Crystal, “Land Invasion” – Hey there Army of Club Penguin! Yesterday, on June 25th, our AUSIA division logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten to do a land invasion as part Project Conquest against the Templars,. Before the invasion, we did warmup tactics in the Town before moving into the inside of the Mine for the beginning of the invasion. Since they Templars did not show up, we continued with the invasion by going to the Iceberg, where we ended our mission. This invasion was led by one of our Commanders in Chief, CSY and one of our Generals, Shane. Their leadership led the Clover Penguins to a successful invasion of the land Antioch!
Max: 33

I hope you, the reader, enjoyed learning about our battle! We cannot wait to see you at the next event!
ACP Brigadier General
Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, AUSIA Division, Invasion | Tagged: ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, AUSIA Division, clover penguins, Club Penguin Rewritten, Invasion |
awesome job aus div (:
Yay! ACP victory! Great job, everybody!
where my clovers
Hey! Contact me on Discord (@Daniel20448#3020) and we can sort it out (: