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Active Count (Ends 25th of December)

Sidie9: For owners wondering, yes, I did approve this active count.

Lycaon: Im a new ACP Major General/3ic and I look forward to working with all of you!

Zoomey: Fail to comment, you could be removed from ranks and loose your well earned rank!!

CapnRyan: Im a wizard.

Hey guys, we’ve seen many moderators and members slacking off recently and we’ve decided to clean up the ranks, therefore we have decided to put an active count. If you want to remain on the ranks/get added to the ranks, please fill in the form below in the comments.

What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)?

What rank are you?

What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username?

The deadline for the active count will be Friday the 25th, if you dont comment by then you get removed from the ranks.

Lycaon [ACP Major General]

39 Responses

  1. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? US

    What rank are you? Lieutenant Colonel

    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username?
    CP User: Tamiyami
    xat chat username: Tamiyami12

  2. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? AUSIA
    What rank are you? Major general / 3ic
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? TheRobot221 on CP and Lycaon on xat.

  3. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? AUSIA
    What rank are you? Leader
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? Sidie9/Vexillarius/Ex Lege

  4. 1. Ausia
    2. Captain
    3. Elite Me/Mpenguin123
    4. Kido

  5. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? Ausia
    What rank are you? Captain
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? Both Arine20

  6. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? AUSIA FOR LYFE

    What rank are you? 4ic/5ic (undecided)

    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? cp is jaisick xat is Lord Jai

  7. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? Ausia
    What rank are you? Master Sergeant
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? Diezlbudoy

  8. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? US

    What rank are you? Temp Leader/L.I.T

    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? King Mondo

  9. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)?
    What rank are you?
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username?
    Clubxlcboys, same on xat too.

  10. uk

  11. 1.Uk division
    3.Xat Chat username : Splash148(ACP)(UK)(The_Azumarill)(I_like_cookies)_^-^_:3_7IC
    4.CP name: Splash148

  12. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? UK

    What rank are you? 3ic

    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? Zoomey

  13. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? UK!
    What rank are you? Brigadier General / 4IC
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? Lolly 17 is my CP username and Elsa is my xat chat username.

  14. US

  15. US
    Staff Sergeant

  16. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? Ausia
    What rank are you? Captain
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? Andy/Andy12e44

  17. US
    Sparky Dog

  18. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? UK

    What rank are you? Leader in Training

    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username?
    Holly8857/Super Edwin

  19. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? USA
    What rank are you? Don’t have one yet
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username?
    CP: Tigerstar4
    xat: Null user 1507379803 – Skipper233

  20. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? US

    What rank are you? 4ic

    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username?
    Nhlguy(formerly Sonic11352)

  21. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? UK

    What rank are you? Major

    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username cp username:Jimstyle. xat username:L3W1S_Gaming

  22. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? US-AUSIA
    What rank are you? Mod
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username cp username: Baby Flor

  23. 1. US
    2. Private
    3. Sirchubs and Sirchubs on chat

  24. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)?us
    What rank are you? 3ic
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username fluffyboy3 for both

  25. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? US
    What rank are you? Sergeant First Class
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? Power dude3 for both

  26. What division are you? US
    What rank are you? Sergeant First Class
    What is your CP and xat username? Power dude3 for both

  27. 1. Ausia
    2.4ic (on leave)
    3. Rockstar1819/Rockerflip

  28. What division are you? UK
    What rank are you? Captain
    What is your CP and Xat username? Goldfan1 and Gold Fan

  29. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)?AUSIA
    What rank are you?6IC
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username?TheGamer6675

  30. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? US
    What rank are you? Temp 3ic
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? CP-Penguin16105 xat-Orange

  31. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? US
    What rank are you? Private
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? CP-Supper Shady xat- Supper_Shady_

  32. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)?AUSIA
    What rank are you?4ic
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username?Rix15 cp xat Rix

  33. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? AUSIA
    What rank are you? 5ic
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? Club Penguin: Kevin9873; Xat: Darx

  34. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? US
    What rank are you? Sergeant
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? Ryakylkri on CP, yung_rya on xat

  35. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? AUSIA
    What rank are you? LIT
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? Raf1802, Capnryan11

  36. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)? Should be Ausia.
    What rank are you? I just joined like, yesterday, so should be Private.
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username? Kenz112 on CP, Kenz$terling on chat.

  37. What division are you (UK, US, or AUSIA)?
    What rank are you?
    Sergeant First Class
    What is your clubpenguin username and your xat chat username?
    Mickey aka mick

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