Have you ever wanted to teach actual ACP Troops and show them the way of ACP? Well now you can! We, ACPTR, are in need of new, active, and determined staff  for ACPTR. If you think you got what it takes to post classes and teach troops daily then why not apply?


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US Unscheduled Training Session 1/4/2015

Important Posts:

Hello ACP, Today we had an Unscheduled Training session on our capital, Breeze. We maxed 15 and averaged 12. If you would like to read the rest of this post please press the Read more button.

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Hello ACP troops.

Are you new to ACP and have no idea what is going on? Do you wanna learn skills in ACP and be the best you can be in ACP?

Then apply for ACPTR!

The ACPTR ( which stands for Army of Club Penguin Training Regiment) is a special regiment in the ACP that teaches troop about how to be a ACP troop and what being in ACP means! All you need to do is come to the class, maybe log on Club Penguin maybe not,  and then you get credits for coming! Depending on how many credits you got depends on what sort of promotion you get in ACP!

If you’re between the ranks of Private to First Lieutenant then you can join ACPTR! 

If you are interested in joining ACPTR today then click the join button below!

acp soldier

The join button!



You’re a ☆

Hai dere, ACP!

I just wanted to go over a few things that have been happening.  Due to xat being glitchy, I haven’t been able to access it for the past two days.  This is why I haven’t been so much around on chat or for posting.  On top of that I lost my phone and my parents are worried.  They’ve been using the computers to track it down and such.  I can’t believe I lost it.  After all of the commotion with xat glitching I just want to remind everybody that we are still at XAT.COM/THEACP and we won’t change unless xat acts up again.  I feel like nobody really said that we’re still at that chat so I just wanted to make it clear.

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January 2010 ACPTR Graduates!

Hey,Its Matre here

Its now time for me to announce the Graduates! I’ll go from Blue team to Black team,well,just like I always did.

Blue Team:

Zeeco110 A+  Gets the Rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Biohazard A+ Gets the Rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Green Team:

Bluebirds19 A+ Gets the Rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Red Team:

Penbird 100 A+ Gets the Rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Tntclay A+ Gets the Rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Black Team:

Mr Awesome555 A+ Gets the Rank of 1st Lieutenant!

Nicoleitorp A Gets the Rank of 1st Lieutenant!


Great Month everybody! Its amazing how you were so dedicated,everyone got an A+! Once again Thanks to all the Staff for helping me along all the Month and we are looking forward to start accepting more cadets for February Starting tomorrow!

The ACPTR Site is http://acpbootcamp.wordpress.com & if you are under the rank of 1st Lieutenant and want to join,then come on! You’re all invited. Starting tomorrow we will start accepting join comments.

-Matre10 & The ACPTR Staff

Acp Training Regiment

If you read Dryvit’s Previous post,one of his cures to that was to push ACPTR harder.

This is one of the best months ACPTR ever had,and i expect to keep growing it up. With this message,you officers,under 2nd Lieutenant that wish to become great soldiers and fight for Freedom and Justice on Club Penguin,I am not asking,but recommending to join us,the Army of Club Penguin Training Regiment. Towards acptr is experience learned and even for our graduates,a promotion.

I am making an exception for this month,and the Join page will be opened till the 18th instead of 15th.

Just so you know,I cant extend it more due to weekend Drills and it would be much easier to join on last event and just graduate dont you think?

You may have seen our Logo on the left sidebar,or heard of us. Our current staff is greatly active,and will be proud to train all of you officers who wish to learn. You have from now 3 days to join till Friday,its just a comment on the our Join Page. You can see on the sidebar our RSS feed from acp branch sites.

Currently we are working on keeping ACPTR improved,and bringing back an old Test and Classes system.

Click Here to join ACPTR. And remember,if somehow you couldn’t be active or join this month,you’ll always have the choice of Joining Next Month!
