Riddles for Xats #3

The day is fine as the morning light,

And ends on the river of the endless night,

Who am I to wander ahead,

beyond the speed which I’m to tread?

I seek the end before the beginning,

to know what will come, to see what’s there

And will I see my dreams or my fears?

I can’t make up my mind, it’s all to sudden,

the change in the wind, a storm is ahead,

but right there, above me, as still as one dead

lies the arc of the rainbow.


Good day everyone!

I felt like writing a poem today so, well, I did. Also, that poem is a riddle as well, try to find out what it describes! Today is the third installment of Riddles For Xats! I apologize for the lateness of my entry. I have been preoccupied with (mainly) school work and projects. However, now that I finally found the time and made a new riddle, I present to you

Riddles For Xats #3

~ Hosted by Tamiyami ~

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Riddles for Xats #2

Good day ACP,

Today is December the 27th. A lot has happened over the past week since the last Riddles for Xats post was posted. Armies have been created and some forgotten. Some rose and some fell in the Top Ten, but we were the only ones to rise so exceptionally. From our lower yet admirable position of 7th, we have reached the Top 5, landing ourselves in the much higher and much more envied position of 4th. But as Sidie9 himself said, this is only the beginning.

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