You Have Exceeded My Expectations! Great Job ACP!

Hey ACP!

We had a fantastic event today on Breeze! We averaged 20 troops and maxed 22 at some points! You guys really outdid yourselves, not only did the sizes meet my expectations but you guys did the tactics so well. The pictures speak for themselves, ACP is getting better and better! Our sizes are improving and our tactics are marvelous. Everyone did well listening to the orders. Good job to everyone who came! Zoomey and Mr Burns were rewarded temp owner and temp mod respectively for their outstanding effort today by doing above and beyond what was required of them. Thanks to some retired folks who came as well like Albaro, Ahmed, and Purpleslime!

Comment if you made it everyone! It is part of being an active and loyal ACP soldier!


~Kenneth1000, ACP Leader (Temp)

16 Responses

  1. I made it!

  2. I came

  3. Well done ACP 🙂 I came

  4. Made it

  5. came

  6. Made it. Thank you Ken for temp mod!

  7. Came.
    Ryan: This guy is mean

  8. great job acp i waas there but i came a little late

  9. can u plzz promote me ive private since i joined which was in May when school ended

  10. i came 😀

  11. I came!! I’m glad that my first time was so fun!! I’ll be there today too😆!

  12. dang

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