Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
Deserve a promotion for your work in September 2023? Please comment below!
Discord Tag:
CPAB Username:
Current Rank:
Activity Level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!):
Why do you deserve a promotion?
Keep those snowballs coming,
ACP 49th Commander in Chief
Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, Promotions | Tagged: 2023, ACP, ACP August Promotions, acp promotions, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, August, August 2023, August 2023 Promotions, August Promotions, Austin, AustinFraud, Calgo, Calgocubs21, clover defenders, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Coolguy, Promotions |
Discord Tag: Zoomey.
CPAB Username: Zoomey
Current Rank: 5ic
Activity Level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 8
Why do you deserve a promotion? I rejoined as a private to relearn everything I knew and I feel like I’m ready to keep the promotions coming because I consistently work hard and understand the work it takes to continue ACP as great! I Am gunning to become hcom in the near future and will continue to push, promotion or not. I hope you kindly take me into consideration :coolzoomey: