US Re-invasion of Snow Fort

Hello ACP!


Today we logged on to Snow Fort to cleanse the server of any remaining resistance. None showed up to defend, of course. We maxed 14 and averaged around 12-13. As the event went on, the size never decreased, but went up. Pretty solid event. The size was pretty good, but the tactics need some work. Make sure to recruit as much as you guys can, that is key. Also, promotions are coming soon! If you want to increase your chance of getting promoted and decrease the chance of getting demoted, make sure to stay active and attend events! Read on for the pictures of the event.



Perfect tactic!!





Not bad today, but there is always room for improvement! I’ll try to get more pictures next time for sure.


Make sure to comment if you came.

Check the site often for important updates within the army!


*This marks my 30th post on the ACP site*

2 Responses

  1. I was there for a bit before I had to go

  2. Made it. 😀

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