The Next Generation: King Mondo and Super Edwin

At approximately 4:45pm EST on the 28th of May, 2016, the next
leaders of the glorious Army of Club Penguin took the
throne. Following the retirement of Bam and Trader,
the next duo is inaugurated-King Mondo and Super Edwin.

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A Message from King Mondo

It’s been almost 4 years that I have been in this wonderful army. In that time, I’ve learned a great deal of things and met a great deal of people, many of which are still my friends to this day. It brings me great happiness to reach this point in my Club Penguin Army career, after so long. I thank all of those who have stood by me until this point-it means a great deal to me. I look forward to working with all of my soldiers, as well as the CP Army Community to strive for a better future for us all. 


๖̶̶̶ۣۜKing ๖̶̶̶ۣۜMondo

A Message from Super Edwin

Firstly, it is an incredible honour to be named ACP leader ; I can remember when I first got moderator in 2012 and how amazing of an achievement I believed that to be –  nevermind actually getting leader . My aims as leader are to, along with Mondo, improve ACP with integrity, and make ACP a place where troops mean more than just a number.


๖̶̶̶ۣۜSuper ๖̶̶̶ۣۜEdwin

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And now, I present to you the first video of the new leadership.

Let’s get this party started, shall we?

9 Responses

  1. This ones better.

  2. Congratulations guys! Also I see Flipmoo’s hate post was removed thank god.

  3. To the 44th leaders of the Army of Club Penguin:

    First of all, congratulations from the bottom of my heart on your promotion to leaders. You’ve both worked very hard for it over the span of many years, and your devotion and loyalty to this army is sincerely acknowledged by all who were (and are) ever present here. I consider you both my friends and mentors, and I thank you for the good times I have had here. And don’t doubt yourselves even for a moment; you are both extremely capable for the positions you now hold, and I have high expectations for you both (no pressure, of course ;)). Even though I never held the rank of leader in this or any other army, I want you to remember that the one thing that matters most, more than the sizes you acquire at events or the position you achieve on the Top Ten, is your integrity to do what’s right, and not what is easy. Many in many armies have done so before, but all they earned for their toil is an empty victory.

    Once more, I wish you luck, and bid you all a fond farewell.


    Retired Brigadier General Tamiyami

    • Thank you so much for your kind words. It really means a lot.

    • That was great Tami! Didn’t you lead Time Lords for a while though?

  4. Sorry for commenting kinda late, I didn’t really notice this post but anyway it’s great to see Mondo and Edwin as our next leaders, mostly because I know they are sensible and do really care not only for the sizes and where we are on the Top Ten but they care about the troops and the fun we have at events. So very glad to see you guys as leaders and I’m sure you’ll both do fab! <3

  5. well not really but I just wanted to seem humble so don’t attack me for it… please…

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