Notice: Special Events of the Summer


For the purpose of everyone’s awareness, I decided to make a short post listing some of the special events and surprises to look forward to this Summer. This post is also the chance for everyone to present their ideas for the future, so don’t hesitate to comment. Now then, ONWARDS!

*Note: if there are any major changes applied to this schedule, an updated version will be posted.*

Summer GFX ACP

Please note: there are no specified dates for any of these events, considering school is not entirely adjourned. ALSO, the events are not listed in any order.


  • Humongous Army of Club Penguin Reunion
  • Release of the Official Army of Club Penguin Entertainment Page
  • Revival of the ACP Series Getting to Know Troops


  • Pokemon Contest – Hosted by Fluffyboy3
  • / / etc. / game contest(s)
  • Club Penguin mini-game contest(s)
  • Pool party on Club Penguin w/ ???


  • Pool party on Club Penguin w/ ???
  • Pokemon Contest – Hosted by Fluffyboy3
  • Flag Contest(s)[specifications will be stated]
  • Igloo Contest(S) – Hosted by Super Edwin

Throughout the Summer

  • Movie Nights
  • Club Penguin related contests
  • Xat Prizes[applies to contests+some events]
  • Membership giveaways[applies to some contests + some events]
  • Lots of fun and interactive posts
  • Temporary Moderators and Owners[Reward for deserving troops + applies to some events]

⌈♣⌋    ⌈♣⌋    ⌈♣⌋

Again, if you have any suggestions that YOU think should be considered for integration, comment on this post giving a short explanation of your idea.

And now, I shall conclude this post, and kick off the start of Summer 2016 with a few videos. Enjoy!

And here is some Jimi Hendrix


~Army of Club Penguin Commander in Chief~

9 Responses

  1. so excited 😀

  2. It’s gonna be a good one!

  3. I like the quiz’s on xat and the multiplayer games on cp, theyre good
    but not everyone is going to want to play pokemon every month
    i think doodlerace/hangman etc contests on the chat would be good and maybe like graphic design or like uniform contests would be more fun

    • The Pokemon events were placed on all three months so people have the chance to be involved if they couldn’t make the other ones. It’s basically for the sake of opportunity and availability, but yeah I understand what you mean. Thanks for your input!

  4. Sounds great.

  5. This is amazing! I’ve always wanted a Summer Event- and it’ll be great! I’m thinking of doing Game Nights more often, or possibly Pokemon Tournaments, Hangman, Uno, and even more…? ~@Rarity180

    • Haha I’m glad you’re excited for them. If you would like to, you can host a few of the events/contests or even make your own fun post series. Just let me know on chat if you want to do so.

  6. well this is nice!!I AM EXITED!!

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