~


8:30 pm GMT

3:30 pm EST

2:30 pm CST

1:30 pm MST

12:30 pm PST


❗ [US] Practice Battle vs. ??? ❗

When: 5th August 2016

Server: ~~


7 pm EST

6 pm CST

5 pm MST

4 pm PST

12 am GMT



❗ [UK] Legends Cup Training ❗

When: 6th August 2016

Server: Breeze


8:30 pm GMT

3:30 pm EST

2:30 pm CST

1:30 pm MST

12:30 pm PST


❗ [US] Legends Cup Training ❗

When: 6th August 2016

Server: Breeze


7 pm EST

6 pm CST

5 pm MST

4 pm PST

12 am GMT


Impressive USA Recruiting Operation



Today we logged on to CP for what would turn out to be an amazing start to this new week. Once we arrived on the server and we had the all clear, the operation was underway. Quickly, we gained size and attracted the attention of many people continuously. New recruits started coming on chat, and even after the event ended, there was still a lot of people partying and having a lot of fun. This was a great day in modern ACP history, as there was true influence demonstrated. Great effort today, I’m proud of us. Let’s continue these great sizes and have a consistent week.

Max: 33

Average: 30-32

**Don’t forget the invasion of Zipline tomorrow @3pm EST! [MANDATORY EVENT].**

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