If you read Dryvit’s Previous post,one of his cures to that was to push ACPTR harder.
This is one of the best months ACPTR ever had,and i expect to keep growing it up. With this message,you officers,under 2nd Lieutenant that wish to become great soldiers and fight for Freedom and Justice on Club Penguin,I am not asking,but recommending to join us,the Army of Club Penguin Training Regiment. Towards acptr is experience learned and even for our graduates,a promotion.
I am making an exception for this month,and the Join page will be opened till the 18th instead of 15th.
Just so you know,I cant extend it more due to weekend Drills and it would be much easier to join on last event and just graduate dont you think?
You may have seen our Logo on the left sidebar,or heard of us. Our current staff is greatly active,and will be proud to train all of you officers who wish to learn. You have from now 3 days to join till Friday,its just a comment on the our Join Page. You can see on the sidebar our RSS feed from acp branch sites.
Currently we are working on keeping ACPTR improved,and bringing back an old Test and Classes system.
Click Here to join ACPTR. And remember,if somehow you couldn’t be active or join this month,you’ll always have the choice of Joining Next Month!
Filed under: ACP | Tagged: ACPTR | 14 Comments »