War Update *MUST READ*

War: I have decided a time to have this war. All ACP soldiers must show up, in uniform. We are having this battle to prove that this rebellion is tiny, and doesn’t stand a chance. Plus we are fighting the Golds and any other enemies. I AM MAKING A POST TOMORROW MORNING INVOLVING TACTICS FOR THIS BATTLE!


-Sunday, Oct. 28

-1:00pm PST

-Mammoth Dojo         

After the big battle, we will hold a week-long invasion to rid Mammoth of any enemies.


Why We are at War: Most of you don’t even know why we are at war. Here is a brief explanation about just that:

  1. We proposed to “take over” so we could patch-up a few loopholes in the rules the moderators haven’t caught yet.
  2. Some people only read the “controlling servers” title, and immediately thought we were turning into an evil dictatorship.
  3. Those people are the rebels, and we are at war with them.
  4. One of the Gold leaders hacked an ACP General’s account, and that alone is enough reason to declare war. but the Golds also attack allies and small armies, plus they set a terrible example for younger kids with their swearing and hating.
  5. So we are at war with them, too.
  6. The PRA leader said he would help the Golds because he thinks the ACP is trying to take over, crush small armies and allies, and start Club Penguin WWIV. Link to that comment.
  7. The leader denies ever doing this, bu until this is resolved we are at war with them too.

Changing “Taking Over”: We will change “taking over” to just further protection. This means the laws we set aren’t necessarily laws, jut things we advise you not to do. If we catch you doing it, we will take a picture and send it to the Club Penguin staff, and let them handle it.


How to Take a Picture: Here is how to take a picture:

  1. Press “Print Screen”, which is usually next to “F12”.
  2. Paste that into Microsoft Paint, and there you can crop it or do whatever you want to it.
  3. Save it as “.PNG” (That file has the best quality).
  4. Upload it onto Imageshack, Photobucket, or any other image uploading place.
  5. Once done, copy the link and/or tag, and paste it wherever you want the picture.



Until later,

March on!

244 Responses

  1. 1st comment!

  2. second comment

  3. 3rd comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. oagalthorp I don’t think I can make the war because I’m a non-member and mammoth is always full.I hope you understand.

    Oagalthorp: Read the post, and you will be better informed. 🙄

  6. oagal maybe u should delete the rockhopper tracker page since its already on the cool stuff page. and maybe u can add a black list page. :happy:

  7. i wonder what the em thing does

  8. oagal maybe you should add a page where people can comment suggestions.

    Oh and mayube you should add music to this page

  9. I smells a CSI!! ( random huh? ) sorry now im only alowed (SP) on the comp on weekends. but its true i dont really think this ‘nation’ thing is a good idea. i mean seriously, CANT WE ALL STAY IN MAMMOTH WHERE THE ANCIENT MEMORIES OF THE WWS REMAIN!?!?!
    also, id like to announce that im quitting every army ever and never joining ANY army. im sick and tired of zippy bringing up the fact i join different armies after i quit other armies. really makes no sense i know but still.i will help armies i like, the armies who dont hate me, and i will go against armies i dont like, and if an army both has friends in it and enemies i will attack individual people.such as i attack just zippy if i see him with nachos. (XD) Note: dont you dare say i cant do this ogal.

    P.S i copied and pasted this in case anyone didnt read it.
    Oagalthorp: We can’t stay in Mammoth. We need to expand our priciples all over. Besides, The WWs weren’t just in Mammoth, otherwise they would just be wars.
    PS. Why would I tell you you can do this?

  10. their actually are more than three mods, they can handle this. if someone reports you your banned within the hour. BUT oagal emailed them and now they think this is a good group or whatever.
    Oagalthorp: Reports don’t do much, it takes about 10 reports or more on the very same reason to even get a 24 hour ban.

  11. Oagalthorp: COMMENT EDITED. Stop asking about making en elite ACP, it would cause more problems than solutions.

  12. Sir I will have pictures of the Battle on my site so everyone can see them ok thnx

  13. are they pictures of the batle we had todai texas?

  14. oh and sir what is our national anthem?

  15. Oh so your changing the name of your Take over? Then should we not vote on this as well? Oh right it doesnt matter that there was more “No’s” than “Yes’s” you guys are going to take over anyway. You call yourself a Democratic Republic, but you sure arent acting like it. If you want to protect club penguin, LEAVE IT ALONE!
    Oagalthorp: We aren’t just changing the name, we are changing the whole idea of it. And yes, we are a Democratic Rebublic, we will vote on it again. But we will ask ACP soldiers what they voted, because we don’t care what Golds like you voted for.
    PS. Protect CP by leaving it alone? That’s got to be one of the worst suggestions I’ve heard in a while. To protect, action must be taken, everyone knows that.

  16. oagal i made you an author on my site can i be an author on this one and nobody is listening to me when im on.

  17. we had a war today????

  18. the 28th is tomorrow texas vs a

  19. LOL

  20. What do you think you can do to make things better then the Mods are already doing? Banning them? No. All you can do is throw snowballs.
    Oagalthorp: Hey look guys, someone who didn’t read the post! ^^^ I clearly said in the post how we will deal with those who go against our advise.
    PS. I know that e-mail address you are using, but where? I will look into it.

  21. if u would use your ability to read, then you would know that he said that he would take pictures when somebody’s doing something wrong and then send the picture to clubpenguin support and they would ban the person! but you stupid idiots just cant go a day without showing how much of a brain you have and how much u use it. (that means (to all u idiots out there) that you make stupid and retarded comments to try to get oagal in trouble, even when he has already explained about what it is.)so i say this for the millionth time and probably still not the last time,,,read the whole post so u wont look stupid!!!

  22. oh while i was typing oagal already edited his comment. whoops

  23. Oagalthorp u know we can have this war somewhere else. I mean I know Mammoth is our home server, but if we have a war on Mammoth random people r gonna be in the way, and attacking. So let’s have this war somewhere else for once.

  24. Ogalthorp im telling you I never said any comment to fight with the golds. I hate the golds, I always thought they were a bad example for other kids. And I never wanted to fight you. Maybe some one else posted something like that but it wasnt me. Look at the IP adress in that case.

    Anyways, yes im glad you dont want to go to war with us. I wish you didnt even post my army on your post as a target. Now the Nachos think our army is actualy the REBELS so it is getting out of hand. I would apreciate it if you can retain the situation and make it clear to everyone we are not out there to destroy your nation.

    Oagalthorp: I will ally with you and stop this whole thing against the PRA, in two conditions. One, just admit you made that comment and say sorry, you know it’s impossible for me to check the IP address because I’m not ad Admin on that site. And two: You help us in the war against the Golds.

  25. Oagal, I will be there late

  26. Oagal tell hinata to stop banning me for no reason on the xat ACP chat!!!!!

    Oagalthorp: I keep hearing a lot of complaints of the ACP chat! I think im gonna delete the Xat chat.
    Oagalthorp: First of all, that isn’t me ^. Don’t impersonate me, or you will face the consiquesnces. We will not delete the Xat, for a reason I can’t disclose yet. But I will talk to Hinita about this.

  27. Don’t delete the Xat chat please!!!!!!!
    Just unmod and ban hinata.
    Oagalthorp: I think the bribble chat is safer and allows safer bans. Besides i hear Xat may give you a virus. I think that’s why my computer has been going slow lately.
    Oagalthorp: What did I just tell you? STOP IMPERSONATING ME!

  28. oagal please dont delete xat chat. brazilian lies. he was breaking one of your rules by being violent. he said that he pushed hinata off of a cliff. he also cusses A LOT! it was just brazilian fan trying to get away with being bad… and not succeding.

  29. But bribble allows you to see some1 else on a webcam. That’s not safe.
    Oagalthorp: Well that is your desicion whether to allow someone to see you on a webcam. It’s your safety not mine. 🙄
    Oagalthorp: One more imperonation of me and your on the Black List. GOT IT?

  30. SORRY!
    Oagalthorp: Good.

  31. i didnt see the last comment 🙁

  32. Yes sir i got it.

  33. also dont unmod hinata. she is always doing the right thing,,, and brazilian fan just wants her unmodded because he gets in trouble for cussing and being violent!

  34. Heh.


  36. here is an example of him doing the wrong thing oagal! he almost got put on the black list and he wants to make you look bad by making you look like you dont care about others safety.

  37. sir how are we gonna prepare for this war, cuase it gonna be big

  38. isnt the war kinda sudden? i mean we just found out it was gonna be tomorrow and a lot of people probably wont get on the site today so we might be short a few soldiers…or a lot. not to be negative or anything but a lot of people wont know about it
    Oagalthorp: I am testing to see if this kind of war preperation works. I’m pretty sure plenty of people will come.

  39. sir how do get in higher position in acp

    because i have been trying my best and giving it my all

    i have been talking loads
    adding loads of acp friends
    been in loads of wars
    tryed getting in elections making people vote for me
    i have even tried giving ideas

    but none off them work 🙁
    you even shouted at me for trying 🙁
    so i come to you in peace for advice so i can get someing that works

  40. googulp ive been in acp for five months doing everything that i should and im still just a soldier… and i dont care. i am happy to help even if im the same rank of a newcomer.

  41. ok maybe i shouldnt care

    the only thing is i cant gt over it

    and i wanna o something in acp not just be a soldier

    you have to admit it is quite nnoying not being able to

  42. and he didnt shout,,, he typed! not even in all caps so he really was just telling u in advance so you wouldnt work super hard on the idea and then get rejected. think up of something new and he might use it

  43. well the way he siad it was quite threatning and in a shouty kinda way

  44. but thnx for the advice on not working so hard on one idea, i will defo. us that 🙂

  45. i mean use that not us that !!!

  46. To the Nachos: We aren’t “helping” them against the Golds, we declared war seperately. But since we are both at war, we will fight together.

  47. Oagalthorp: We aren’t just changing the name, we are changing the whole idea of it. And yes, we are a Democratic Rebublic, we will vote on it again. But we will ask ACP soldiers what they voted, because we don’t care what Golds like you voted for.
    PS. Protect CP by leaving it alone? That’s got to be one of the worst suggestions I’ve heard in a while. To protect, action must be taken, everyone knows that.

    -commented by oagalthorp earlier today

    Duges: ok, another vote would work, although you did not tell the truth about the last one. Also if you make a poll on that website anyone can vote again the next day! And you cant just ask what your soldiers want to do, you need to ask all of CP. thats what a “Democratic Republic” would do. By the way i aint no gold, i hate golds. Im leader of the Yellow Penguin Airforce. “To protect, action must be taken.” ? Yes, action is being taken. By the Mods, and everyone that reports bad people. Also you say that you are going to send pictures of ppl doin bad stuff to the club penguin staff? Uhh…hello thats what the leaders of my army are doing… and we arnt making any laws…

    Oagalthorp: Why must there be people like you? I have explained this well over 10 times.
    1. How did I not tell the truth about the last poll?
    2. Why would we need to ask CP about anything we do? The contacting the CP satff is WHAT PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO! So I suppose you think we should ask CP if we should make armies? We should ask CP before making a comment on blogs? We should ask CP beofre saing anything on CP? No, we shouldn’t. It’s just a nuisance to the staff, and completely un-necessary.
    3. Your uniform is almost the exact same as the Golds’.
    4. The mods can’t do everything. Don’t be an idiot, just read the post. We are patching up the loop-holes in the rules CP hasn’t quite fixed yet.
    5. You are saying the leaders fo your armies are the only ones allowed to help CP? I haven’t seen any leader in your army help with anything. All you do is complain about obvious, self-explanitory, stupid things.

    PS. Do us all a favor, and don’t comment here anymore. So far, everything you have said is useless and obnoxious.

  48. sir did you get me email?

  49. i thought CPR was allies, but I guess not.
    Oagalthorp: The CPR doesn’t exist anymore. 🙄

  50. Hey Oagal when u put rebels on there did it mean rpf or just rebels just comment me back at http://dan1034.wordpress.com

  51. I think he meant the CPR

  52. THE CPR??? that is what you do when someones not breathing…cpr! boy it must be embarrassing to be in that army! and to duges (that name kinda sounds like a cuss word) if its not a law to send clubpenguin support pics of when people are not being appropriate, then it is likely that your soldiers will just laugh and waddle away,,, but when it is a law more people take pics and more “criminals” get banned. i dont get why this is even worth arguing about! i mean we rarely ever question other armiesabout their plans,,,because it is their army,,, but when acp makes one decision then OMG WHAT IS HE DOING THIS FOR? the whole world practically blows up. just read the whole post, think whether it is worth arguing or even asking about, and if its not then SHUT UP!!!

  53. I’ll be there. At least he knows what he’s up against.

  54. major ace are you part of the cpr? (giggles)

  55. reallyred53 your not making any sense…or at least not that i can understand. My soldiers are not sending “pics” to club penguin, that is what oagalthorp is saying he is going to do, and is also what me, pizzasneeze, and kennyman are doing. Next, none of acp’s other decisions had anything to do with “TAKING OVER CLUB PENGUIN” Also you are being quite hipporcrittical, you tell us not to argue when you are arguing about the same thing?


  56. Wow, you said in MY comment that you don’t care, well guess what, MY FRIENDS WERE FIRED ON!!!! Thanks for the comment,Ogal

  57. im not arguing with oagal about stupid little things like this,,, i am arguing with YOU to get you to stop arguing with oagal. and if you had half of a brain then you would know what i was talking about.

  58. Oagal, I was just playing around looking at the other armies’ websites, and I saw that on one of the sites it said that the PRA were going to have like a 5 day break for Halloween! They were going to just stop and have fun at the Halloween Party! We could really use this to our advantage. I’m not quite sure how, but you of all people should be able to think of something. Oh, also, I thought of a new name for a regiment like the F.E.R. It’s called the S.P.I.E.S. (That stands for Supreme Penguin International Encouter System). March On! 8)

  59. Its tough with you grammar… but anyways I will not stop arguing untill this is resolved. FOS Freedom Of Speech


  60. Oh, wait! I forgot, I won’t be able to come to the battle tomorrow. I’ll be at an NFL game. Sorry!! 🙁

  61. it is tough with me grammar??? well im sorry duge that i dont type secretary style while im on a friggn cartoon penguin site. now THAT was freedom of speech

  62. major ace what teams are playing at the game that u r going to tomorrow?

  63. and your arguing is useless because…well…oagal even said it up there in the edit of ur comment and i really dont feel like writing it again. i hate people like you. no matter how hard you try to tell them and now matter how much times you try to explain it to them they still dont get it. i dont know whether it is because youre not reading the whole powst (which i have said a million times to do) or your head is so THICK that you cant POSSIBLY imagine it any other way except your way.

  64. (Trying to ignore this idiot) Mind your own bussiness?

  65. yes useless and obnoxious

  66. and im the idiot? isnt that what i just pretty much called you?(if not i inferred it…you probably dont know what that means) but whatever. have you lost the ability to read? if so go back to kindergarten (where you belonged in the first place) and then come back to this site and read oagals edit on your comment up there… it says stop leaving us comments becasut they are USELESS AND OBNOXIOUS. AND DONT TELL ME TO MIND MY OWN BUSINESS BECAUSE THIS IS MY BUSINESS! I AM PART OF ACP!!!

  67. -For Oagalthorp

    1. The poll wasnt even over people were still voting, and there were more no’s.

    2. Wouldnt you want to know if someone was taking over your site?

    3. ooo insuting our army? very mature. Our Uniform was made to be YELLOW and not gold and when we made it there was not 1 thing we were wearing that was the same as theirs.

    4. Correct, they cannot do everything, which is why i said “Yes, action is being taken. By the Mods, and everyone that reports bad people.”

    5. No, helping is fine. But making laws? “Taking over”? no

    P.S. If you understand what i am saying, then nothing i said would be “usless and obnoxious.

    Oagalthorp: Don’t claim to know what you are talking about. This is the last time I respond to your idiotic comments without marking it as spam and getting you banned from WordPress.

    1. Only ACP people were supposed to vote, and that obviously didn’t happen. Most people just put “no” without even considering it. Trust me, I know.
    2. How does asking “Wouldnt you want to know if someone was taking over your site?” have anything to do with this? Don’t worry, I have an answer. It doesn’t!
    3. Well, for one thing ALL OF IT IS GOLD. No one is going to notice the difference between two people with the exact same color.
    4. Reports aren’t as effective or specific as taking a picture and sending an e-mail. Isn’t that what your army leaders do? Wow, going against what you just said. Now I know I am dealing with a hypocrite.
    5. Read the post, smart one. You will know all about thses “laws”.

    PS. Yes, I understood what you said (Or tried to say). And as I have said before. ALL OF IT IS USELESS AND OBNOXIOUS!

  68. Sunday? Why Sunday? I CAN’T MAKE IT TOMMOROW!!!!!

  69. actually everything you said was useless and obnoxious because
    1 When people are voting for president do they get to take as much time as they want? no they get a little less than 24 hours and if they dont make it then too bad. and he can do whatever he wants with this army because it is HIS army.

    2 that was totally random about “wouldnt you want to know if some one was taking your side?”

    3 he wasnt insulting your army… he was treating it how a small army that could be taken over and thrown out of clubpenguin in less than a day should be treated.

    4 there is five actual mods. thats not even as much servers there is in clubpenguin. what he is doing is helping make clubpenguin a better place for kids. you cant accept that because…well… i have said it so many times do i have to say it again?

    5 taking over is not what he is doing and he has had to say this many times… he is making a place where all acp soldiers can go and if they dont like it then hes not holding them back from quitting. he wants acp soldiers there because he wants to protect those bases while other armies protect other servers. the whole point of having an army is to make clubpenguin a better place (unless ur in gpr)

    so once again it was useless and it was obnoxious

  70. Ugh here we go again.

    1. No, but when he stopped the poll he said that it was a tie, which i know it was not.

    2.?? what i said was “Wouldnt you want to know if someone was taking over your site?”

    3. ????? What he said was “Your uniform is almost the exact same as the Golds’.”

    4. ok go ahead and help cp, which you were. But enough with the laws your making.

    5. Ok i dont want to repeat myself on this one -_-

    You really gotta understand, im not trying to be a jerk, i am trying to help CP, by fixing you way of “helping” cp
    Oagalthorp: Well we are trying to help CP by trying to fix the total lies you are posting.

    PS. The moment I stopped the poll it was 28 to 28 😉

  71. 1 no you dont know it was not a tie because you didnt click the refresh button every waking second until the polls were closed.

    2 nobody could take over a site and once again if you had half of a brain you would know that. he doesnt post the pass word on the internet.

    3 thats not insulting,,, thats true, and you cant take that against him because its not his fault that you copy other peoples uniforms

    4 you cant tell us when enough is enough because you are nothing. you have a little baby army and you fight with acp. we honestly dont care whether you like the laws becasue the laws only effect the acp. so stop trying to make this about you

    5 then dont repeat yourself because then id have to repeat myself again and it annoys me that people are that stupid.

    you honestly cant think you are gonna “fix” our way of doing things! youre not even our ally! anyways what we are doing is great and you wish your army would have thought of it so you ARE being a jerk about it

  72. -To oagalthorp not that other guys

    1. Duh thats like the citizens of the USA not being aloud to vote for the president.

    2. Uhg your making laws on clubpenguin…. UNDERSTAND???

    3. we are the YELLOW penguin airforce KEYWORD : YELLOW.
    and again “nothing we wear is the same thing as golds”

    4. LOL i just said yes we are doing that, but we arnt making laws we want other people to follow we are just working for the club penguin staff.

    5. I read the post “smart one” and no one is going to follow them.

    Im trying my best to get you to understand this.

    1. It’s ACP Nation. Pretty self-explanitory.
    2. Proof he didn’t read the post: Changing “Taking Over”: We will change “taking over” to just further protection. This means the laws we set aren’t necessarily laws, jut things we advise you not to do. If we catch you doing it, we will take a picture and send it to the Club Penguin staff, and let them handle it.
    3. Gold and Yellow are just two names for the same color on CP.
    4. Read the post, we have proof you didn’t earlier.
    5. No, you didn’t read the post. Maybe you just glanced through it, but you didn’t fully read it.



  74. Oagalthorp maybe u could make a black lists page….and add duges on it!



  77. Oagalthorp: I have had enough from this idiot. Black List for Duges.

  78. Oagal maybe we should have a the ACP club penguin moderation team ( with me in it cause *I* made it up) Please respond


  80. -For Oagalthorp

    Duges must go on the Black List!

  81. Lol im just obssesed with this black list!
    And this arguement lol 😉

  82. if you make a comment on a public site then “that other guys” is gonna post a comment back!

    1 no it is not!!!!!! that is like some citiizens of the united states voting and then others forgetting or not being able to vote. on nov 2 2004 the polls were closed at 11:59 and the president was announced at 5:00 am this year the polls were closed as he had promised and it was almost exactly as if there was an official election in cp.

    2 ugh he is making laws in the acp not clubpenguin… understand

    3 yellow? they dont have gold in clubpenguin unless it is the gold viking helmet or something and im absolutely sure that the golds were made before your little army of six year olds so yes you did copy the golds and what is the difference. potato potahto…its gold its yellow

    4 again with the laws???

    5 that was pretty “mature” for someone who said that oagal was being immature by saying that your uniforms are almost the same. think dude think

  83. I am offended! I brought back the CPR!!! =[

  84. brazilianfan are you on my side or on duges? im pretty obsessed with this arguement too! lol

  85. How do you enforce your no robery law, CP staff does not care!
    No random dates? You can’t enforce that either. CP STAF DOES NOT CARE!

  86. reallyred53 giggles again! cpr is a mouth to mouth procedure performed when someone stops breathing. thats a pretty embarrassing name for an army! =)

  87. – for reallyred

    1. he said that only acp was supposed to vote…

    2. oh ok so i cannot do all of that on this website, but i can on cp?

    3. I already explained in my last comment. read it over

    4. i put laws in quotes

    5. That made no sense, and i did not call oagalthorp immature

  88. orbvab… the law is only for the acp. if you do it then you are kicked out of the acp. he doesnt care if you arent in the acp and do it. hes not gonna waste his time sending pics to the cp staff about dating or robberies.

  89. reallyred im on Oagals side.

  90. This is fun arguing on comments lol

  91. lol ok then argument over ill go find a date on cp, do flashy words, go make a gang fight and hack…. like you said this is ok if you not in acp?


  93. ok now i think both of em (Oagal and duges) are getting burned with disses(the arguement)

  94. lol its called making an example. basically what you said is that the ‘laws’ that oagal made only have to be followed by ppl in acp.

  95. 1 yes he said that only acp was supposed to vote because it only effected acp! if you are not in acp then you shouldnt care because it doesnt include you! its not like slavery or something. these laws that we voted on are acp laws and i cannot believe that i am having to type this again.

    2 sure if you want to get banned or get reported. what are you playing the devils advocate? i dont get it! you switched sides (once again john kerry)

    3 the only reason you are not typing anything for 3 is because u kno im right and u kno that you cant say anything else. yellow and gold. how are we supposed to tell the difference? can you write it on your computer and then hope everyone else sees it? no

    4 fine here i go again. again with the “laws”?

    5 i will copy and paste what you said=ooo insuting our army? very mature.

  96. so duges wants to give people seizures… that really adds a lot to his personality. i know you were “making an example” but whatever i say,,, you switch sides (again)

  97. yawn

  98. 100th comment

  99. 98 COMMENT!!!!!!! getting closer…..


  101. 1. ok then we dont need to argue if oagalthorp agrees with this lol

    2. thats a totally different story

    3. fine i will copy and paste you it so it makes it easier for you. “we are the YELLOW penguin airforce KEYWORD : YELLOW.
    and again “nothing we wear is the same thing as golds””

    4. Read what i said earlier. i put laws in quotes. if you dont understand what that does please tell me.

    5. That does not mean i am calling HIM immature.

    im pretty much repeating myself everytime is it that hard to understand?

  102. 1. Its like canada,the rules are to vote for PM you have to be canadian and 18 or older
    2.Like Oagal said reports dont help. And what kind of mod would be on cp this time of day?
    3.The difference between yellow and gold is that gold is shinier lol.
    4.Oagal just forget about these laws and go back to your normal self which is,”Fight freedom and preserve justice”. Not “making laws” Come on thats acting like a child. Laws for a game army? WTH isnt that being a child? This happens in politics not games.
    5.At least Oagal can dis your face Duges.

  103. …. to brazilian

    1. he just said thats for ACP only…

    2. and i already responded to that…. scroll up

    3. then how are we ‘coping’ golds?

    4. i agree wit dat

    5. uhh ok go ahead oagal dis my face… i dont feel anything… seems like my face is still fine.

  104. I am rebuilding APMA forms, so when I finish you can visit them.

  105. And besides a game doesent need an army lol. Armies are for KILLING bad guys. And u cant kill in CP.


  106. 1.I’m saying that as an example.
    2.I meant mod as in the night time.(lets just forget about number 2)
    3.My answer to number 3 before u wrote that was for realyred not you.
    4.I agree too. lol
    5.BURN!!! lol but both of u are getting dissed though.

  107. Lol this is acting (or i should say definetely) becoming like a debate. lol

  108. man duge is a douc… nevermind! hes a nitwit. hes a half brain. hes the driver of the shortbus. hes dumb. hes stubborn hes just the kind of person that nobody would want to be friends with

  109. ok so i guess all we have to take care of is number 1 and 5 in this “debate”.

  110. brazilian fan i am sorry about what i said about you earlier. we have to stand together to beat duge in this arguement

  111. Ya im sort of sorry too (i forget what i did but ok) lets beat Duges!

  112. 1. yes and that example had nothing to do with what me and the red guy were talking about

    2. lol ok lets forget about 2 because you know im right?

    3. ahh i see

    4. uhhh… good then…. now if only acp agreed

    5. ok whateva

  113. apology accepted. :happy:

  114. brazilian fan about number 3. um i was saying that you cant tell a differnce between the yellow and gold uniform. i can tell the difference in real life. lol

  115. to brazilian: uhhh what apology?

    to reallyred: you gotta be either an idiot or blind to not be able to tell the difference

  116. 1.Ok number 1 is getting confusing
    2.No i dont think ur right but this is also getting confusing
    3.Thank you for understanding
    4.Yea if only acp agreed. Im probably the first ACP soldier to agree.
    5That “burn” meant u dissed oagal right there.

  117. to brazilian: ahh i see to reallyred right

  118. duges youre never right he said that we need to forget about number two because he is probley sick and tired of telling you the same friggn thing every comment. (i know i am)

  119. to duges: The apology to reallyred to wat she was saying about me earlier(which was rude) So i accepted her apology.

  120. 1. ok just forget about that then

    2. uhm…great?

    3. np

    4. great

    5. right sure ok?

    this is getting pointless

  121. respond to the 120th comment: Ya thats also a reason.

  122. to reallyred: i already said :oh ok so i cannot do all of that on this website, but i can on cp?

    you said that the laws only apply to acp members. remember???

  123. to duges– u gotta be either AN (not a) idiot or blind to not be able to tell that i have to repeat myself about this again. i said that in your armies stupid uniform it has the same color as the golds uniform. did you forget how to listen when you read for first grade?

  124. Ok tahst it arguemnt over i think we spammed too much (or did me spam)

  125. I think we agree with this arhuemtn. But will ACP agree?

  126. well we cant do anything about other penguins so we can only control acp. halfbrain

  127. to reallyred: lol re-read what i said a while ago, its not all about the color, its about the actual things we are wearing


  129. and also oagal originally meant the laws to be for EVERYONE on cp… its kinda obvious read the old posts

  130. im a guy brazilian

  131. lol

  132. I think we spammed too much. 🙁 sorry oagal…. 🙁

  133. sorry reallyred u sounded like a girl :embaressed:

    Lets all apology to Oagal for spamming too much.

    Sorry Oagal… 🙁

  134. i will finish this when my movies over

  135. ahh need time to make more stuff up? i understand go ahead

  136. Oagal i think making an army for a game is stupid. plus making Laws for an army? nuh uh even stupider. Oagal just go back to ur own self sheesh. Everybody in the ACP army+me are acting childish. Cause like we cant be a government,country(nation) and army at the same time. It just doesent make sense. Sooo i think the idea for armies for a game is dumb. Tese arguments all started when u thought of this government idea and it made things worse. Who agrees? You’d be dumb if u didnt agree with me (no offence)

  137. i agree but this argument started when oagalthorp had that “brilliant” idea of taking over CP

  138. Cp is more peaceful already without armies. See when i go on cp i dont see any swearing or violence so why should i care about this childish “government”. Oagal your acting like the whole world knows about the ACP. It’s like My princibal in my school making an army for our school and catch ppl swearing and being violent. Thats how u are acting with this “army”

  139. reply to comment 139: Ya i agree.

  140. He speaks the truth. Smartest thing ive heard all day. (although it wasnt tough competition with the stuff oagal and reallyred were saying)

  141. and im guessing oagalthorp that you just ran out of lies to tell me? ok then

  142. My gosh if i were you Oagal stop trying to be popular. Cause it’s only a game. Like come on Senators for a game? It’s like playing Halo3 with some guy with an army that has senators. Oagal stop imagining. Cause this government idea is stupid. Man if only u would go back to ur normal self.
    Oh no offence but your acting evil as the ACP boss. I hope you dont be like this to your children or to the world oneday.

    Wow man thats just being plain evil and bossy.
    OH and oagal you act like a 30 year old commander lol

  143. Duges were you saying that to me on comment 142.

  144. Oagal that would be dumb if you marked me as spam cause *I AM* speaking the truth here. Im not trying to be rude, im just trying to make u understand that this government idea made things worse.

  145. yes that was to you brazilianfan

  146. Oh and Duges, if u think i dis well,im just a beginner at this. If you see my cuz hes a master at dissing cause when he dares some1 and the other person says dares go first to him he just says dares on brake lol BUUUUUUUURN!!

  147. Im getting bored dising oagal i might as well justb go do soemthing else (then again maybe not) I just wanna prove oagal that the government idea made things worse.

  148. Sorry duges for saying bad things about you. 🙁

  149. No problem

  150. Duges is on the Black List. He won’t shut up, he is annoying, he makes no sense, he is to thick-headed to argue with, he is an idiot, and he doesn’t even read the post before commenting. Half of all of these comments are Duges, proving he is a moron. See ya Duges.

  151. sorry oagal for the disses

  152. Oagalthorp isnt the army thing sorta getting old? I mean come on the snowballs dont hurt penguins, nothing does.

    P.S. You are a hypocrite (SP?). You don’t wanna set bad examples for kids, yet you are having a war.
    Oaglthrop: Yeah, stopping people that do inappropreate things and having little snowball fights is just terrible.

    PS. Armies and snowball fights are fun, that’s why they exhist.


    Oagalthorp: You are obnoxious, who’s side are you on anyway?

  154. im so bored

  155. yea i agree isnt wars setting bad examples on kids.

    *starts to get pretty sneaky about oagal*

  156. 1.Oagal thats pretty stupid to leave the rockhopper tracker page there when its already on the cool stuff page
    2.You should add a black list page so we dont have to keep scrolling down to see whos on the black list.Besides u said Duges is on the black list but he isnt. 😐
    Oagalthorp: We don’t need a frickin Black List page! That is a really stupid idea, so stop commenting about it!

    PS. The Tracker is one of the “coolest” things we have, therefor it gets a page. People won’t automatically know we have the Tracker just because we have a “Cool Stuff” page. 🙄

  157. whoa its almost time for me to go….

  158. dew has a point. and like ****( bleeped for secrecy )I MEAN SECRET ON DA RUN, im on da run. this army thing IS getting old. just call me The Rouge. im with secret. GUESS WHO I AM.
    PLUS, ogal , you do relise no one in usa north has to follow your rules, and why should acp get usa north? shouldnt the ARMY council have a vote? a discussion? did you all forget WHY we made the council?
    oagalthorp: Don’t be an idiot like Duges. We already talked to all the army leaders about the Countries, and people don’t have to follow these rules, retard, but if they don’t we will contact the CP staff. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
    PS. Im about to find our who you are anyway, I have your IP address.

  159. Im on both sides oagal so i dont care.

  160. Armies? Fun? 😐 Isnt armies involve killing? And besides why should we use our money to get into a server thats always full and join an army?
    Oagalthorp: Armies on Club Penguin, moron. That’s why they are made.

    PS. With that money thing, are you reffering to memberships? Because A: You don’t need to be a member to be in an army, B: You can’t get into a full server, whether you are a member or now, and C: Memberships are mainly for igloo stuff and clothes.

  161. oh ogal is running outta comebacks

  162. exactly what i say

  163. reply to comment number 163: I know 😀

  164. wow oagalthorp you are pathetic your banning me because im right. im telling everyone
    Oagalthorp: I’m banning you because you are to idiotic to know you aren’t right, and you are filling this post with useless comments you already mentioned, and annoying me. Stop commenting or I IP ban you.

  165. Oagal i think some people could be right about some stuff. Like to some of my comments on how an “army government” is a dumb idea. Sooo i think you sort of stop coming up with comebacks. (No offence)
    Oagalthorp: I’m not running out of comeback, I’m just responding with the same stuff, because faggots like you keep commenting on the same things.

  166. Like I said Oagalthorp this never would have happened if u hadn’t said control servers. People took offense to that. Well hopefully we’ll be able to defeat the Golds tomorrow. Mentally wise we don’t stand a chance, physically heck yea.

    Oagalthorp: If by “everyone”, you mean you and your three-man copy of the Golds army? then yeah.

  168. To oagalthorp:

    A:I know im not dumb its just you set up wars in mammoth when thats always full to non members DUH!

    B:Ya but thats rarely THINK!

    C:No DUH!

    Oagalthorp: Just so you know, every comment you make is being marked as spam. A WordPress mod will look at your comments, and perminately ban you from using WordPress sites. So keep on commenting, because the more you do, the deeper the hole you are digging for yourself gets.

  170. I might have to leave ACP. This is tough for ACP soliders to deal with their leader being called a douchebag(Golds called him that) a power hungry freak(UACP). Oagal, sir, u gotta come up with something quick or we(ACP) r going down the drain….. Forever………………….
    oagalthorp: When you think about it, the only one rebelling right now is Duges. Don’t blow a minor problem out of porportion. We have had way worse things happen than this, and we’re fine.

    Oagalthorp: You know, typing in all caps is an easy way to tell someone is getting really frusterated. What’s wrong, am I getting you you. Lol 😉 How much you wanna bet his next comment will be in lowercase letters? Lol.

  172. Lol snowball fights? Isnt that childish? tut tut tut so much people acting like kids on here. tut tut tut wow very sad.



    Not again: Im on both sides so ya

  174. Another thing Oagal sir. U said that this was a stupid computer game at one time, so why r u getting so serious about it. I mean u know those people are gonna try to get under your skin.
    Oagalthorp: Do you see me yelling? I could care less about what some idiot posts on my site.

  175. It was me Ctar. ACP’s only backbone.

  176. Oagal when u said “useless comments”. This website is FULL of useless comments that we dont need to hear. and u never delete them. Like some people say “I cant make it to the war tomorrow” or whatever. You never delete those useless comments or at least respond to them

    Note:Im not trying to be rude
    Oagalthorp: Saying “I’m not going to the war” is a very usefull comment. It tells us that (Obviously) someone can’t make the battle.

  177. Question for Oagal: Are you making my comments as spam? (be honest please)
    Oagalthorp: Only the ones that are spam. 😉

  178. wow oagal your really gay
    Oagalthorp: Lol. Another moron who doesn’t even know what he is talking about. Lol.

  179. Oagal when u said “when some1 types a commetn in all caps its an easy way to tell they are egtting frustrated” When i wrote “good job whoever thought of that” i wasnt gettin frustrated so that prooved you tiny bit wrong…
    Oagalthorp: I’m speaking about comments in general.

  180. I didn’t say u were yelling, I said was that those people are gonna try to get under your skin so u won’t be focused on the war tomorrow, that’s all sheesh.
    Oagalthorp: What’s with the “sheesh”? I wan’t beaing mean. And they aren’t getting under my skin, so it doesn’t matter.

    Oagalthorp: Lol, all caps! You owe me ten bucks. Plus cussing? That’s another five!

  182. Oagal when u replied to comment number 179 did that mean you wont tell me?
    Oagalthorp: No, it means that the

    are marked as spam, and you should know which ones those are.

  183. Ok so let me tell you another “useless comment”


    Like before you deleted the Attacks page people were swearing like Soccerboy does.
    Oagalthorp: Yeah, comments with swearing are usually spam.

  184. I have a feeling that alot of these comments right now are getting spammed…….

  185. Lol oagal when u wrote ur response on comment number 183 u dissed him bad.
    Oagalthorp: I guess you could say that. He still owes me $15. 🙁

  186. dickhead

  187. Oagal when u replied to comment number 179 did that mean you wont tell me?
    Oagalthorp: No, it means that the

    are marked as spam, and you should know which ones those are.

    Response to that is: Uh oh i think im one of them….Am I?
    Oagalthorp: Probably, but I don’t recall.

  188. idiot

  189. oagalthorp is a moron
    Oagalthorp: What’s with Duges^? Lol, does he really think we don’t know it’s him? Na, he can’t be that stupid.

  190. Ok so let me tell you another “useless comment”


    Like before you deleted the Attacks page people were swearing like Soccerboy does.
    Oagalthorp: Yeah, comments with swearing are usually spam.


    I have a question.
    What if part of a comment is pointless and the rest is useful. Is it marked spam or not?
    Oagalthorp: In that situation, I usually cut out the spam part.

  191. lol hes actually taking the time to edit my comments

  192. What does recall mean?

  193. so what happened to your “convincing’ argument?

  194. dude all of the other armies think acp sucks and now you members are going to quit
    Oagalthorp: Suuure. 🙄

  195. if

  196. how much u wunna bet hes gunna edit everyone of these comments XD
    Oagalthorp: I don’t want to bet anything, beccuase I probably will edit them. : P

  197. 200th!

  198. Maybe you can also add a questions page.

    But then again it would be hard to keep track of all those questions.

    Dammit i just dissed myself! LOL

  199. ok im bored of this im gunna let my brother continue with this…peace out

    Oagalthrop: Qutting and leaving the job to someone else. A sign os desperation. You are too easy to predict.

  200. nvm

  201. YES HAHA

  202. YAY 200TH COMMENT WAHOOOOOOOO. So that this doesent become spam….

    Oagal im a non-member and i probably can make it to the war.

  203. Oagal what about the ice warriors are they enimes or allies

  204. Some1 just spammed….

    This comment is useful cause Spammers are bad ppl lol seriously.

  205. me no mske the war.:-(

  206. Oagal i have a suggestion.

    Maybe you can add a suggestions page to this site so people can add suggestions.

    Oh and Oagal do you know what armies are prtecting Canada,Australia and especially UK cause they have too much hackers…?
    Oagalthorp: We just take suggestions in the posts, we don’t need a page for it.

    PS. I know the PRA is with Austrelia, but I’m not sure about Canada and the UK.

  207. !

  208. Why do these comments come before the comment about the suggestions page?

    I think this is a bug Oagal…

  209. Sorry nvm

  210. ya i think there is a bug

  211. Oagal can an admins comment be marked as spam and banned from wordpress?

    Causeonce TomY wrote a comment that said “2nd Comment!”
    Oagalthrop: I don’t mind “1st commant!”s, thay are just for fun.

  212. man oagalthorp is just gettin desperate XD

  213. and if you call this a job i guess i will continue


  215. Oagal u need to rest man. U just spelled ur own name wrong.

  216. wut a loser

  217. what kind of idiot spells their own name wrong….

  218. come on arent you going to edit these comments as well? keep em coming its funny as hell!

  219. All u ppl who think hes an idiot who spelled his own name wrong SHUT UP! cause you spell his name wrong too u know plus at least hes not the mental one.

  220. uhh thats not the only reason hes an idiot… he thinks he can solve his problems by putting ppl on his blacklist, and he lies to his own army

  221. yparocks.wordpress.com

  222. how does he lie to his own army moron?

  223. scroll up and look at everyting he wrote idiot

  224. wth Oagal on comment 198 you were sort of chicken to do that bet u just declined it so u wont lose the bet :p

  225. who gives a sh** about the bet oagalthorp is gay

  226. Oagalthorp when we were talking earlier my computer froze on me so we couldnt finish talking. Go back on later because im on right now. We can finish discussing what I said.



  229. to duge, hell isnt funny and its not something to be joked about. you probably dont care because i imagine that a person like you wouldnt have any religion in his life. its offensive.

  230. lets not bring religion in, thats pushing all the lines here.

  231. realyred go onto ACP chat

  232. brazilizianfan dont get mad at me or anything-but i wanted to ask you why you are being kinda mean to oagal even after he worked hard to get you all those coins?

  233. cillinzfresh which chat?

  234. Nice Talking to you Reallyred, to bad you didnt get caought off htere at the end we were getting deep in our conversation. I will talk to you tommorow.


    Leader of P.R.A.

  235. I wish I could be there, but every time there is a party or war, I always miss it because the server is already full.

  236. Orgathorp heres an idea to see if ACP likes the idea or not and use the goverment rankings, If the President/Vice president wants to make a law the give it to the top senitors to vote on if it pass’s its in. If it dosn’t pass you can give it to the senitors. If they so no its over. If they say yes, the law passes. If the top senitors want to make a law it needs the presidents or vice president (but it dosn’t need both) OK. Then they give it to the senitors to vote on. This way the rankings have a role and is used in properly selected people.

  237. reallyred, I’d like to tell you what game I’m going to, but that might disclose information to where I live. But, I’ll tell you anyway. I’m going to the Raiders @ Titans game.

  238. To reallyred:

    Oagal probably just hacked. And besides he once said he has a friend who likes to play cart surfer for 5 hours. So ya. And besides(i cant believe i have to say this again) im not trying to be rude.

    Wow i think we broke a record for most comments.
    Oagalthrop: I didn’t hack. 🙄 Anyway, the record for most comments on a post was over 1,000. Sorry. : P

  239. Oagal maybe the senators (ALL) can get together at a secret chat room and discuss laws.

  240. I will try to get to the war and good idea Brazilianfan. But i came here to show you guys my ACP pumpkin! http://www.theoworlds.com/halloween/index.php?CardID=82676

  241. Awsome pumkin!

  242. Your right about the Golds being bad example of there swearing they are even sometimes racist!?!

  243. people if you see a penguin around club penguin named macy908 annoy her i hate her i hate macy


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