Hello ACP!
Today our US Division logged on to Ascent, CPRewritten for our Operation: Cotton Candy event wearing Valentine hoodies! We were able to max 41 and practiced tactics for ten minutes before switching to a Hide and Seek game. Here are our winners:
Seekers: Frog, Nacho, Caramel, Namjoon, Greenman1000
Hiders: Tanjo, Luigi
Congratulations to all Hide and Seek Champions!
Max: 41
Thank you to everyone who attended! Make sure to check #events for our next events and react in #battle-schedule for our huge battle against our allies the Help Force on Saturday 2pm EST. Lastly, don’t forget to react in #event-chat and comment below if you came!
ACP Corps General
Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, US Division | Tagged: ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Event Recap, Event Results, US, US Division |
Nice event! I came!
Should’ve had this event tomorrow so we could reference Mean Girls (on Wednesdays we wear pink).
Cool event I came to
Awesome job everyone! ;D
Great work US div!