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BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Hello ACP! Today we’re back with a new post called: Veteran Stories! In this post we will be sharing some stories about a few of our beloved veterans most rememberable times in ACP!
Let’s start with the one and only… ADAM! He’s also known as Austin or breadpan his response was short, but amazing. When asked about his most memorable memory in ACP, Adam said,
“Probably the breadpan raids.I distinctly remember everyone getting in VC while being breadpan and Calgo saying ‘what the heck.'”
Adam shared a short but funny memory! Lets move on to the next veteran, Kyle! Kyle’s favourite memory was being an extraordinary staff member in recruiting, one of his best memories in ACP was him breaking his own recruiting score of 246 in a week! He recruited 302 people in one week.
Ok! Now we are moving onto another beloved veteran… SHEBYR! Her answer was also short but hilarious! She wanted her answer to be exact so here’s what she said!
“winning the fashion contests bc I knew what I was doing unlike y’all bozos 💯💯💯” Lmaoo! This response is “Very cutesy, Very demure” – quote by ugly (nevada). “
Here’s a pic from the fashion show,,,,
Our next veteran is, Cherry!! Her response was,
“I have so many top ACP memories from over the years, and I’ve met most of discord friends from here 🙂 For events, I’d say winning best group with joe, doink, and des (odd & xue honorary mention) at the ACP 14th birthday party. It was sooo chaotic running around + emerald sparkle shoes forever. I loved the break day events too—I remember mancala, jiu jitsu tournaments, SKRRIBL.IO (please @ me whenever there’s a game), and getting destroyed in hunger games simulator. Shout out to my puffles and the igloo events with uninvited bots :p ”
We have our first story response!! Cherry was an amazing staff member that had a ton of amazing memories with ACP.❤️
And last but not least, Henry!! Some of her best memories in ACP were,…
” 1. waking up at 5:45am almost every day in a week midway through 2020 to attend ausia war battles sometime during world war rewritten 2. getting troop of the month may 2020 😀 3. writing and publishing my first ever cpahq article (and by extension judging my first battle) 4. yelling at people to go to sleep on a regular basis (main chat got deleted one time but i still scraped up at least 20 instances of me telling someone to go to sleep)”
Henry has a lot of amazing memories with ACP 🙂 Big thanks to all the veterans that took part in this article and sharing their memories! And thank YOU for reading this post.
What do YOU think of their favourite memories? Make sure to comment below the post
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