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    March 2024
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[UK] Golden Clover CP Journey Mission

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Golden ACP Resurrection to Number 1– Good evening ACP! On Saturday, March 30rd, our UK division logged onto CP Journey in Blizzard for a surprise event! In this event we met up inside the mines where we went to make a beautiful green wall. After this we went on the raid other people’s igloo’s. This event got held to secure our position as Number 1! It was quite a chaotic event, but it went well. Thanks to all 49 troops for attending!

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[AUSIA] ACP VS. People’s Imperial Confederation + Find Four Tournament

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BATTLEGROUND , Practice Battle with PIC – Good afternoon ACP! On Saturday March 30th ,our UK division logged onto CPA Battleground in Battleground for a practice battle against the people imperial confederation ( PIC ) , we meet up in town for early logging, than we went to the forest for fun battles with our ally, after which we later did some find four however we had to go to Club Penguin Journey for that since CPA battleground won’t let you play it. It was a short & simple event nothing to crazy & we managed to reach 31, Thanks everyone who attended today’s practice battle lets aim for #1 this week.

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