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Would you rather #9

Hello everyone, this is Club and today I got another question with me. Here come dat question (fail try to be meme-istic):

Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of you life or always feel like you have to sneeze but not be able to?    

Make your choice and mention the reason for it in the comments. See ya until next time.





Would you rather #8

Hello people, I’m back with another question today. Brace yourselves because you’re going to love this one. So here we go:

Would you rather be itchy for the rest of your life or sticky for the rest of your life?

Make your choice and mention the reason for it in the comments. Thanks for your time.



Would you rather #7

Important Posts:

Events for the Week

Remembering the Greatest: Muhammad Ali

Hello everyone, It’s Club and in yesterday’s Would you rather I made a huge update, if you haven’t read it then you can check out the post here. So lets go for today’s question:

Would you rather never be able to speak again or always have to say everything that is on your mind?

Well I am sure this one is quite interesting. Choose your answer and mention the reason of your choice in the comments.



Would you rather #6

Hey guys, I think some of you have been noticing that I haven’t been posting from a past few days (or just noticed it now). There is an update in the posting schedule, read on for more. Continue reading

Would you rather #5

Hello everybody, time for another Would you rather question. So without wasting your time here is the question:

Would you rather have a Xbox or a Playstation?

Heres the question and I hope I didn’t start a console war. Everyone place your bets and mention the reason for your choice in the comments!



Would you rather #4

Hello everyone, another nice day for a Would you rather question isn’t it? This question is about two major problems on Earth, Hunger and Hatred. So here it goes:

Would you rather end hunger or hatred?

Make your choice and explain the reason for it below.



Would you rather #3

Hello everyone, sorry for the delay, it’s me Club. So today’s question is about Dragons, yeah dragons are a fantasy but who says we can’t play a game about them. So here is today’s question:

Would you rather have a dragon or be a dragon? 

Make your choice and let me know in the comments the reason for it! Have a nice day everyone!



Would you rather #2

Hey guys, It’s me Club. Guess what time it is? It’s Would you rather time! Here is today’s question:

Would you rather be ugly and rich or good-looking and poor?

Place your bets! Also don’t forget to mention the reason for your choice!



The beginning of a new series: Would you rather?

Hey guys, Club here. These days literally all of us are tensed and focused on making the Army better and stronger. So I decided to bring out another way of entertainment. Basically in this series I will post questions which give you two choices and you have to select one of them  and also state the reason why you selected it. This series will be posted on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. So here is the question:

Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds?

All the superhero movie fans, give it your best! Also don’t forget to comment the reason why you made the choice.

