[URGENT] Declaration on Help Force- Brotherly Love War

The Army of Club Penguin hereby declares war on the Help Force


Invasion of Marshmallow


Saturday, January 18th, 12:00pm EST

War Terms:

  • This war is a one-on-one conflict between HF and ACP. The usage of allies, dual-enlists and troops from other armies is NOT allowed. Advisors may not hold a rank in another army, veterans not currently enlisted in an army are also permitted to attend. This war is between HF and ACP.
  • This is a war ON the map.
  • All war battles must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance with the CPA League and CPA Judges. Failure to do so will result in the invalidation of the scheduling.
  • No doxxing, ddosing, botting, multilogging, or cheating in any form.
  • No army is allowed to merge into HF or ACP until the conclusion of the war, following this declaration. Merges will be deemed invalid.
  • A withdrawal from this conflict for any reason and in any shape or form (withdrawing from the CPA league, shutting your army down, etc.) will constitute a forfeit of the war.
  • Any evidence of any of these war terms being breached will result in an instant defeat of the opposing side in this war. This cannot be invoked unilaterally, however, and is up to the CPA League administration.
  • All battles must be judged by CPAJ judges. All CPA laws and CPABattleground rules apply to this conflict.
  • No army can declare on/invade HF or ACP for the duration of this conflict.
  • Failure to attend 3 consecutive battles constitutes as a forfeiture of the war.
  • No loopholes.

Roxy, 52nd Commander in Chief

ACP 2ic

ACP 2ic

ACP 2ic

ACP 2ic

ACP 2ic

ACP 3ic

ACP 3ic

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