
I have some tactics to win the battle today. Here they are:

  • Arrive 10 – 5 minutes early, to get a stronger force early.
  • Follow Oagalthorp wherever he goes.
  • Do whatever Oagalthorp tells you too. Watch him at all times to look for orders.
  • When you don’t see anyone saying ACP, say “ACP” a lot. It is our battle cry, and it lets everyone know who we are.
  • Attack the enemy at all times.

We won’t expect much of a challenge, but this is more of a test, to see if these new battle plans work.

In the end, we will most likely win, but the enemies will most likely say they won, because they are too thick-headed to admit defeat.


Don’t forget the battle time. ALL SOLDIERS MUST COME, IN UNIFORM!


-Today, Oct. 28

-1:00pm PST

-Mammoth Dojo          

After the attack, we will have a week-long invasion to rid Mammoth of any Golds. We must make Club Penguin safe!


Enemies:We have settled the argument with the PRA, and they are no longer enemies. But the Golds still claim they didn’t hack Fort57’s account, but they gave the password out to everyone, which is just as bad. When asked about the bad example thing they said  it’s “nerdy” for us to want Club Penguin to be a safe place. Now we know how stupid our enemies are, proving that what they say doesn’t really matter. Also, they keep claiming they get their passwords stolen by hackers, but they all really get banned for the pictures on their site. Just look at their “Funny Pictures” page!



Until later,

March on!

23 Responses

  1. first comment

  2. Mill is telling me that he doesnt want this war and Johanwillfir already quit the Golds and joined the ACp so only Papa Beaks started this
    Oagalthorp: Beaks is the leader, and yes, he did start this. But Fly and Mill made those inappropreate pictures, so they are just as bad.

  3. 2 and 3 comment

  4. 4th

  5. sir i am so sorry i couldnt make i cant get on to mammoth cause i am non meber

  6. sir i am ihired back?

  7. Well this week long inquisition may work. You still forgot to rid them of your blog roll. That will garintee there instintion.

  8. i know i saw the funny pics page on golds site

  9. o yeah on golds site
    beaks said that he didnt hack fort 57 account
    but he did. WHAT A LIAR

  10. i don’t think i can make the war…..sorry oagal

  11. Ogal this exercism of the golds couldnt be at a better time. Like I said you forgot to remove them from your blog roll. When you do, do you think you think you can do the favor i asked you before anyways talk to you later.


    Autocrat of P.R.A.
    Oagalthorp: What was this “favor”? I don’t recall hearing about it.

  12. Oagal I will be there late. I might be to late just so you konw

  13. does the CPR still have to battle with you? we are more of the reporting types.
    Oagalthorp: How many times do I have to explain this to you people?!? The CPR doesn’t exhist anymore! I’m talking about real rebels, that go against thee ACP Nation! 🙄

  14. oagal i’ll be there im there now!

  15. man i just got back from my gandparents house just now only 30 min. befor the invatoin

  16. sorry ogalthopr i cant come to the war becuase im gonna go to
    a muesuem

  17. WE WON!

  18. Sir, it is 20:53 (military time central USA) I was just in battle alone versus one person and here is what he said; “ACP STINKS!!!!!” I ended up winning the battle in Mammoth at the Dojo.

  19. Sir, I am in another battle and he is an XPE (?).

  20. RPF ishelping me out

  21. Well I didnt want to say it on this but putting me on your blogroll? It’s fine if you dont but im just asking if you can anyways. Thanks if so.


  22. any wars yet we propably beat every one

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