February 2010 ACPTR Graduates

Hey ACP, this is the ACP Training Regiment’s Leader, Snowballpink

Well its that time again. The leader of the ACPTR has to announce the graduates from the ACPTR. So here they are.

Blue Drill Team:

Spartansoldi – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Fever1836 – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Green Drill Team:

Xeboxe1 – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

12declan12 – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Rico58 – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Feathers15 – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Red Drill Team:

Ally Cally – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Joeyred56 – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Joey mch – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Master Kyl – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Slippery3425 – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Black Drill Team:

Cg2916 – A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

98jane- A+ and gets the rank of 1st Lieutenant!

With a total of 13 cadets, they all graduated with an A+! These group of cadets gave the staff exceptional dedication, and were probably the best group of cadets the ACP Training Regiment has trained so far. We will be accepting more cadets Tommorow, Monday, March 1, 2010! Just comment on the join page with the joining questions and you will be added as a cadet! Here is the website. www.acpbootcamp.wordpress.com

Also, we are in need of a new staff member for the Drill Team Leader position. Just comment on this post with the following questions. Note: To join the staff in the ACP Training Regiment, you must be the rank of Colonel and above but you can’t be a leader rank! Here are the questions.

1.      What is your Club Penguin username?

2.      What is your ACP rank?

3.      Why do you want to join the ACPTR?

4.      What do you plan to do in the ACPTR?

5.      How active are you, and will you stay loyal?

Good luck to all the cadets that graduated and good luck to the people that sign up for the staff position!

~Snowballpink & The ACP Training Regiment Staff

24 Responses

  1. first

  2. Good luck! 😉

  3. Congratulations new cadets 😀

    -ACP Lt.General and ACPTR Co Leader

  4. 1. What is your Club Penguin username?

    2. What is your ACP rank?
    Brigadier General

    3. Why do you want to join the ACPTR?
    I want to help with the training of young ACP soldiers, to the best ACP has seen so far.

    4. What do you plan to do in the ACPTR?
    I plan to continue the fine standard that the present leaders have set for ACPTR

    5. How active are you, and will you stay loyal
    I check the site about five times a day, and will stay loyal to ACP forever.

  5. 1. What is your Club Penguin username?ditto230

    2. What is your ACP rank?major general

    3. Why do you want to join the ACPTR?Because i would really want to help the new people progress forwar

    4. What do you plan to do in the ACPTR?i plan to be very active and to wip those soldiers into shape and by wip you know what i mean

    5. How active are you, and will you stay loyal?i am very active to acp especially the chat and i will be loyal

  6. the last 2 comments WRONG PAGE


  8. yes 1st Lieutenant thx ACPTR!!

  9. Anybody feel the need to post my retirement post here? XD

  10. Seriously, anybody? XD

  11. yes thx ACPTR u only helped me fail by scheduling unreasonable times for me. I even did this little test thing that u said would help cadets who r failing. I took it. Nothing. U just insured me that i will possible be quitting this army. Forever. Thank you very much.

    Happy524, just a soldier who is just really mad and u probably shouldn’t talk to for awhile. Just plz leave me alone if u want to stay alive (wary)

  12. 1. Kenneth1000
    2. Acp General
    3. I want to join because I want to sharpen my leadership skills and I want to help train new recruits into good ACP soldiers and officers.

    4. I plan to teach a little bit more then ACPTR already does and make better soldiers.

    5. I am active and I go on everyday and I promise to be loyal to the ACPTR. I also been waiting for a spot for very long time.

    Btw this was written on my iPod

  13. Congratulations!!! I hope you have a good ACP career 🙂

  14. when are the people who graduated going to be moved up on the ranks page

  15. Thanks Snow for copying the post I made and sent to you for putting it in:| PS, that was sarcasm. Jokes xD, but Ima little sad…. (wary)

    Congratulations to all the cadets :D:D:D

    Twingy, Proud Co-leader.

  16. 1. What is your Club Penguin username?
    Johny 4

    2. What is your ACP rank?
    Major General

    3. Why do you want to join the ACPTR?
    Because I have more than 1 year of experience on me and I would like to share that with the cadets.

    4. What do you plan to do in the ACPTR?
    Well,when Packer 1 NFL joined ACP I helped him get up the ranks,when he retired he said he thanked me for everything I had done for him,so I would like to have more people succeed like he did.

    5. How active are you, and will you stay loyal?
    I will be very active and loyal,because I’ll know I have a big responsability in my hands.

  17. Yea ACPTR was a great experience i made alot of friends and i got a good rank! 🙂

  18. I hope we will find a new staff member in the ACPTR. I know what Snow picks, it gotta be good. If you have any questions about the ACPTR, you can PC me anytime.

    -Monsterfully ACP Lt. General and ACPTR Drill Team Leader for the Black Team

  19. 1.      What is your Club Penguin username?

    2.      What is your ACP rank?
    Brig. General
    3.      Why do you want to join the ACPTR?
    I want to help train recruits and I just want to “give back”
    4.      What do you plan to do in the ACPTR?
    I plan to be a drill team leader or a teacher.
    5.      How active are you, and will you stay loyal?
    I am very active but I can’t get on cp on week days (- Friday) or after 5:00 pm CST. Yes I will be loyal.

  20. Left out Co username Waddlebox123. Also I have been in ACP for 3 1/2 years.

  21. yes! i pulled through!! on my second month in acptr, i passed! YESSSS! *makes dramatic exit*

  22. woooo i made it yay

  23. 1. What is your Club Penguin username? Jamulsucks

    2. What is your ACP rank? 2 Lieutenant

    3. Why do you want to join the ACPTR? because i want to be a more loyal soldier to my army

    4. What do you plan to do in the ACPTR? protect and serve our army and make club penguin safe

    5. How active are you, and will you stay loyal?
    i promise i will go to every meeting plz

  24. I have a question, [I bet it’s stupid but please answer].. Since I am new to ACP, how do you join the drill team?

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