[MARCH 2023] Comment for Promotion!

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

Deserve a promotion for your work in March 2023? Please comment below!

Discord Tag:

CPAB Username:

Current Rank:

Activity Level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!):

Why do you deserve a promotion?

Keep those snowballs coming,


ACP 49th Commander in Chief

7 Responses

  1. Discord Tag: zellybelly#1700

    CPAB Username: zeal3

    Current Rank: person

    Activity Level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 5

    Why do you deserve a promotion?: I deserve a promotion because I attended events when rudely forced to by leader man calgo. When attending events I NEVER afk and do my best to do tactics!

  2. ZVYPHXBIA#7186
    I feel like I have been making exceptional progress on my path to climbing the ranks in ACP and wish to continue doing so. Therefore, I believe that with my dedication since I chose to take my career here in this wonderful army, I deserve a higher-up promotion to the next rank.

  3. Discord Tag: MaddieCW3#0408
    CPAB Username: MaddieCW3
    Current Rank: Lieutenant General
    Activity Level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 8
    Why do you deserve a promotion?
    I’ve already been promoted twice this month but hey why not shoot for a third 🤣 but for real I love ACP and I love putting in the work with event posts, DM react lists, my weekly recaps (which I need to work on for this week today, lol), DMing troops, and being a friend to all troops in chat. I’d love to further help ACP by becoming HCOM one day. ACP has brought me so much joy throughout the years and especially now that I’ve rejoined. I love my fellow staff members and troops and want to help make ACP the best it can be! I have some fun ideas for events and ways we can improve troop retention and activity levels, and I think we can recruit in some different, innovative ways. ACP is amazing and can only go up from here!

  4. Discord Tag: alu#0666
    CPAB Username: Joe.
    Current Rank: General
    Activity Level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 7
    Why do you deserve a promotion?: Cus I am the best HCOM to ever exist and I attend every event 💯😎

  5. Kyle
    I attended 1 event this year for 5 mins I should be rehired as staff

  6. […] Kyle on [MARCH 2023] Comment for Promotion! […]

  7. […] sure to find your name on there. If you want a promotion, comment on our monthly promotion post here and attend events to earn […]

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