It’s war! The ACP Nation “taking over” thing will be postpones until after the war with these rebels. Even if we don’t do the taking over, we are still going to war with those who have gone into the path of war with us, because we now see how “good”of a group of allied they were. Se, here are the two sides in this conflict.
- Nachos
- Ice Warriors
- More added soon
- Golds
- Rebels
More can be added to these lists. We will have an exact time and date for these wars soon.
Black List: I am making a “black list”. These are people who spam, argue, and make inappropriate comments. Any comments by these people in the future will be marked as spam, and they won’t be able to post comments on any WordPress sites for a few weeks. Current Black List:
- Smiley40: Inappropriate comments
- ACP Stopper: Spamming, inappropriate comments
- Generalbeaks: Inappropriate comments
- Strobes123: Inappropriate comments
Fighting: For all those who are arguing about the taking over thing, you need to be more educated. As you should all know, we are just trying to patch up the loop-holes that the mods haven’t caught. For example, for the no violence thing: If a mod were right next to someone who say “Tears out spine”, they would definitely be banned. That’s what we are here for. If you argue with that, you need some common sense.
Enforcing Laws:Some people have wondered how we would enforce laws. Here is how. If we see someone breaking the laws, we would take a picture (Press “Print Screen, next to F11), then we would copy it on Paint, and upload it on Imageshack or some other picture uploading site. After that is done, we copy a link to the picture and send into into the CP staff, and they will handle it from there. If we want to stop it directly, we would tell the person to stop, and hope it works.
Halloween Party: (All of this was copied from
The pin is at the underground pool. You have to wait till the spider comes all the way down and then click to go near the spider. It’s kinda tricky
Firstly to begin the hunt you need the Pumpkin Basket witch is at the snow forts
The 1st candy is at the pizza parol
The 2nd candy is at the coffee shop
The 3rd candy is at the forest
The 4th candy is at the Beacon
The 5th candy is at the ski lodge
The 6th candy is at the dance club click on the puffle and then answer the question. The answer s “Happy Halloween”
The 7th candy is at the mountain
The 8th candy is at the cove
Until later,
March on!
Filed under: ACP |
number 1
OK and sir the UACP is hating us wanting war (they gonna lose) and the RPA dont want war with us
Oagalthorp: The PRA leader said this (Then deleted the comment): “We will go to war with the ACP, but once we are bigger. They are trying to take over and satrt WWIV” But the leader either deleted it or I can’t find it again.
i got on cp really early this morning and got all of that 3d comment!
DUDE ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? Go ahead and have your little war its not going to change anything. BUT YOU ARE NOT TAKING OVER CLUB PENGUIN. YOU WILL MOST LIKELY BE BANNED IF YOU KEEP THIS UP! Im just trying to help you stop now and everything will be ok.
Oagalthorp: I am contacting the CP mods right now to see there opinions on this.
Good job Oagal. I talked to ACP Stopper, recently. He said he has a suprise for u Saturday. Anyway when is war gonna happen. And Oagalthorp please let’s make these couple of wars on a server where non-member can attend. Because this war is gonna be chaotic. I’m with ACP all the way. And I think the Golds r gonna attack Ice Warriors.
o well Collinzfresh wants to be allies checxk my site
i am not agreing with Duges nor do i think that what we r dong is wrong but i could see the monderaters takeing this the wrong way
Hey Oagal how do you get certain people Spmaed on your site cause I want to it to Drew the UACP leader
i Hope ice warriros die. Iceyfeet wants to save his sorry butts from the golds and probally acp because icey wanted to be allies because he wants to save his sorry butts from us hes publie enemy number one oagal.Uma is enemys with ice warriors and you should be do like it could be an invasion rpf acp uma and other allies invade the ice warriors sorry about the langage but i said what i wanted to say. those ice warriors will be turned to stone when i or we are finshied with them
Talyor ur right about one thing. The Golds have a warrant on Icey’s behind. And this ACP nation isn’t making this any easier. People getting random people on CP to attack ACP. And ACP Stopper is only getting madder, and buliding up to when he attacks ACP. Oagalthorp I think u should disban ACP nation. If we really want to help Club Penguin then we wouldn’t make a nation.
Oagalthorp: Hey, you seem really close to this ACP Stopper guys. I think I will check IP addresses.
I FOUND OUT WHO ACP STOPPER IS! It’s……………. My cousin. He’s the one, that’s why I’m getting e-mails for him. He knows my e-mail address password. Darn it.
Oagalthorp: Wow, what a convenient time to confess. And would you look at that? Same IP Address. Straaange. So, just tell us why you did it, don’t make this harder than it should be.
why are we going to war with these people?I know why we are going to war with golds but what about the rest?
Oagalthorp: Well, the problem with the rebels is self-explanitory. The PRA claimed we were trying to start WWIV, and conquer CP, which is false. They said they would help the Golds after they got stronger.
oagal are you gonna anwer my questions lol
or do i need to put oagal read this
why didnt you use the pics from the tomyellow site? They have a much cooler person in the pics.
Oagalthorp, the PRA do not want war. Their leader DID NOT leave a comment saying that. That was a member of their army,he didnt mean to cause this and he is really sad that he did. He sent me an email saying he was sorry and he wanted me to contact you about this. Oagalthorp, you are making a big mistake of you go to war with PRA. Issueing war against a small army for a mistaken reason will make you loose respect from others. Im not trying to start an arguement but this is also my opinion.
By the way, RPF may help against UACP. I still dont know what te “rebels” are. Ill talk to you on AOL later or tomorrow. I have to go for now, cya.
– Commando717
Long Live Freedom!
Oagalthorp: And you believed him? I saw that comment, and it was him, NOT an imposter. And unless you can give a response to this comment proving me wrong, then we are still going to war.
i searched up club penguin rebels on google and he hasn’t wrote a new post in why are we going to war with rebels?
Oagalthorp: No, not the “CPR”. Actualy rebels, people rebelling against the ACP.
I told u Oagal my cousin just told me when saw what u said. I’m not gonna get into a argument with u. So yeah say what u wanna say.
Oagalthorp: Yeah, because your cousin is going to read it the second it is edited, call you, tell you this whole thing, you will get over it, and then make that comment, all in less than 2 minutes? I think now. Just admit you did it, I don’t really care about it, unless you lie.
Oagalthorp: New Black List person: Smiley40. Inappropreate comments.
did u ask paintboy100 before using his pics? just asking dont put me on the black list please.
Oagalthorp: Lol, I wouldn’t put anyone on the Black List unless they did something really wrong. You just asked a question. And a common Copywrite rule is hat if you tell where you got the information, it’s ok.
Ogal um…. I have a question, if Icey is causing all this trouble, then why is he on your allie list? Golds apologized! Like, you gotta forgive them sometime Ogal, sometime….
Oagalthorp: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Breaks out in laughter*. Check out the latest post on the Golds site (Not recomended unless you are allowed to read cussing on the Internet). Yeah, they seem reeeaaally sorry. LOL!
Whoops! I’m sorry Ogal….. 😥
I will be neutrual in this war. Ogal, I like ACP, but I don’t like the “Taking over” part. If I make it I will be wearing blue for peace.Im with the Golds-Kinda. It’s true you WILL be getting A LOT of power. Mabe you could ENFORCE these rules, but don’t say it like “taking over”. I wish for the best and a good peace treaty turns out.
This war is almost a strike. When you fight, Ogal, make sure you don’t fire at the navy blue guys saying “I don’t agree with ACP”. This is just OUR protest. Iv’e been hated for reporting a solider of ACP, I may have a house on an enemy server, I may even have been on a diffrent army, but I will still protest in the name of an independnt CP
Good luck,Ogal
Former GGS Solider
Oagalthorp: Honestly I don’t care what you do during the battle.
u cant stop me
Oagalthorp: I just did stop you. 🙄
u stole paintboy100s pics or did u ask?
Oagalthorp: Ugh. 🙄 Read the edit on one of the comments above, and it will explain.
Some People. Aanyway, Oagal, I saw that some armies had a “Supreme Court”. I thought that might have been a really good idea. Well, about the war, don’t worry, I’ll be fighting for the ACP, not the rebels (If you know what I mean).
If only you would have gotten the trick or treat thing from the tom yellow site
uacp shouldnt be up there! im in that army, they want to allie(i think) diaa wouldnt allow this war, maybe they is another army named uacp? plz plz plz
sorry sir i didnt know. you are very smart. you always know what youre doing even when stupid people dont understand it.
oh those rebels…..
oagal no the chat, green, wingy,clip i mac, spencers, duges, and akash were being perverts and being reallly weird, they were cussing everywhere! they were talking about atrting a crpis clan, it was creepy. just to let you know, bye
i meant on not no on*
Hey its CollinZfresh, first off I never posted anything about you starting world war IV why dont you. I was insinuating that this may happen since people are allied with many other armies. By the looks of it this looks as if it is going to happen anyways.
Do I look like I want war? Your acting very ignerint in this fact. I am a reasnable person and leader and I am not out there to try to disrespect other armies. Thanks to you Icewarriors have declared war on us too so I dont know what to say. You dont even respond to my comments I have posted so I think im waisting my time. I would atleast like some respect with a response.
Oagalthorp: Don’t tell me what you said, I read that comment. You said the ACP is trying to take over small armies, and we are trying to start WWIV. You also said you would help the Golds once you got stronger.
Lets say I did say your causing ww IV. Your declaring war on me for saying that comment!? Isnt this a freedom of speech? I never said anything about you or your army and you randomly declare war on me. I’m not sure what to think of you ogalthorp…
ogal u no u will be hated throughout your career for this 🙂
oagl im sorry but im the one that caused some ACP to rebel. I just felt like they needed to be rescpeted more. Add me to the black list. Nickpooch
Oagalthorp, im not sure what happened with this but all I know is that PRA are a good army. Its a bad idea to declair war for no clear reason.
Morsels(second in command of the Romans)
Oagalthorp: And why are we enemies, may I ask?
Romans, PRA, Golds, Rebels what next. You made up a lie saying im going to help the golds and you just made me angry. I was trying to be fair with you earlier but you are a prudent general. Your probably going to respond with a sarcastic or ridiculaus comment now.
well the rebels wont give up!!!
WITH ACP!!!!!!!
That is all ~~~ Johanwillfir
Sir this is what Johanwillfir said on my site under CPAT so if you dont beleive me go ahead and look
texas vs a
Oagalthorp: If he really felt that way, he would have stopped this before it happened.
Is UMA going to be added to the list of allies?
Oagal, I’ve had it with you and your idiotic army. You stole over half of my servers. So did RPF. You have never heard of the wars in the South becuase your to busy attacking smaller armys in the North. Your mad with power and I will take MY servers back. So I am joining the Golds armys’ cuase. See ya later losers. (mad)
uhm ogal i think that u should know that we were in the mamoth dojo fighting the silver serfers and fort, lucardo, and texas left right in the heat of battle the only reason we won was beacus there was a trop of uma nere by
U know what Oagalthorp this is all your fault. If u hadn’t made ACP nation and saying that u control servers we all could be doing something else other than controlling. I never thought u were mad with power but after seeing u say we control servers that went too far. If we really care about Club Penguin u would stop ACP nation. It doesn’t make sense for ACP to be making all these eniemes over servers. We should just stay with Mammoth, and not saying we control servers. I don’t know what I’m gonna do if WWIV starts. And that’s just what’s happening. I’m not saying that ACP nation was a bad idea, but saying we control those servers, that was offensive to other armies. So I say u go talk to Johanwillfir, and clear things up with them, because the Golds are just as strong as the ACP.
Ogalthorp, I want to be able to start a secret team that can be formed by the president. (you) What we will do is when in battle we will disguise as the other army and do these things.
~Make them retreat
~Make them Surrender
~Knock em’ dead
~Find out secret plans
I will only have this take action if you accept but it is hard to contact you. So here is a suggestion, make a post where we can contact you. (yes I know it would get rediculous) I will accept your answer. (yes or no) and take it proundly because I tried.
Oagalthorp: We already have that; It’s the Special Ops.
Yay! 50th Comment!
Also you should add Silver surfers to the rebels list because we were battling this morning for the same reason as everyone else.
Thanks for helping us against the Golds. We are close to winning the war but I guess you can help us.
I cant believe u guys are still doing this. You are going to be stopped and you will lose all of your respect. When this is all over you will have nothing.
Don’t forget ACP. Ice Warriors vs Fire Warriors vs Dark Warriors Where: Dojo
Server: Sub-Zero
Day: Today
Time: 12:00
i smells a CSI!! ( random huh? ) sorry now im only alowed (SP) on the comp on weekends. but its true i dont really think this ‘nation’ thing is a good idea. i mean seriously, CANT WE ALL STAY IN MAMMOTH WHERE THE ANCIENT MEMORIES OF THE WWS REMAIN!?!?!
also, id like to announce that im quitting every army ever and never joining ANY army. im sick and tired of zippy bringing up the fact i join different armies after i quit other armies. really makes no sense i know but still.i will help armies i like, the armies who dont hate me, and i will go against armies i dont like, and if an army both has friends in it and enemies i will attack individual people.such as i attack just zippy if i see him with nachos. (XD) Note: dont you dare say i cant do this ogal.
Hello Oagal,it is me,Sagy23.And i would rather suggest u should make a poll if people want the bribble,or the xat.Because when i went on bribble,nobody was on.And everybody else was on xat chat.Oh and please comment me if we can be allies.My army is TBG (a.k.a The Black Gangsterz)
O Oagal, I have another person to put on the Black List. Drew, duh. Remember, the rebellion? And BTW, please tell me if you are going to hold a flag contest or not.
March On!
-The Jungle N
oagal you are a dicktator now putting in laws?This isn’t real life oagal?And people are not gonna stop they not gonna listen to you its pointless and now a lot of armies don’t like the ACP now and ur gonna lose this war we the good guys not you and you know why i said it like DICKtator cuz thats what you are.
Morsels(second in command of the Romans)
Please may i join
I am a secret agent and wanna be an acp member all the way
ps if i dont join i will go to your enimies and join them
oagal dont do the eye rolling things it annyoing with all do respect…
This is Loop Dude Club Penguin Thief leader AND creator of the best robbery group in Club Penguin (CPB Club Penguin Bandits). I am adding this comment as a warning Oagalthorp. Me and the CPB are your enimies and we always have been. You wanna war? You’ll get one. Meet me and the CPB at the Iceburg on the Breeze server 19th March 6:30. Bring the ACP with you. You wanted a war, you can have one. Tell me if you Acept or Decline.
KEEP ROBBING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loop Dude;)
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