Raid of CPA’s Battle Royale Final

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Active Count

Events for the Week

UK Tactic Session on Breeze Results

Fun Events to look forward to

Greetings, ACP. Today we raided CPA’s Battle Royale final battle against RPF and Nachos to celebrate Edwin Appreciation Day; this raid was unscheduled as we only decided to raid six minutes before the battle however we managed to max 13 in the main rooms with around 2 and 3 lockouts meaning we maxed 15 in total. Our tactics were weak but we had a lot of troops lagging out on Club Penguin but overall it was an enjoyable event which was quite funny. Carry on reading for pictures of the event.

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UK/US Unscheduled Mining Expedition on Blizzard

Important Posts to Read:

ACP’s 10th Anniversary Reunion Movie Night

10 Years of Leaders #Boomer 20

Beef it Up

Greetings, ACP. Today we logged on for a quick mining expedition on Blizzard where we maxed fifteen and averaged around thirteen/fourteen. The tactics we managed to do were quite good. Make sure to carry on reading for pictures of the event.

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UK/US Practice Battle with AR results [Tie]

Greetings, ACP. Today the UK/US had a combined event with a practice battle vs AR which resulted in a tie; the practice battle overall was great fun and we hope we can have more of these fun practice battles with AR in the future. We maxed fifteen in this practice battle with our tactics improving as the event progressed. Carry on reading for pictures of the battle.


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UK Mining Expedition on Ice Berg

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Events for the Week

August Promotions

New AUSIA Leader

Greetings, ACP. Today, UK had it’s first event of September which consisted of logging on Ice Berg for a Mining Expedition. We maxed 15  in this event. Carry on reading for pictures of the event. P.S Can you believe ACP is turning 10 this month? 😮 

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