[March Madness] Round 2 vs. RPF – Results!


Today we logged onto Crystal, CPRewritten to brawl against the Rebel Penguin Federation in the semi-finals of the March Madness tournament. Thank you to our Commander in Chief, CSY, and Field Marshal, Max, for leading this epic battle. Incredible job everyone!

Max: 78

Thank you to those who attended the battle against RPF. Despite the controversial verdict, thank you for making this possible. Comment down below if you were there! Green together, family forever!


ACP Field General

9 Responses

  1. I came. #WRFT

  2. We gotta
    Number one victory royale
    Yeah Fortnite we bout’ to get down (get down)
    10 kills on the board right now
    Just wiped out tomato town
    My friend just got downed
    I revived him, now we’re heading southbound
    Now we’re in the pleasant park streets
    Look at the map, go to the marked sheet
    Take me to your XBOX, to play Fortnite today
    You can take me to Moisty Mires
    But not loot lake
    I’d really love to, chug jug with you
    We could be pro Fortnite gamers

  3. We don’t quit ’till the fight is won.

  4. aguacate

  5. chicken nuggies>


  7. That was an amazing battle, and our painstaking effort in the past weeks certainly paid off, regardless of the judging outcome. Be proud of what we accomplished today.

  8. It’s not over till it’s really over. We still in this Acp!!!

  9. […] Finally, the big day came. All of our efforts of Operation: We Rise From This so far had led to this one moment. We were up against the undefeated army in the tournaments of 2020, the Rebel Penguin Federation. The battle was an exhilarating one, filled with lots of new knowledge Army of CP troops learned throughout Operation: WRFT. The results of this battle took more than 24 hours to become official, but in the end, ACP came out on top with a score of 2-1 and a total of 78 penguins online, bringing us towards the March Madness finals. (event results here)  […]

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