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[SATIRE] Pet Peeves: #1

Addressed to the Army Of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome to a BRAND NEW COLUMN!! In this column of “Pet Peeves”, We interview various people from all around ACP, whether it be troops, staff, hcom and even legends! Here we ask them their most relatable or funny irritations that they’ve experience some of you may even be able to relate! Let’s start.

To start off, we asked our Major Hannah about her experiences. (She begged me to release this asap help) Her question wass..

(I forgot to give a question she kinda just answered it herself 😭)

Hannah: mhy irritations are in cpab is like that u cannot have space in the room when it’s full like bro get more space and make it bigger and make more rooms cuz these rooms are boring my other irritations are like why do we always go to battleground snowforts like can y’all change the rooms for once my third irritations are like when cpab is shut down like can cpab get better wi fi And stop shutting cpab down like it’s always kicking me out my fourth irritations are that I can’t have a pink name it’s these white plain names Bro I need color like please

I had a stroke reading that but TYSMMM For your time!

Next up, We have someone from our Design & Development team which is Tobi!! Quick sneak but he’s also a Veteran. His question wassss..

What are your biggest icks about Club Penguin Army Battleground and how bad are they?

Tobi: cpab has no confirmation emails so making an account feels like throwing your information in a wishing well and hoping you don’t get hacked violently

REALLL (i just put a random email) I think most of us did put our actual emails in there so goodluck future self ig.

Second to last! We have a previous ACP Leader that was previously part of the Triumvirate and is still with us to this day. That issss…. Legend Coolguy. His question wasss…

What’s the most annoying bug in CPAB (game we use for battles) and how does it affect you?

Coolguy: I think the most annoying thing would be the game crashing or going down. Of course, sometimes these things can’t be helped but as a CPA admin or even as a CPAB head mod the game/bot going down can affect battle or even simple things such as activating accounts.

True, we’ve seen this multiple times as well and it is NOT a fun time. Specially pre-event leading up to a Battle.

Finally, we have our last guest which is our very lovely and pink snake lover, Commander-In-Chief Roxy!! She’s been with us for years and was the only one that was up at the time i was interviewing. (😭) Her question wasss..

What’s something you hate about battles, it can be pre-event, mid-event or after the event

Roxy: I really hate the way the game cannot handle too many penguins in one room. I always seem to disconnect and that really annoys me, especially when my whole game just turns into a black screen and refreshing to log back on takes a lot of time. It’s even more frustrating when I’m the one leading the event. FIX YOUR GAME SUPER 😡

Guys real, you cannot take good event pics with her in your friends list she averages like 5-7 disconnects per battle.

That concludes our first edition of Pet Peeves! Tysmm Hannah, Tobi, Coolguy & Roxy for joining us today and expressing your thoughts! As always if you want to be featured in one of these future posts you can reach out to Noa (spam her dms fr) and that’ll be all! Who will be presented next week?? And what would they say?

What would YOU say to these questions? Let us know YOUR thoughts in the comments down below!


ACP Field General & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

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