Donator Discussions with Ghost New

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to another edition of the Donator Discussions column, this time featuring Ghost! This series is our way of showing gratitude to our incredible donors! It’s time to learn more about Ghost for our latest Donator Discussion!

Hey Ghost! Welcome to our Donator Discussions column! Could you please introduce yourself to our readers – who you are and maybe a fun fact about you that not many people know!

Well I am Ghostt (With 2 T’s guys) also known as GST and in the past I went by the name mumble85151. I am an ACP Veteran(I first joined in March 2010) and I enjoy spending my free time playing video games, hanging out with family, and I occasionally ride around on my longboard.

Thank you so much for your generous donation to our server! What inspired you to support ACP in this way, and what does ACP mean to you personally?

Honestly I feel like this community has recently became a home for me and ACP is my family. I love the nostalgia the community brings me and all I want to do is help anyway I possibly can! To finish answering your question though, ACP means a lot to me because I see ACP as a way I can help support the CPA community while also feeling welcome and at home.

Thats lovely! Alright so- we’d love to hear your thoughts on some of the trending topics in the community right now! What does the Blood Bowl tournament mean to you and have you set any goals to help secure the trophy for ACP?

The Project Conquest tournament also means a ton to me too! This will be my first tournament upon rejoining CPA and I am planning to help out with a lot of the stuff we do during the next few weeks. I am having a lot of fun so far and my goal is to attend as many battles as I can while getting some experience with VC leading and hopefully a promotion before the end of it all!

I’m so glad to hear that you’re excited about the tournament and I hope you’ll be able to achieve your goals and get that promotion! I know you’ve formed a lot of close friendships in the army community, but if you could pick out one – who would it be and why?

My closest friendship is easily going to be Lana. Lana is such a wonderful person and all I wish for is that more people get to meet her and learn about her love and passion for CPA and ACP in general. She has been a lot of my motivation and I don’t think I would be where I am without her. We both really just want to see ACP’s US Division thrive so we are trying to put in the work together to get the ball rolling.

That’s really sweet! I feel we will witness a huge comeback for the US division soon! Do you also feel that the army community is changing rapidly? Where do you see yourself six months from now?

Honestly I have only been back for a month and everything is different from what it was in 2010. In my short time back I haven’t seen much change in general although I know the community has always done a great job with adapting and updating so I am excited to see what happens over time. 6 months from now I honestly could see myself being a Higher Command at LEAST. At the rate I am going I don’t think there is much I couldn’t do in 6 months but I also feel like I might see a massive decline in my screen time this Winter so we will see.

That’s great to hear! We’re excited to see you as a High Command member! What would you say is the most important real-life lesson you’ve learned from being part of the army community?

I think I have learned through CPA that making friends from armies and creating memories with them is more valuable than winning tournaments and wars with that army. Yes I will say winning tournaments and wars is good for the army but at the end of the day 10 years from now that isn’t what people will remember. I see CPA as a place where we are supposed to make it fun for kids to participate like how it was for me and the other vets who have played in the past when they were young. Create some memories you can cherish and make whatever army you join your family because that is what it is about.

I completely agree! Friendships and memories made during these times are truly unforgettable! What is your favorite memory or experience in ACP?

My favorite experience in ACP would have to be ACPTR. I was really excited to join and participate to learn ACPs history and I was even able to graduate obtaining every credit possible and recieving A+ Graduate. I met and was able to get close to a lot of cool people including Lana and Yeeter and those 2 have been some of my biggest supporters along the way. I truly think ACPTR is something everyone should do. You get to meet some people and you get to experience a lot of things you normally wouldn’t be able to be a part of for a long time like leading battles as an example.

I also recommend everyone to join ACPTR, it is truly a unique and fun experience! Thank you Ghost for joining me on this interview! Wishing you the best in reaching your goals!

Thank you so much Ghost for your time! It’s been a pleasure chatting with you and getting to know you better! Make sure to read our next Donator Discussions episode once it’s out!

What do YOU think about the Donator Discussions series? Let us know in the comments! Who do you think we should interview next?

ACP Shamrock Bulletin Reporter & Major General

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