Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to another edition of our Donator Discussions column, this time featuring our moderator Ghostt, for the second time! We’re giving back to our amazing donators in this column series. It’s time to learn more about Ghostt for our latest Donator Discussion!

Hey Ghostt! Welcome back to our Donator Discussion column! This is your second feature in this series, thank you so much for donating! Why did you decide to donate a second time?
Well honestly I believe it is the same reason as before. ACP is just genuinely a community that I enjoy being a part of and I want to support it in every way possible.
Love it! okayy we’d love to know how you feel about the upcoming Christmas Chaos tournament and would you like to share your predictions of who might emerge victorious?
Ok so I am still sorta new to the community since this is only my 4th month back but from the knowledge I have I am expecting ACP, RPF and DCP to have the biggest part in this tournament. I truly think DCP is the biggest threat but I think we can handle a bowl of chips no problem.
I completely agree! Now I know you’ve contributed heavily during this month’s ACPTR. If you were given the chance to be an ACPTR instructor, would you take it and why?
I think that I would definitely be interested in being an Instructor if given the chance. I find ACPTR to be very special to me for a few reasons. First off, it was the first big “event” to happen after I returned in September. I was excited to learn about the history of ACP more in depth since I returned due to a lot of nostalgia. Second, I was able to meet some of the people I am close with and even some people I trust more than anyone else in this community through ACPTR. I just want to be able to recreate that experience for anyone else who might have some interest in signing up for ACPTR in the future. So I think that is enough reason to want to help out.
That is so sweet! You’ve been a part of this army for a long time, putting in crazy work to help it grow and thrive. What has kept you motivated and engaged all this time?
Honestly I ask myself the same thing sometimes. Because I think it really is a lot to do with the friends I made so far. I truly have made some good memories with them too. I think since I have also spent so much time and effort getting to where I am, in what I would argue is a pretty short time, and I just find it hard to stop right now.
I completely understand how you feel! Okay in hindsight, if you could bring back one feature, event, or something that has been in ACP before but not anymore, what would it be?
Honestly I am glad you brought this up. There is something I miss from 2010-2011 CPA but it wouldn’t benefit the army nor the community nowadays , so I wouldn’t genuinely try to bring it back. That is the ability to be in multiple armies at once. A lot of s/m armies back then were made by people who were high ranking staff members of major armies. So I am sure some ACP staff for example may have had their own S/M armies in attempts to see how good they could do. But the community is just too small for that right now unfortunately.
Oooh that sounds fun! I would definitely love for that to be a thing again! Okay finally, do you have any regrets in the army community? If you could go back in time – would you change them?
Another good question. I don’t think I would say I regret anything because I ended up here again because of the decisions I made up until now. But in early CPA I wish I was more involved to a degree where I could have made a name for myself because I truly have always loved this community but I never started thinking about how much I could use this passion to help others and become some sort of a Legend in the process until recently.
Love that! Even if you feel missed out on the early days, you have made quite a big impact now and we will always remember your hard work in this community! Thank you for joining me on this interview and once again, for donating! Anything you’d like to say to our lovely readers?
Yes, I believe that everyone should have fun with everything they do in life and make as many friends as they can! Especially on the internet where people from all over the world are interacting so easily. You can learn a lot about what is going on across the globe just through conversations with new friends. You can also learn a lot in general from other people. Stay open minded.
♥ ♥ ♥
Thank you soo much Ghostt for joining me on this interview and thank YOU for reading this edition of the Donator Discussions column! Make sure to read our next release once it’s out!
What do YOU think about this edition of the Donator Discussions series? Let us know in the comments below!
ACP Shamrock Bulletin Reporter & Field General

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, Donator Discussions, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: ACP, ACPTR, Amelia, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, christmas chaos, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Donator discussion, Donator Discussions, Ghostt, Shamrock Bulletin |
loved the interview! So true what Ghost said in the end, too.