[US] Training Mission: Vigor

Hello ACP!

Today our US division logged on to Ascent, CPRewritten for our Training Mission: Vigor! We practiced many tactics and formations in preparation for our huge battle against the Help Force on Saturday. Great job everyone!

Max: 33

Thank you to everyone who attended! Be sure to check out #battle-schedule for our huge battle against the Help Force on Saturday 2pm EST. Don’t forget to react in #event-chat and comment below if you came!


ACP Corps General

7 Responses

  1. I came!! Ready for saturday!

  2. I was there! Great job, ACP!

  3. Great practice for our big battle this weekend!!

  4. I came also ready for the big battle on Saturday

  5. nice

  6. Great chance to do some training in preparation for the battle! Onward!

  7. Great work!

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