BLIZZARD – Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – This week, we saw the beginning of Christmas Chaos XIV unfold with ACP successfully proceeding to the Semi Finals. CC is one of the biggest tournaments of the year, and so we reached out to various members (and staff) of ACP to ask their thoughts on the tournament.
This post will contain an exclusive interview from Sergeant Major and last Soldier of The Week Soringel, a new addition to the ACP family and Corporal Sekaa, recently appointed Major General Waddle, Field Marshal Sanya, ACP Legend KingFraud and ACP Legend and CPA Administrator Coolguy.
Let’s find out what they had to say about the Christmas Chaos tournament!

What are your overall thoughts about the Christmas Chaos tournament?
Soringel: This is my first Christmas Chaos and the quarter finals was my very first battle, as such I’m very excited. We are of to a great start.
Sekaa: This year’s christmas chaos has been insane (in the best way!) The battles are intense and the competition is fierce (most of the time). Everyone’s bringing their best, but I know ACP is bringing the win. This tournament isn’t just a fight, it’s a chance for ACP to prove why we’re the biggest army in CPA
Waddle: Its an interesting tournament with a great theme but it is scheduled right around the holidays and exam season. Will definitely be interesting to see how its progresses due to the overall dip in cpa sizes, vets will play a vital role in my opinion.
Sanya: I believe this is the most challenging and most competitive CC so far as we’ve gotten some challenging competitors for this year and we haven’t seen this level of competition in CC for quite some time
KingFraud: Balls
Coolguy: The Christmas Chaos tournament has started off with a bang, there has been many matchups which have had predictable results but there has been one or two interesting battles. The one which interested me the most was Aliens vs Templars. Usually, the Templars would be expected to win but I had a feelings aliens brought something to the table that we had not seen the full potential of and boy did they prove me right there. The next round is set to be intense too.
What do you think is the most important thing to help you prepare?
Soringel: Practise! I’ve noticed a big improvement in my skills the more events I attended. Practising emote tactics and copying word tactics will be of great help, given that I occasionally tend to walk out of formation or send the ES emote when trying to sit down, especially when things get hectic and tactics faster.
Sekaa: Teamwork and focus, no question. You have to know your formations, follow tactics fast, and work together as a team. But it’s also all about the mindset. If we show up ready to win, there’s no stopping us. ACP doesn’t just practice to compete we practice to win And when we hit that battlefield, you’ll see results
Waddle: Motivation and time. To be the best all members must be committed to winning and put in as much time and effort as they can, especially staff and hcom. It is important staff is able to communicate the importance of the tournament to the troops so they also feel the same motivation and sense of commitment.
Sanya: The most important thing to help me prepare is to help HCOM write tactics, suggest ideas and overall try my best to recruit and activate whenever I can despite my busy school schedule
KingFraud: Rizzing mommies and shouting at staff 24/7 that they’re nothing worth compared to what we can achieve this Christmas Chaos
Coolguy: When preparing for tournaments, the most important thing really is the week leading up to the battle. Whether it means recruiting, dming, preparing tactics, activating accounts, preparing battle plans for leading and staff, making sure people are comfortable but also excited and making sure people are reminded and aware. All of this is important because you could be the best leader but without the preparations during the week then it means nothing.
Battles in CC can be pretty intense. Is there an army you think could be challenge for ACP to win against?
Soringel: No, ACP is the greatest Army of all time and if we give our best we will win. ACP OWNS!
Sekaa: There are strong armies out there like the Doritos or RPF, but if i’m honest, no one is tougher than ACP when we’re LOCKED IN.
Waddle: In my opinion, we are doing very well as seen in the quarter-finals but its no fun if the tournament is too easy to win. The main challenge I see is RPF with their past performance in tournaments, but we have the next two weeks to ensure well trained troops are able to perform flawlessly in the grand finals.
Sanya: DCP would be quite a challenge to battle with and honestly I see ACP vs DCP being the battle to watch for this upcoming CCKingFraud: SWAT
Coolguy: The next round will be the biggest challenge when ACP faces DCP. Both armies have seen big sizes but neither are willing to go down without a fight. Both will have to do something pretty special if they want to come out with the win. This is a tournament defining battle but rn the Doritos have the most momentum with their maxes so it’s all to play for.
What does Christmas Chaos mean to you?
Soringel: It is my first tournament and my first battle was during CC as such it will always have a special place in my heart, regardless of outcome.
Sekaa: As a new troop, christmas chaos means a lot to me. It’s my chance to be part of something huge we are all celebrating when we bring home that victoryWaddle: Means its time to get ready and show how good we are! We are all prepared to make this event memorable 😀
Sanya: Personally, this is my first Christmas Chaos despite me being in the army community for quite some time but I would like to win it as it would be a nice goal and achievement to have for the army before 2024 ends
KingFraud: Christmas?….
Coolguy: Christmas Chaos is a historic tournament and it marks the beginning Christmas season in CPA, while it is a big moment for armies to prove themselves, it is a great period for armies to thrive and also just simply enjoy the Christmas season together. Christmas is about spending time with loved ones and while armies take time away from our real life time, the moments that are shared between friends in armies can also be special. So aiming to win the cc is amazing and that will mean a lot to armies because of its history but the time spent can also be special
We recently battled People’s Imperial Confederation. How do you think it went? Do you feel there is any way we could do better in the next round?
Soringel: It went absolutely fantastic, we had a lot of members participate and the tactics where beautiful executed, in facting I was considering if I misread something and thought this was a practice battle we where that good.
Sekaa: From what i saw, we totally crushed it. Good forms, creative tactics, and ofc a good size. As someone who’s not been here a while, its interesting to see how well ACP operates. The next battle is gonna be way harder, so if we want to do better we might want to focus on things like spacing out the forms so everyone’s spread out, and making sure everyone are awake. Other than that, though, we are gucci
Waddle: Well PIC was a no show, it was a practice event for us ig. Hope the didnt mind! Honestly we maxxed well, we were good with tactics just need to use this week to be faster and the best we can be!!
Sanya: Honestly it was mostly training as PIC didn’t really bothered to show up and in the end we were battling scars multilogs so that was rather bizarre but I think we could have been better by doing more creative formations to help train our troops
KingFraud: The closest battle to be recorded in CPA
Coolguy: I didn’t see the battle but I don’t think that ACP would’ve been worried about PIC as an opponent given the size difference between the two.
Finally, what three things do you think every army needs to win this tournament? Do you think ACP has achieved this?
Soringel: Dedicated members, great leaders and great tactics. To be fair the last two are kind of synonymous, but great tactics on a google doc are useless without great leaders to give them out and react to any circumstances. I do think ACP has all three of these under its belt, although some improvements can be made. While they were a great number of penguins in this first battle, there were quite a few afk penguins and we can definitely improve a bit on the execution of tactics. It is quite embarrassing though to receive word tactics that do not fit the word count…
Sekaa: Every army needs 1) Strong leadership, 2) Solid teamwork, and 3) A lot of hyping. From what i can tell, ACP has all of this.
Waddle: Well I think of qualities like Determination, Persistence and Skill. I also think of three quantifiable things Speed, Experience and Size. Acp has all the qualities no doubt, we are all working very hard to make sure we do our best and get the trophy! Our leaders, hcom and staff also have a great level of experience, we are fast during battles and have a consistent size. For the tournament we just need to practice more and max a little higher than normal c:
Sanya: Recruiting, Mentoring and Teamwork that’s the core things an army needs to win a tournament and if we have all of that we can do really well and I believe we have achieved this and I’m hoping for next week we as a team can step up and help move forward to the next round
KingFraud: Discord mods, no lifers and people who live in their mom’s basement
Coolguy: I think that every army should be listening to the judges comments and feedback because at the end of the day, if they judge and see something that an army needs to do to improve and the army doesn’t take that feedback then it’s their fault if they lose. It can be essential for armies to grow and improve their own skills. Secondly armies need to be able to be a unit and that requires working almost nonstop, sacrificing any spare time for the good of the army, not one person on a staff team can afford to be without anything to do because if just one person it letting the team down then it will hurt the army, allowing others to capitalise. Thirdly, armies can’t afford to underestimate their opponent or underhype any battle, big or small because if the hype is low to begin with, it’s going to be even harder to get it up for the next round and it can hugely affect an army’s momentum. Most importantly, armies should have fun and make sure the atmosphere feels special, intense but in a hyped kind of way.
Concluding this interview, it is notable that every member is excited for the upcoming battles, and hopefully earning the CCXIV trophy this year. Everyone has their own goals to work towards and have plenty of motivation to win this tournament! Who will be the ones to bring the trophy home? Which army has what it takes for this years victory?
What do YOU think? Is ACP going to win Christmas Chaos this year? Comment your thoughts below!
ACP Major General and Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, On This Week | Tagged: ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, AustinFraud, christmas chaos, clover defenders, clover penguins, clover trooper, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Coolguy, CP, interview, On This Week, Sanya, SB, Sekaa, Shamrock Bulletin, Soringel, Waddle |
we love to see austin taking this seriously