Donator Discussions with Ned

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to another edition of the Donator Discussions column, this time featuring Ned! We’re giving back to our amazing donators in this column series. It’s time to learn more about Ned for our latest Donator Discussion!

Hey Ned! Welcome to our Donator Discussions column! Could you please introduce yourself to our readers – who you are and maybe a fun fact about you that not many people know!

im just a regular guy who got introduced to armies in 2020 as i was walking around the map and saw a bunch of penguins chanting stuff then a guy by the name ‘jaylen’ dmed me on discord asking me if i wanted to join ice warriors and i agreed out of curiosity thats where my journey began, but then it got paused due to club penguin getting deleted which made me kinda miserable since then i went inactive in iw and then they quit cpa i couldn’t cope with that and so i found out about acp from one of it’s staff members and also found out that one of the good old friends who used to chat in iw in 2020 was there and so i joined acp to reunite with him little did i know it will become my 2nd home

it was a tough life aha

I see you’ve been here for quite some time! Thank you so much for donating to our server! Why did you decide to support ACP in this way, and what does ACP mean to you?

acp is a place i can come to after a long day and have fun chatting with people and so i thought i’d supoort it as a way of saying ty for being here

Aw thats so sweet! Alright so – we want to get your opinion on some of the current community trending topics. What do you make of our HUGE upcoming Legendary Return event and would u like to share your predictions of who might be returning?

I don’t really have anyone in mind as of now ig ill just be there to witness it

Awesome! I know you’ve formed a lot of close friendships in the army community, but if you could pick out one – who would it be and why?

a brotherhood with carmelo we’ve been through a lot when it came to armies, at least i have i dont know much about what he’s been through but the nostalgia is the main reason

Love that! Do you also agree that things in the army community are rapidly changing? Where do you see yourself in 6 months time?

probably living life, working, trying to get the money up as i’ll be done with school for good, i should be graduating in 2 months or so and then i’ll move on to looking for a job coming home and hopping on acp just like every other day i do except its after school

I wish you the very best for your upcoming graduation! What would you say the biggest in-real-life lesson the army community has taught you?

to strategize and communicate to achieve better results

That’s wonderful! Anddd lastly – do you have any regrets in the army community? If you could go back in time – would you change them?

I wish IW never messed up so bad to have to resort to leaving the CPA

I’ll have to agree, it’s truly heartbreaking to see them leave CPA in that way, but who knows what the future will bring! We wish you the very best Ned and thank you so much for joining me on this interview, and again for donating!


Thank you so much Ned for your time! It was great talking to you and getting to know you better! I hope we will keep seeing you around in the server. Make sure to read our next Donator Discussions column episode once it’s out!

What do YOU think about the Donator Discussions series? Let us know in the comments! Who do you think we should interview next?


ACP Shamrock Bulletin Reporter & Brigadier General

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