Retirement of LittleGuy04

To the Soldiers of the Army of Club Penguin:

Its now my time to retire. Yeah, i know, yada yada yada, another retirement, but i have a better reason than “CP army warfare is too complicated”. but, i can agree with those of you that have retired because you are too old, or you have a life out of club penguin. Yeppers, that’s my reason. I HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF CLUB PENGUIN. As some of you may know by now, I am a figure skater, and as i move up in levels, i need more and more time to practice. however, i cant easily practice in afternoons anymore due to homework, so i have to start skating mornings as of this Monday. Skating in mornings means waking up at approximately 5am, leaving the house at 5:30am, eating breakfast in the car, skating from 6am to 7am, getting changed into school clothes, and getting to school by 7:35, so I’m not late to homeroom. That means that i cant be up until 10:00pm, or even 8:00 pm on club penguin for a battle. So, don’t try to stop me from retiring, because i want to go to the Olympics in 4 years. and it is a possibility for me….. i just have to land the rest of my double jumps and all of my triple jumps in 4 years, which is entirely accomplishable for me. Plus, I’m 13, which is a bit too old to be on the computer so much. and, the usual excuse: too much homework.

My Club Penguin History:

I joined CP on October 27th, 2006, during the anniversary party and right before the Halloween party. i did my thing on CP for almost 1 1/2 years, and then one day i was at the forest, and i saw a bunch of people saying “Nachos” and stuff like that. i passed it off as a bunch of n00bs, but now i see that they were probably having a recruiting session. I searched various terms in google, including “nachos club penguin” and somehow got to the ACP site. I read some posts, commented, joined, and was added to the ranks on May 8th or 9th, 2009. I was active- very active- for a long time. Now, however, i never have time, due to skating and homework and family.

People to thank:

Boomer- you were leader when i joined, and i worshipped you like the ground i walk on then, but i realized that you were just a person after a few weeks. unfortunately, you retired soon after i joined, but luckily, u came back for the coup, and that was amazing. thanks for being an awesome person, and i was freaking out that one time u made me owner so i could get people on club penguin for recruiting.

Saint- u r an amazing friend and person- remember ‘bye dic’ instead of ‘bye div’? That was hilarious. Thanks for being one of my best friends.

Dryvit- thanks for actually saying hi to me when I first logged into chat for the day, every day. You were an awesome person, and I hope that your headaches go away. Thanks for making ACP fun!

Thom- thanks for being one of my friends. You were always one of my favorite leaders because you talked like a regular person, not a leader. Good luck in life.

Foxtails- lol, lmao, rofl, I don’t think those words were ever left out of a convo when you were a part of the convo. You are an amazing person, and it was hard to believe how young you are!

Divotoo- wow, I had thought you were like, 12, 13, something like that, but when i found out that you were 8????? Wowza, dude, you are the future of ACP.

Shab- Thanks for being such a help when i was making my army as a n00b in July. you were always so nice to me…. good luck in life

Noka- I wish we could have stayed together, but it was better that we broke up.

Motor- Nice person, you were usually fair and treated everyone equal. USUALLY!!!

Dr Nono- Thanks for always supporting ACP! Thanks for everything.

There are so many other people i can thank for many different reasons, since i know so many amazing people in ACP, but these are the people i really feel like i need to thank. Thank you to everyone else who i didn’t mention, i didn’t forget you, just didn’t have time to type this all up!

I’ve been contemplating retirement for quite a while now, but i decided to dedicate more time to skating after watching the Olympics so much these last two weeks, and i realized while watching skating on Tuesday night that i needed to retire if i want to go to the Olympics. I announced my retirement on Thursday afternoon after school, and i had a skating competition this weekend, and this shows how busy I’ve been- i just now finished this, at 6:30 pm on Sunday night, when i started it on Thursday afternoon at 4:30. Does it take me 71 hours to type this? Nope. Did i have lots going on? Yup. Is that why I’m retiring? Yup. So don’t leave comments saying “noooo, come back to ACP, u cant leave”, because that wont work on me. I’m gone, and I’m not coming back. I might come onto chat sometime to chat, and if ACP is in major need of more soldiers in a battle and i happen to be on the computer then, its a possibility that i might come help.

Thank you, ACP.

Retired ACP Soldier
Highest rank achieved: Lieutenant General

21 Responses

  1. You are an impressive person in and out of ACP. I wish you the very best in life and look forward to seeing you in Soshi grinning with the GOLD!!!

  2. good bye

  3. Good bye 😥 I will mis your humor/good sportminship!

  4. Bai Tell Us When You Perform I will watch 😀

  5. it stinks when someone so dear to this army drifts away i am from a differnt army and i know that when the time comes i will have to do it soon i just hope the tradition of acp can live lon with out you i

  6. Thx everyone, and dry- its Sochi, not Soshi.

  7. Bye Little. Happy Hunting.

  8. @dry- I’ll be the American who cries after the program! Lol

  9. goodbye, u were a great soldier.

  10. Great soldier, You will be missed Littleguy. Good luck in real life.

  11. I must say, when you commented on the ACPTR thing, you were like second or third, and one of the best comments for that job.

    Peace out!:)


  12. sorry its to long i wont read it sorry


  13. i did not know who you are but goodbye
    i hope you do well if you get into the olympics in 4 years good luck to that

  14. @ twingy- oh well, I bet there’s someone better suited for it than me.

    @ steph- THIS is too long? U shoulda seen Boomers 1st retirement post!!! Or enn’s multiple ones….. Or pretty much anyone elses.

  15. hey i can make it to the world war battle and acp sorry for saying that i am going to make my own and for saying the i dont like this army i was pissed off because i was talking about the army i was going to make on acp chat and this guy hey ban that guy and stuff then they banned me for no reson thats why i was pissed off so sorry but i am going to be there i made a promis to you guys and i will keep it i will help you guys win the battle. 🙂

    see you on sleet guys.


  17. What is your Club Penguin name? Jamulsucks

    What is your ACP rank? general

    Are you currently in the DRACP at this moment? yes

    Are you still active in the ACP? yes very much

    Why should you be the next VP? because i think that i am a very loyal soldier but also a very good penguin in this army

  18. i want my account name off the site i quit acp my penguin niceguy09 plz take me off i already left an email about this take me off acp I QUIT

  19. Wrong post, people! This is a retiremet post, not the join page!

  20. Wow, looking back on this, I was such a n00b

  21. well i never realy knew you well but goodbye

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