Returning to Form Special Event

Hello ACP, So by now I assume pretty much everyone who is going to read my Regarding Activeness/Restoring our Greatness has already read it and understands what is expected of you by being a member of this army, and in case you haven’t the link is right there. So everyone now the Christmaseason is apon us and this is an excellent time to build up some hype and get some new troops, last week we failed to do that, well we got some new troops but as for hype we were dead in the water. We can’t let this trend continue into the following week especially considering the Christmas Chaos is right around the corner. We have to demonstrate to the CPA community that we are still a force to be reckoned with and what better way to do this then an awesome military demonstration.

This is our return to form everyone, our chance to show what we are made of. This event will be at the time split for UK and US troops so everyone has the chance to attend (sorry AUSIA). I do understand that this is a Thursday so this might be a bit awkward for some troops to attend but the times should suit the majority of people. If you can make this please leave a comment below, and in the mean time make sure you attend some smaller training sessions and recruiting sessions. Mods and Owners make sure you hype and recruit for this event, there is no reason why we can’t max 15+!

When: 8th December

Server: Breeze


10 pm GMT

 5 pm EST

4 pm CST

3 pm MST

2 pm PST



Thank you for your time -Chuck Falay (3ic)


3 Responses

  1. I will be there.

  2. Trying my best to revive AUSIA everything in my arsenal.

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