Private Chats with Leo

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to Private Chats, the column where we speak with soldiers within the Army of Club Penguin to find out more about them. Today we’ll be interviewing one of our newer troops, Leo!

Leo is one of our newer troops, not having been in the server for long. Despite this, you can find him in chat together with Tacobell or a few other people! They share funny memes & react with poop emotes to messages! That’s interesting to say the least. Now let’s go on to get to know Leo a little better.

what do u like to do in ur free time ?

i like to walk for hours, because it is very relaxing. i like to go watch the planes at the airport because flying metal tubes are awesome. i like to hang out with bro because we have fun

oh that sounds fun , if you could swap lives with any fictional character , who would you choose and why ?

i would choose to switch characters with The Globglogabgalab because he has a nice voice and i like his choice of vocabulary

oh that sounds like a good character. What’s a talent you have that not many people know about ?

i can speak fluent french and english

oo that sounds like a cool talent , would you rather travel to the past and meet your ancestors or to the future and meet your descendants ?

i would like to travel to the future to meet my decendants

that sounds amazing . Would you like to add anything?

thank you bossman

Thank you so much for letting us interview you, Leo! We’re glad we were able to get to know you a little better and can’t wait to talk to you again!

What do YOU think about the private chats series? Let us know in the comments! And maybe YOU will be getting interviewed in the future!


ACP Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

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