Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin
BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin HQ – Hey there ACP! Club Penguin Legacy has released a new catalogue; with that, we have all the secrets and how to find them!
The newest catalogue in Club Penguin Legacy has now been released. It is worth noting that this post contains spoilers of all the catalogue secrets and their location!
To obtain the catalogue secrets, log into Club Penguin Legacy and select any server. Once in, go to your igloo, click the top catalogue button in the bottom right corner, and click on the areas marked in all the images.
Below are the catalogue secrets and where to find them. Be aware that the hitboxes (where you click) are very small so the arrows are made to be close to if not on top of where the hitboxes are. Move your mouse around the area and you will see it change so make sure to click it to see the secret items.

The catalogue will only stay for a month so get the secret items before they disappear!
What do YOU think? Do you like these catalogue secrets? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!
Da Best
ACP Shamrock Bulletin Reporter
Filed under: Army of CP, CP Legacy, CPL Furniture Catalog, CPL Hidden Secrets, CPPS Cheats, Shamrock Bulletin | Tagged: Army of Club Penguin, Catalogue, catalogue secrets, clover defenders, clover penguins, clover trooper, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Club Penguin Legacy, Club Penguin legacy Catalogue, Club Penguin legacy Catalogue Secrets, Club Penguin Legacy Furniture Catalog Secrets, Club Penguin Legacy Furniture Catalogue, Coolguy, CPL, CPL Catalogue, CPL Catalogue Secrets, CPL Clothing, CPL Furniture, CPL Furniture Catalog, CPL Furniture Catalog Secrets, CPL Secrets, CPLegacy, Da Best, Shamrock Bulletin |
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