Hey ACP,
For those of you who don’t know me, Im Headofpolice. I was Co-Leading with a guy called ‘Tom Yellow’ ( complete legend of all time ) a couple of years ago. Now,
I have talked with Iasgae and we decided to run a poll on the ACP site ( look down a couple of posts ), and the results were just about 50% yes and 50% no. So, we have decided to run a RUNESCAPE BRANCH.
If you would like to join, please post a comment on this post by copying and pasting this message into the message box.
Runescape Name:
CP Name:
Member or Non-Member:
How much money have you got ( not required ):
Combat lvl:
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… )
Best Non-Combat lvl:
Will you be active?
We will have our first scheduled meeting which me or Iasgae will announce. Oh yeah, we will also talk about who is leader. I AM NOT CLAIMING LEADER!!!
Most likely, We will have a dueling competition which I will arrange. First place gets leader, and they will choose either one or two co-leaders.
Filed under: ACP |
kool i use to play runescape
Runescape Name: Master Ice79
Member or Non-Member: Member
How much money have you got ( not required ): 3mil
Combat lvl: 85
Best Combat Skill: Mage
Best Non-Combat lvl: Wcing
Will you be active? Hell yeh
1. Gm Dav
2. Dav45623
3. Non-Member
4.Around 20k in bank ]
5. around 10
8. Heck Yes!
Runescape Name:Sim Escape
CP Name:Sticks On
Member or Non-Member: non member, will be member soon
How much money have you got ( not required ): i had 3m, i was recently hacked
Combat lvl: 81
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… ) Look at the question below
Best Non-Combat lvl: attack/defence/hp/strength (they all have 67)
Will you be active?
Runescape Name: Farve2008
CP Name: Icey Cold27
Member or Non-Member: Non-Member
How much money have you got ( not required ): Over 300K
Combat lvl: 67 almost 68
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… ) Attack?
Best Non-Combat lvl: Attack 😛
Will you be active? YESSSSSS
Runescape Name: Coolguy4148
CP Name: Coolguy12348
Member or Non-Member: Non-Member (Hopeful to be member in a few weeks!)
How much money have you got ( not required ): Around 1 mil
Combat lvl: 80
Best Combat Skill: Attack/Strength/Defense
Best Non-Combat lvl: Woodcutting (72)
Will you be active? Of Course!
another fail comeback at Runescape Division in the making
hopefully not D:, we’re trying it out anyway so
Runescape Name:
CP Namel
Member or Non-Member:
Non Member
How much money have you got ( not required ):
Combat lvl:
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Tutprial
Defense etc… )
Best Non-Combat lvl:
Will you be active?
Runescape Name:cooltiger134
CP Name:mrmrmr8
Member or Non-Member: Non-member, but I am probably going to become a member because i cant take things out of my bank as a non-member (i use to be a member so i have so much stuff in my bank that i cant put back in)
How much money have you got ( not required ):786K
Combat lvl:
73 on members worldAttack,but not by much, they are all close, well except for range
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… )worldAttack,but not by much, they are all close, well except for range
Best Non-Combat lvl: Woodcutting by far (i use it for money making
Will you be active? Yes i will be active
the poll said that 60 was gonna join D: oh dear
Runescape Name: Ben Quincy
CP Name: Ben Quincy
Member or Non-Member: Non
How much money have you got ( not required ):
Combat lvl: just started
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… ) just started
Best Non-Combat lvl: just started
Will you be active? i wil try
i actually glitched the poll and made yes 3% up lol….
i dont have runescape
Runescape Name: GuyManDude02
CP Name:Cowboysfan13
Member or Non-Member:Member
How much money have you got ( not required ):1.1m
Combat lvl:66
Best Combat Skill: Attack
Best Non-Combat lvl: Woodcuting
Will you be active? Yes
Runescape Name: YwoodIjointhis1
CP Name: Runescapecandie
Member or Non-Member: A member of the nonmembers
How much money have you got ( not required ): 19 Million and rising
Combat lvl: Better than you
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… ) Athlete who doesnt sit on his comp all day
Best Non-Combat lvl: -90
Will you be active? NO! NO! NO! ABOLISH THIS NOWWW!
Runescape Name: Windflyer18
CP Name: Soccergal688
Member or Non-Member:
Non- Member
How much money have you got ( not required ): Around 12k
Combat lvl: 57 or 58
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… ) Strength
Best Non-Combat lvl: Woodcutting
Will you be active
and yes I will be active
CP Name:chase470
Member or Non-Member:member
How much money have you got ( not required ): 2000
Will you be active. yes sir i will
*Actually my best Non-Combat level is Woodcutting, oops 😛 !
CP Name:candycloud19
Member or Non-Member:non member
How much money have you got ( not required ):1000
Combat lvl:10
Best Combat Skill: um im not sure
Best Non-Combat lvl:i dont know
Will you be active?yes
Lol, I’m cb lvl 116 and i could own you all…. Rofl…. Jk, I’m lvl 75 but I’m not joining. Head, care for a clan war sometime?
I got 120m anyways so ya… (Not kidding)
Runescape Name: Jersrocker10
CP Name:Pugmaster101
Member or Non-Member: member
How much money have you got ( not required ):
Combat lvl: 13
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… )
Defense 7/7, Prayer 6/6, Attack 10/10, Strength 13/13, Hitpoints 14/14
Best Non-Combat lvl: Cooking 15/15, Mining 4/4
Will you be active? Yes
sure ill join i prob wont win the duel for leader because i found ou that my lvl 52 character got deleted 🙁 ill get a new profile soon dont worry!
1.) Name: Ryanbearsroc
2.) Member
3.) 358,264
4.) 92
5.) Mage
6.) Teaching or Tutorial (81)
7.) Yep, always am always will be
-Ryanbearsroc ACP Major General
Runescape Name:Rebel7d
CP Name:Happy524
Member or Non-Member:
How much money have you got ( not required ):
Combat lvl:3
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… ) Attack i think
Best Non-Combat lvl: Mining
Will you be active? of course!
wait guys on my non combat skill the highest its really woodcutting for me
Runescape Name:Rebel7d
CP Name:
Member or Non-Member:
How much money have you got ( not required ):
like 10 for now
Combat lvl:
3 (had an old char with same name but got deleted and it was lvl 52) and i think im almost lvl 4
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… ) Attack
Best Non-Combat lvl:
Will you be active?
ok actually i have a few k in money on runescape now
Runescape Name:wheelo97
CP Name:Dj Shane1
Member or Non-Member:non member
How much money have you got ( not required ):
Combat lvl:3
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… )idk
Best Non-Combat lvl:36
Will you be active?yeh
Next time the nachos attack Snow Forts, 30 troops off playing runescape will be a tremendous help! Let’s start a farmville branch to defend Breeze, and maybe a Wii fit for ….
If Nachos legitimately attack Snow Forts, there will not be people playing Runescape..
Thanks for everyone for joining.
Stickson:- The Battle will be maybe tomorrow.
Chase470:- Please can you recomplete your form as it is incomplete.
Blueswill:- Yeah sure, add me.
For people who will become members in 1 or 2 weeks, can you please comment on this post when you HAVE members.
Runescape name: Mrnooner
Clubpenguin name: Mrnooner
I had about 50,000 money if I sold everything I had but I spent it on black armour 🙂
combat: 15
27 mining
oh course I will!
Runescape Name:twini97
CP Name:Djryan
Member or Non-Member:non-member
How much money have you got ( not required ):
Combat lvl:3
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… )idk
Best Non-Combat lvl:36
Will you be active?yes
I’ll Be Getting My Runescape
Runescape Name:Captain Punky
CP Name:Gemmvshan
Member or Non-Member:Non member
How much money have you got ( not required ):300 k
Combat lvl:lvl 34
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… )Range
Best Non-Combat lvl:16
Will you be active?Yes
Head, I want my rematch.
Runescape Name: Mijchael
Club Penguin Name: Cars48487
22 or 25
Defense and Attack
yall need to make COD6,MW2 branch!
ryan and head of police r in my way of becoming leader xD
time to train so i can beaat u all xD
I will Head, my RS name is LordBlueswil (only one l)
@ A dawg: I agree because MW2 is awesome.
Runescape Name: Zemnate
CP Name: Bid Now
Member or Non-Member: Non-member
How much money have you got ( not required ): 1mil and full guthix
Combat lvl: 68
Best Combat Skill: 56 attack
Best Non-Combat lvl: 62 woodcutting
Will you be active?
By the way.
Im currently in a clan called Kathryns Bow
We hunt revenants and these are our servers. We share them with Playpro5
World 141
World 100
If you happen to take over any land. Do not take anything between 100-145 please. We are looking at building a nation
Youkayniney, you’ll just get pwned again…
Stickson – There will be ONE non-member leader and ONE member leader.
Zemnate – If you are in another clan, you cannot join this one.
i forgot my pass but ill get it back again ill try to join ill be rally fun i rember i was like lvl 50 somethin i used to be member but i sold all that stuff my friend had a lvl87 and it was member but he quit and i never knew password but he knew mine
rs name:kane13484
cp name:adioboard
like 200k
best combat skill:att and def are both 70
best non-cobat 72 wc
Runescape Name:Bally910
CP Name:Ballywho
Member or Non-Member:member
How much money have you got ( not required ): around 300k
Combat lvl:95
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… ) 80 strength
Best Non-Combat lvl:77 fletching
Will you be active?yup although i am in a clan on rs please make this a team i don’t wanna be considered a multi clanner
NO NO NO NO NO plz no itsm y only place away from acp duty
please dont do it
IM NOT ON RUNSCAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Runescape Name: Itz Matt Pk
CP Name: talyor455
Member or Non-Member: non
How much money have you got ( not required ):1m
Combat lvl:93
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… ) str
Best Non-Combat lvl:fletch
Will you be active?
i hope
ah well. check out our site.
sorry for advertising. just thought you might wanna check out the competition
Runescape Name:Nickydeitch2
CP Name:Nicky34556
Member or Non-Member: non member[probably gunna b a member soon tho]
How much money have you got ( not required ): not much[i will make money tho]
Combat lvl: 49
Best Combat Skill: attack
Best Non-Combat lvl: mining lvl 46
Will you be active?
Runescape Name: sports1156
CP Name: wiz43
Member or Non-Member: non member
How much money have you got ( not required ): 200k
Combat lvl: 40
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… ) attack and mage r tied
Best Non-Combat lvl: cook
Will you be active? i am on like all day
I created one but I am stuck so maybe no, sorry… 🙁 how do you cry lol
are non acp people aloud to join in? if so im super pie 20 cb lvl 76 best cb skill is 63 def and best non combat skill is 60 wood cutting aaaand i got 1 mil.
~fear my dds! ~
i guess ill join too… im LordBlueswil, cb lvl 75, best skill is 65 att, best non combat skill is 41 woodcutting and 31 crafting is 2nd, i got 1.5m worth of items and wealth ( i was lying about me having 120m lol)
Runescape Name:Rexrider1235
CP Name:Rexrider
Member or Non-Member:Im a member on cp but im a non member on runescape
How much money have you got ( not required ):
0 i had to make a new account because i forgot my username and password for my old account.
Combat lvl:1 or 0
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… )idk yet but ill tell who ever is the leader of the division when i find out
Best Non-Combat lvl:dont know ill tell leader when i find out
Will you be active?
Ill try to be
Runescape Name: Darknis133
CP Name: Darknis124
Member or Non-Member: I’m a member on both.
How much money have you got ( not required ): over 3 million, and i can make 500k on a good day =)
Combat lvl: 75, but I’m training cb right now so it is going up =)
Best Combat Skill: ( E.g: Range, Mage, Prayer, Defense etc… ) lv 56 nage, 61 atk, 60 def, and str, 59 hp, 43 prayer, and 24 range
Best Non-Combat lvl: lv 76 fishing =) it was hard =)
Will you be active? since rs is my favorite game ever, @#$% ya!
This blog is great and very informative! I will keep checking it out, I am also adding a link to your site onto mine 🙂
This blog is very nice, I will add it to my site in the links! Make sure you check out my site, it gives you free runescape rares/accounts.
Runescape Name: Gramerz89
CP Name: Runescape Name: Gramerz89
Member or Non-Member: Non Member
I have jsut started playing runescape again so I IZ ACTIVE!
runescape name: dark saidien
cp name: spike jr 24
mem or non mem: member
combat lvl: 76
best combat skill: def= lvl 70
best non cb skill: herblore
oh yeah and i got 1mil on this account