Would you rather #2

Hey guys, It’s me Club. Guess what time it is? It’s Would you rather time! Here is today’s question:

Would you rather be ugly and rich or good-looking and poor?

Place your bets! Also don’t forget to mention the reason for your choice!



18 Responses

  1. Good Lucking and poor. I can always earn money,

  2. ugly and rich cuz if i am rich i will do a plastic surgery or whatever to make me FABOULOUS

  3. Good looking and poor

  4. ugly and rich because I can use techKNOWLEDGE *dabs* to my advantage and change me into a pretty decent looking guy.

  5. Good-looking and poor because I can use some of my skills to make money and marry a beautiful rich girl who has all the nice qualities.

  6. Good looking an poor because then I can marry a nice girl that doesn’t just want me for cash (don’t ask, I have some bad experiences)

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