Pride Month 2021 Announcement: Celebrations and Community Parade

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – With Pride Month just around the corner, it is time for the Army of CP and Shamrock Bulletin to announce their exciting plans for an occasion that is important to so many.

For those that were not around to remember, the Pride celebrations last June were incredible, with the entire Army of CP community coming together to celebrate the diversity of our soldiers and in particular our large LGBTQIA+ community. This has left us with no choice but to go bigger and better this year. I am extremely excited to be announcing a Pride half-week starting on Tuesday June 1st, 2021.

Tuesday, June 1st

Kicking off Pride Month 2021 will be the [redacted]. The highest level security clearance is needed to access this information. An announcement will be made in due course.

Wednesday, June 2nd

On Wednesday we’re getting colorful in a ‘Rainbow Extravaganza‘ themed event, which will see our ACP soldiers sporting as many colors as they possibly can. What colors will you be wearing?

Thursday, June 3rd

Thursday will see a pause in the usual CP Rewritten event scheduling for a much deserved break day. However, plenty of other activities and Shamrock Meet-ups will be occurring, including a ‘Gay Anthems‘ music listening party and ‘ACP’s Drag Race‘ themed event hosted by Advisor Koloway. There will also be an LGBT+ Film Night, with the chance to vote for the iconic movie during the week.

Friday, June 4th

Our Friday event, Diversity Celebration is all about diversity – what makes you, you. We’ll be celebrating all our unique qualities loud and proud – coming together as one to share all the ACP love.

Saturday, June 5th

To conclude our Pride half-week celebrations, the Shamrock Bulletin is collaborating with the CP Army HQ and CP Army Hub administrators to host a community-wide Pride Parade for the entire army community to enjoy. Our goal is to unite the army community and show support for our LGBTQIA+ brothers, sisters, and non-binaries through a super fun parade that will hopefully see every army, regardless of their foreign policy and relations, come together to celebrate love.

The times and information for the community Pride Parade are as follows:

🏳️‍🌈 Community Pride Parade 🏳️‍🌈

CPPS: CP Rewritten

Server: Ascent

Rooms: Town, Night Club, Snow Forts, Docks, Ice Berg

Times: 8PM UK/BST | 7PM GMT | 3PM EST | 2PM CST | 1PM MST | 12PM PST

We are ecstatic about the upcoming plans and cannot wait to celebrate with you all next week!

What do YOU think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!


ACP Leader-in-Training & Shamrock Bulletin Administrator

9 Responses

  1. Exciting!!

  2. This is amazing <3

  3. Wow, awesome! This looks fun!

  4. I’m excited! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

  5. I love this!! can’t wait <3

  6. Whoo but can’t come 🙁

  7. This is beautiful. It’s incredibly important to celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of each other as individuals and to encourage respect and tolerance of all people regardless of our differences. Remember to be proud of who you are, and that those who make you feel otherwise are irrelevant.

  8. Wicked cool!

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