Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
Welcome back to On This Day. This is the column where we recap what went on during a specific day in the past. For this post, we will be looking at what went on during May 2nd 2011.
A familiar face to these posts, Army Republic, once again appears as one of the first armies in question. Army Republic, more commonly known as AR was created in 2007 by 122344a and Mr. Geggie. However, between then and 2011, AR faced a lot of adversity and many struggles. The armies had gone through good and bad periods. In one of, if not their first, wars they were able to defeat the Sun Clan despite being fairly new to the community and not having massive sizes. However, they had bad times which led to them shutting down and reopening a few times. In February 2011, they revived once again. Starting with a max of 15, they worked hard and there were questions about their rise and whether or not AR would rise up. AR’s creator remained positive about the army, was he right to? Well, keep reading these OTD posts to find out!
War was also something that was a common topic on this day in 2011 and even before this day. The Nachos army had already been involved in a war with the Underground Mafias Army. Tan wrote about Nachos’ declaration of war on both the Water Vikings and Light Troops, stating that both armies have been raiding Fjord (A server back in the day) and had been talking “smack”, leading to their declaration. In the first battle of the war, the Army of Club Penguin aided the Nachos in their fight against UMA, LT and WV.
All of the armies fought this battle valiantly, however, LT eventually surrendered the battle, giving ACP and Nachos the win. The second and third battles covered were the battles for Icebox. During the first battle, despite it being well-fought by both sides and the battle being so close, LT, once again, gave the win to the Nachos. In the second battle, both held sizes of 25-30 penguins. Because of the closeness of the battle, both armies claimed victory, leading to a stalemate. However, the war continued. Who do you think went on to win this war?
In a surprising turn of events, the Doritos of Club Penguin merged into Golden Troops. Now, as we know both armies today, you’d suspect the opposite would happen. But in this unusual case, it was indeed the Doritos merging. At the time, DCP was also a major army, as historically known. However, Golden Troops was the third largest army at the time with many armies combining with it, similar to the Doritos. The Sun Warriors were just another army which merged into Golden Troops but why did DCP merge? Despite DCP being known as a historic major army, they were inactive at the time which led to their average chat sizes decreasing to 3-5 people per day. Because of this low, the army decided that this was the best move for them. A couple of weeks later, GT still remained the third army in the Top Tens, maxing 30 regularly. Despite them not being as close to first as they’d have liked, they were a force to be reckoned with, trying to rise up even more and be the best
ιaѕgaє56 created a post on Club Penguin Army Central’s website asking if small and large army servers are the same. This is a question that has remained in the community but it is a less-asked question nowadays due to the activity of armies last year. Is it something that should be questioned more? They questioned whether or not both a large and small army can own the same server. This question came after Nachos invaded a small army’s server, however, they were unaware that there was an unwritten rule in the small/medium community where armies could own servers that large armies could own the same servers. Whilst the idea of small armies having their own set of servers can seem easing to small army leaders, confusion over who owns what server, what army classifies as small/medium/large and when an army can and can’t invade could be had. They weighed up the pros and cons and neutrally ended the post, However, it could be argued that if such a rule was in place, separating small and major armies’ servers, they shouldn’t be sharing servers. Instead, there should be a separate selection of servers of small/medium and major armies so that confusion over server names can’t be had.
Well, that’s everything that CPAC covered on the 2nd of May in 2011. Did we miss anything that happened on this day in 2011? Do you think that small and major armies should have separate pieces of land to invade? Who do you think won the war, LT/WV or ACP? Keep your eyes peeled for the next edition of our post to be released. Until next time!
What do YOU think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!
ACP Field Marshal & Shamrock Bulletin Editor
Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: 122344a, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Army Republic, Calgo, Calgocubs21, Club Penguin Army, Club Penguin Army Central, Coolguy, cpac, DCP, Doritos of Club Penguin, GOLDEN TROOPS, GT, Icebox, ιaѕgaє56, Light Troops, lt, May 2 2011, Mr. Geggie, Nachos, On this day, Sun Warriors, Underground Mafias Army, water vikings, WV |
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