CPR Guide: Winter Party Ice Sculptures!

Hey ACP!

With the end of November and the start of the final month of 2019, we enter into the last couple of days of the CPR Winter Party. Be sure to get your free Snowflake T-Shirt from the Plaza!

Below, I’ll share the sculptures currently on Club Penguin Rewritten (in case you don’t get a chance to see them on the island for yourself).

Starting at the Docks, the first ice sculptures are below:

Next, we have the ice sculptures currently at the Beach:

Ice sculptures at the Ski Village:

And finally, we have the last ice sculpture at the Ski Hill:

And that’s it! Well, those were pretty neat, am I right? I’d love to see more!

The Club Penguin Rewritten Team did a great job turning these fan submissions into ice sculptures, didn’t they? I’ve really enjoyed seeing these around the island and seeing the community make its mark. Well done to everyone that submitted and congratulations to the penguins whose drawings were selected to be on the island!

Share your thoughts about the party below or on the ACP discord server! I’d like to see a similar event in the future, maybe for the summer season. What do you think will be the next party to have fan submissions?

Enjoy the final few days of the party, and get ready for the annually awaited CPR Christmas Party!

Immer Fortschreiten,
(Always Forward)

King Mondo
ACP Legend & Advisor

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