Ok, so far it is tied for the “taking over” poll. So, to break the tie, I would like to as each of the ACP Senators and Top Senators what they think should happen, and what they voted for. Here are how much each person’s votes will be worth:
- Vice President: 10
- Top Senators: 5
- Senators: 3
We did have a problem with the votes. Some people (Especially Golds) voted no on all of them without even considering anyof them. Plus the “No Violence Law” was screwed up. So, we will accept the current polls, but if the votes from the Senators change them (Hey, you elected them, this is what they are for) the polls will change. So tell us what you voted for.
Rebellion Conspiracy: Many people think that tons of people were rebelling yesterday. This is not true. That was five people at the most, all using different accounts to make the problem seem bigger. It is nothing to worry about.
We will have more votes on laws later, but for now we need to deal with a a few things.
War: We are going to war soon, after the Reconstruction Era, which is almost over. So far we will be against
- Golds
- Rebels
Until later,
March on!
Filed under: ACP |
First comment!
Did you see the ice warriors site, they decarled war on us to!
Oagalthorp: That was old, Icey stopped it.
This is your last chance Oagalthorp. Disban ACP forever, or be destroyed. And Ctar this is also your last chance shut up about the pic, or I will destroy u personally.
Oagalthorp: I CHOOSE DEATH! Lol.
yay i love war!
do i vote here?
Oagalthorp: Yeah, just in a comment.
Sir the UACP army is firing at ACP and saying ACP lost when we have like 516506514841 more soilders than them (random # lol) well any way I hate them heres there site: http://uacp.wordpress.com sorry for spoaming but they did actually want war with us (they have no chance cause they have 3 ppl in there army )
Oh my gosh. Oagalthorp so many armies want war with us. What if they put two and two together and form a big army, that’s bigger than us.
Oagalthorp: All of them combined isn’t even as big as us, plus we have huge allies.
wow armys in the army councle r droping like flys first gpr now golds and pra oh well at lest it is somthing that will cure mine and like 20,000 other acp’s solders ichy triger fingers
that remindes me when will he first atack be?
So you declare war on Peoples Republic Army for no reason? Very Intresting then. So be it, not quite sure why but if you want war then we can have it.
Come and attack us for no reason, Im friends with many people in your army and if your going to attack me for what my commissar said then you have some prioritys screwed up so be it!
Autocrat of P.R.A
Senator of Hibranate through PRF
President of Federative Republic of Greater Eastern Australia
Oagalthorp: I read your comments on your site. You said you would go to war with us when you had more people. We have a reason.
Senator of Hibranate through RPF
CollinZfresh if your an autocratic leader then how come what someone said affected your army? If your an autocratic leader, then no one would have a say in your army. Obviously it’s not working, lol
There are no senators of a server, there are governors. If you are a senator, you are also a warlord. Also Do not go to war with Golds. Golds will be a key ally in things to come. I know that they don’t like you, but they can get people to join. They are an ally and most people don’t like small armies anyway, so why not let them battle Golds?
Oagle the only reson they voted no was because it was dictatorship and they dont want it, but no you are using your “pupets” to do what you want to win the pole.
Oagalthorp: You obviously didn’t read the post very well. Anyway, what would the point of electing senators if they don’t have much of a say in things? They were elected because they are smart and know about CP war, and their votes are more important and well-thought out than some random Gold’s votes.
PS. “Let he who is without sins cast the first stone”. Don’t be a hypocrite, you are taking over without voting or anything.
ALOT of ppl are telling me that ogalthrop is trying to take over cp. Not true right ogal?
RPF isnt going to help any side in this upcoming war. ACP are the RPF’s best allies and were not going to war with them. Golds are good allies too, we are also not going to war with them. PRA is also good allies. Idk who the rebels are so I cant really say. Im just clearing up some issues in past comments.
PPP foreva peoplz http://www.iceblueice2.wordpress.com for more details and join the hockey club!
BlackBurnt was that person Fort57 and he just joined our army two days ago so aperintly we had some miss conception. Why would this affect my army anyways for what he said. His oppionion relflected on the “taking over” plane.
I can understand why he is upset but it shouldnt affect my army. We wanted to be allies anyways. Im shocked by the news of war because I havnt even done anything to threat, my army belevies in a republic. I would like to atleast expect a response from oagalthorp this once.
Oagalthorp, please read this comment carefully. I do not want ACP to go to war with pRA because PRA did not start this war. I did. I am sorry don’t blame PRA for my mistakes. It isnt like Collinzfresh commanded me to say that stuff. I don’t want PRA to have war with ACP because of me. I would have wars with you but not under PRA. If I really hated you, I would not make PRA go wrong for my mistakes. You should really consder this before going to war with PRA sir please. It was not their fault it was mine Oagalthorp. I turn myself in you can do whatever to me as long as the war with PRA is ended sir Oagalthorp.
ok commando just wanted to say im fightin for acp golds suck they rejected when i joined well like 3 mouths ago and ill be in acp uniform and i will destroy golds like getting a flamethrower and melting them into soup and sell it on ebay for 100 dollars and give the money to my piggy bank lol
Oagal, Dj the Roman leader, wants iceburg. He said it was his from the begining, he wanted me to tell you this.
Dear Ogalthorp,
By the way I am no longer in charge of army Winner, and there is no longer any army Winner. So i am now totally ACP. Now i just wanted to ask if I can form a special group of ACP where we disguise as other armies and find out their plans. Something like a “special” group that you can name. Now I hope that you are able to reach this comment.
also, can you try and give out a COMPLETE list of our allies, because when I am battling I feel stupid when I don’t know my armies allies.
Listen I dont want war with your army. Many reasons starting with the fact that I did nothing wrong. Never attacked your soldiers. Never interfered with your command. Rarly even talked to you on this website. Our army means only peace and we stick to that. If there is any particular reason your going to war with me, I wish you rethink your decision. Our army is fairly new and we have been growing rapidly but are army is not ready for war.
I wish you to reconsider and you to forty.
Autocrat of P.R.A.
P.S. Im impressed you know what autocrat means Fort57. short for autocracy and even then people dont know what that means.
I didnt make that site! What the heck? It doesnt even have my name on it! I didnt make that site!
oagal nobody is listening to me when i tell them to do stuff its like im not a senator.
First the halloween party is awsome second, did you see the HQ board it said prepare for your next mission!
Dear Oagalthorp
i, Googulp, have a proposal for you.
I would like to hold an election to see whether my idea is a worthy one.
MY idea is that the ACp should have an elite team, known as the council ( or something else i dont mind)
This team consists of maxium of 4 people
They are known as the Governors (or something else i dont mind)
The governors can be impeached but only if suitable candidate has been OFFICIAlly voted in. The governors do not
have a limit of time, but again can be elected out.
These governors sort out complaints and things similiar to that.
I also porpose that if this idea proceeds we can have a page on the site, this way complaints and ideas can be
posted in one neat small area.
I also am standing to be a governor if this idea proceeds.
Tnk -you for listening i hope you come to a fair decision and think of my ideas as a serious proposal
your sincerely
waddle on…
p.s there were many other ideas to follow but my first comment did not work the first time and i have forgotten
some of them but i will post you them as they come back to me, you can also provide ideas if you wish.
I say yes to all the votes! three points up. P.S. Oagal when are you usually on the bribble? Just in case I have to tell you something important.
what is our national anthem ?
upset? Dude I never joined your army. You say your autocratic and you don’t know what it means? You sound upset to me.
I know what autocrat means. I was saying Im suprised you know what it means because alot of other people dont. I was complementing you forty
Im also not upset at you Im upset at oagalthorp for declaring war on me for absolutly no reason on my behalf.
why is there war agaisnt us oagal???
Ogalthorp, first of all I think you should have a page for people to leave comments for you and other leaders, secound last night there was an army (totally non-member) that said that they ruled mammoth, their uniform is the freindship bracelet and the anneversery hat. But they acted like cowards. (like GPR) And also, what if your at mammoth and people are attaking you and there is not a leader to take charge?
And strobes It’s because people think that we are being like GPR, controlling servers. And some armies are being rude and mean for partclarly no reason.
i agree rapidy and oagal is being a powwer hungry jerk who has no life and who thinks he can push other armies around! that is why we do not like him.
Yesterday there was a battle with the “Halos”, I have found secret information about them,
1.They are planning to fight agisnt ACP
2.Their leader is going to redecorate their igloo. Lol
ACP this is YPA. We are allies with the PRA, but we are not going to go to war against you. However, if you continue with this taking over club penguin idea things will change. CLUB PENGUIN’S RULERS ARE THE MODS!!!
oagal is being a power hungry jerk who has no life and who thinks he can push other armies around! that is why we do not like him.
I totaly agree with strobes,Oagalthorp you are A total DOUCHEBAG!
Oagalthorp, the PRA is pressuring us into fighting with them, but we told them no. But we want you to stop this war, considering I am allies with PRA. You misunderstand what the PRA is doing, they just want peace like us. Also, stop this controlling club penguin thing, like i said a thousand times. YOU CANNOT DO THIS I MEAN THIS LITERALLY. If you do start taking over the servers it will be stopped very quickly by THE TRUE LEADERS OF CLUB PENGUIN. Also more serious action could occur than just stoping you guys. Please dont take this personally I am doing this for Club Penguin, and trust me its best for ACP as well.
ogal UACP is wayyy bigger than texas said and don t worry we wont fight u (yet) but we are inside of u 🙂
hey guys i got up really really early and gt all the candy and the scarf!
UACP only has 4 official members besides their leaders.
Who cares? Comment 50.
These laws are useless, anyway, what?, are you gonna throw snowballs at everyone who breaks the rules?, so threatening.
I ( if oagal doesnt respond to my e mail i sent him by this monday )
icey you just want to save your sorry ass from acp cause you knw you will lose just like the golds well golds are better. And sorry about the langaage but isaid what i wanted to say
I will be neutrual in this war. Ogal, I like ACP, but I don’t like the “Taking over” part. If I make it I will be wearing blue for peace.
Im with the Golds-Kinda. Mabe you could ENFORCE these rules, but don’t say it like “taking ova”. I wish for the best and a good peace treaty turns out. This war is almost a strike. When you fight, Ogal, make sure you don’t fire at the navy blue guys saying “I don’t agree with ACP”. This is just OUR protest. Iv’e been hated for reporting a solider of ACP, I may have a house on an enemy server, I may even have been on a diffrent army, but this HAS to stop
Good luck,Ogal
Former GGS Solider
P.S. This IS starting to become a CP War 4
Hey, Oagal, I’ve heard of a couple armies that have a Supreme Court. I thought this might be a great idea. It would help our problems with the laws.
oagal, black list? isn’t that a little innapropriate?
oagal put me on your black list because im going to keep annoing u
booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ACP is for retards
booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! ACp cant stop the afro man