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On this week: What does March Madness mean to you?

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – With March Madness drawing near, let’s delve into the perspectives of Ugly, Cheska, Amelia, Kimi, and Megatron as they share their thoughts on the upcoming tournament!

Ugly is our 51’st Commander in Chief of the Army of CP, who has a history serving in FW, SS, Tree Cult and Dark Champions. Kimi, a veteran, has previously served in HF and ACP. Amelia was around DW before settling in ACP. Megatron joined ACP mid of 2020.

Let’s find out their thoughts about March Madness!

Hii! How are you doing today?

Ugly: balls

Cheska: im doing amazing because you’re here

Amelia: Hii im doing well

Kimi: Hey I’m great

Megatron: I am good Roxy, I hope you are doing fine too

What are your thoughts as the March Madness is approaching nearer to us?

Ugly: One thing I would say is I’m feeling confident on my team’s capabilities and the process we go through to win the trophy. First round’s opponent won’t be as tough but we will still go by it like it is a final, besides that I’m pretty excited about the next rounds ahead and to see who we will be battling next.

Cheska: If it’s approaching nearer why isn’t it here yet? It’s taking to long to walk here My thoughts on March Madness approaching is that we need to UP our preparation before it begins

Amelia: It’s definitely thrilling but also nerve-racking in a way. I’m sure many share the same feelings as i’ve seen how much effort HCOM, staff and even troops have put into the preparations. It’s truly admirable seeing how everyone shares the same goal in mind, which is winning the tournament.

Kimi: I’m ready to see past and present troops going for the win, for the clovers!!

Megatron: although i have been offline for a year in armies but March Madness was something i was very excited for and i think it like a separate league and very special very memories of the excited wars

The excitement that surrounds March Madness is truly amazing. What sets March Madness apart and makes it so exceptional?

Ugly: This tournament is very special for ACP, it revolves around what ACP has been and what it stands for. It’s a really exciting and important tournament for our community as of course ACP always looks forward to win all possible tournaments, but this one has ACP’s name all over it and this year we won’t let it go so easily.

Cheska: What sets March Madness apart is that… it’s in March and it only happens during that time of year, and is usually one of the always reoccurring tournaments yearly. And for that, it really needs lots and LOTS of prior preparation even before it begins.

Amelia: March Madness is certaily a tournament that is anticipated by many in the CPA community. This year marks the ninth rendition of the tournament, which proves the historical and fundamental presence of the tournament in CPA’s legacy and it’s significance in the history of many armies.

Kimi: March Madness, in a way, represents us as the green clovers, it’s like we’re fighting for ourselves.

Megatron: the war memories, the way the army prepares itself and how many troops come together to defeat another army

Why do you think March Madness is really significant to armies?

Ugly: It is one of the most traditional tournaments in Club Penguin Armies, like Legends Cup and Christmas Chaos. March Madness is one of those tournaments that an army waits for every year and is most excited about. Seeing it still here after 11 years since its start shows how it survived all this time without being forgotten, it proves how important and significant it is for the community.

Cheska: I think March Madness is EXTREMELY significant to armies because it embodies a crucial role on how the army can unite as one especially for tournaments like this. It’s one of those tournaments that show how an army can stand together in unity against another army.

Amelia: I believe the historical aspect of the tournament gives it the kind of charm and value that attracts armies to it and leaves them ready to go above and beyond to bag the trophy.

Kimi: It’s an amazing opportunity to showcase our leadership, as well as the armies fighting spirit.

Megatron: To be more powerfull

How important is the tournament to you?

Ugly: Me personally, I find this tournament more important than the Legends Cup. Seeing that ACP has never won March Madness before in its history, I find bizarre and as a leader I would give it my all to win this tournament and give it to this community and the veterans of this army. 2021 was the closest we’ve ever got to winning March Madness though unfortunately losing the finals to Ice Warriors, this year, it’s not leaving the trifolium.

Cheska: The tournament is important to me just as much as any other major tournament. Tournaments like these really give me an insight on how much growth we’re progressing especially in terms of our approaches.

Amelia: I’m excited as well! I’m certain the tournament is as important to me as it is for all those who spent time and effort in the preparations. This trophy holds great value and I’m sure all of us wish to bring the kind of glory and triumph ACP deserves by winning the tournament.

Kimi: This will be my sixth year seeing this tournament happen and I’m rooting for our army to go for gold.

Megatron: create more memories

Thank you for taking part of this interview! Do you want to add anything else?

Ugly: balls

Cheska: I really love MM because March is gonna make us mad to win. With that, we’re gonna march with green madness to victory

Amelia: Thank you for the lovely interview! The trophy will be ours 💪

Kimi: Thank you for interviewing me! Yes I hope ACP wins as well!!

Megatron: I am very excited to attend this years MM

It seems that everyone, regardless of their position is looking forward to March Madness! But who knows who will win the tournament? Which army will end up bagging the trophy?

What do YOU think? Which comrade knows the other better? Let us know in the comment section down below!


ACP General & Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

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