CP Army: Quick Recruiting Session -ACP Army (My 100th Post)


Today we decided to have a quick recruiting/Halloween gathering at the berg. We maxed 16 at this event. Once again we saw new recruits getting involved and taking matters into their own hands. Some even went to bring more people, and others got us all to form lines. We need to work on our efficiency when logging on and size overall, so let’s hope we improve on both these things later this week. Remember, HALLOWEEN is just around the corner…

Max of 16 here.

Pretty fine start to the week. Let’s try to double this size by the weekend. Step on the gas, soldiers.


***Note: This is my 100th post on the ACP site!***

4 Responses

  1. I was here. This is a disappointing 100th post.

  2. Grats Mondy!

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