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Calgocubs21 Promoted to Commander in Chief

Ice Breaker, New Territory – Calgocubs21 is the Army of Club Penguin‘s new Commander in Chief. Following Zeus1’s retirement post, we weren’t sure who would be our next Commander in Chief as Calgo had only just recently been promoted to Higher Commander. This is his story.

Calgo has been around in the larger army community for a long while now. He has joined various armies, even our rival the Nachos, led an army called the Guards, and was part of ACP. He then rejoined ACP last year and has been instrumental in the success of Project: Revival.

His commitment to the army has been enormous and is a genuinely chill dude. He deserves this position, and my intuition tells me the ACP’s future is bright. So naturally we at the Shamrock Bulletin pulled up to his igloo and asked him a couple questions. He was confused but he complied.

When did you first join ACP?

I joined ACP sometime around 2007 when I found ACP mid-battle while playing Club Penguin one day and some ACP troops told me to turn green. Unfortunately all documentation that I had of this was lost to time and the earliest recording that I have of me being in the army was in January of 2009 in a divisions post listing me in the Alpha brigade. 

In 2010, I departed ACP probably because of a short inactivity, but I strongly believed that I was removed by accident. In June 2021, I returned to ACP as I was curious what became of ACP and armies and soon enough I found out ACP was still around and going strong. I returned to the army as a Captain.

What was your most memorable promotion?

My most memorable promotion (besides from this one) has to be my promotion to General from last week as it was unexpected and exciting for me. This summer my main objective was to help restore ACP, and as a personal goal I wanted to join Higher Command. I put in a lot of work and grinded in every opportunity I was given, and it felt really great to see my hard work recognized with a triple promotion up to General.

An honorable mention is when I was climbing the ranks of ACP in 2009 between Warrant Officer and Lieutenant Colonel where I was racing to the top of the ranks alongside one of my friends, A Dawg4, who I met in the army.

Any advice for lower ranked soldiers?

My best advice to lower ranked soldiers is to savor and enjoy their time in ACP. One of my biggest regrets is that I feel like I took ACP and the relationships that I forged when I was much younger completely for granted. There’s not a day that goes by where I wish I could travel back in time and relive those moments that I had with my friends in the army during the OG days of ACP. One of the biggest reasons I’m still here is because of the nostalgia and wanting to give back to ACP for giving me so much during my childhood. You’re only young for so long so don’t stress too much about getting promoted and focus on enjoying your time as an ACP soldier.

How long do you think your CPA career will last?

That’s quite the tough question to be honest. At the end of the day only time will tell how long I’ll be around for as life can be completely unpredictable and as I continue to get older, my real life will continue to take more of a priority. That being said I plan to stay in ACP and Higher Command for the long haul as I have a lot of plans and ideas for ACP’s future that I want to come to fruition. So yeah, I’m not going anywhere else anytime soon.

What other hobbies do you have?

I really enjoy everything outdoors related such as going backpacking, camping, rock climbing, and even white water rafting! On the side I also volunteer at some Discord Bot communities as a support staff member where I help with bot related issues as well as a staff member for many communities involved in scam prevention. I really enjoy playing games such as CS:GO, Minecraft, RuneScape, and obviously Club Penguin. I’m also currently studying Accounting and Finance and take part in two different college fraternities.

Calgo definitely has a lot going on in his life at the moment, but I don’t doubt that he will be a great leader for ACP. The future is bright for us! Glory to the Chicago Cubs fan boy!

Be sure to congratulate Calgo when you see him!


Brigadier General

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