[August 2023] Comment for Promotion!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Deserve a promotion for your work in September 2023? Please comment below!

Discord Tag:

CPAB Username:

Current Rank:

Activity Level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!):

Why do you deserve a promotion?

Keep those snowballs coming,


ACP 49th Commander in Chief

One Response

  1. Discord Tag: Zoomey.

    CPAB Username: Zoomey

    Current Rank: 5ic

    Activity Level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 8

    Why do you deserve a promotion? I rejoined as a private to relearn everything I knew and I feel like I’m ready to keep the promotions coming because I consistently work hard and understand the work it takes to continue ACP as great! I Am gunning to become hcom in the near future and will continue to push, promotion or not. I hope you kindly take me into consideration :coolzoomey:

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