Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to another edition of the Donator Discussions column, this time featuring our favorite vet Carmelo! This serie is our way of showing gratitude to our incredible donors! It’s time to learn more about Carmelo for our latest Donator Discussion!

Hey Carmelo! Welcome to our Donator Discussions Column! Let’s get started, how long have you been in ACP and what convinced you to donate to us?
So basically I first joined Acp in 2010 as a private and stayed with the army for two years under another name before leaving to join the nachos in 2013. I never really made it to high ranks at the time as I wasn’t super committed back then. Then in 2020 I rejoined Acp after months of trying to figure out which army to settle down in after returning to armies in February 2020.Csy gave me the veteran rank when I came back and the rest is history hahah
Haha, sounds like you’ve had a lot of history with CPA! Moving on, what do you like to do in your free time?
I love to play guitar and listen to music. I have always loved music ever since I was a young kid and I don’t know where I would be without music if I’m being honest
That’s so great! Aside from your love for music, let’s come back to ACP for a minute, what’s your favorite thing about the army?
Well honestly I just love how Acp is one big family. The army is filled with amazing people from top to bottom and It’s just so refreshing to see especially in this day and age. It’s why I’ll always call Acp my home
I love that! Do you have any favorite memories in the army so far?
Oooo that’s a hard one because I have been involved in so many things with Acp but I would have to say the War with Uma in 2012 was a big highlight and the 2020 Fright or Fight Tournament and 2020 Flash Nemesis War. Those were some amazing memories and really fun times. Also can’t forget to mention the countless hours in VC with the OG boys (Chek, Cubs, Stevos, Nacho, Daniel Etc) back in the day haha
The faux and hollow server defacement was also hilarious thinking about it years later
There are so many more I could mention but for the sake of the readers I won’t torture them with an essay lmao
LOL, sounds like so much fun! You’ve been here a while, do you have any future plans for your time in ACP?
Well that’s the funny thing about CPA. You never know when it will drag you back in. I have had many tenures at Acp and obviously currently I’m here just as a veteran and a mentor for the younger troops but who knows, maybe one day I’ll return, you never know what the future holds 😉
I agree completely, ACP has a way of pulling people in! If you could spend the day with any staff member in the army, who would it be and why?
Oooo that’s such a hard one because I would choose like everyone because everybody is so kind but if I had to choose one person I guess it would have to be Cubs. Due to Cubs being a former Aussie once upon a time, me and him always got along really well and when I returned to Acp in 2020 we became really good friends. After I drifted away from armies and became a little less active me and Cubs disconnected a little because I barely came online anymore due to real life getting in the way. So I guess it would have to be Cubs
Love you Inner west broski 💚
That’s a really good answer! Before we finish, is there anything you’d like to say to our readers?
Honestly I would really just like to thank everyone in Acp who has been here for me throughout my journey in this army over all the years. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. I would also like to say to everyone in the army whether that’s new troops or good friends I have know for a long time or anyone for that matter, just know if you ever need anything I’m always happy to talk and always here for you guys!!! Much love Acp and always remember to Defend Freedom and Preserve Justice!!! ACP ACP ACP
Thank you so much Carmelo for your time! It’s been great getting to know you better and I’m sure everyone else will agree! Make sure to read our next Donator Discussions episode once it’s out!
What do YOU think about the Donator Discussions series? Let us know in the comments! Who do you think we should interview next?
ACP Shamrock Bulletin Reporter & Field General

Filed under: ACP, Army of CP, Donator Discussions | Tagged: ACP, Army of Club Penguin, Army of CP, Carmelo, Club Penguin, CP, Donator Discussions, Riri, SB, Shamrock Bulletin |
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