UK Tactic Session on Breeze

Greetings, ACP.  Today, the UK division logged onto Breeze where we maxed seventeen once more excellent effort from everyone who has came to this event and overall this week as we’ve seen an increase in the quality of the UK events ; be proud of yourself guys! 😀

27th february maxed 17

Maxed 17

Carry on reading for pictures provided by Snow and I.

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UK comeback with a U-Lead

Greetings, ACP.  Today, the UK division had a U-Lead on Breeze where we maxed fifteen which is vast improvement from previous attempts. Our tactics were decent throughout the event so well done to everyone who attended and to everyone who led a tactic – even got some advanced tactics kicking off here! Carry on reading for pictures provided by I, Purple, Lionz and Snow. 

18th february uk 2

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