Private chats with BigBonny2013

Addressed to the Army of Club Penguin

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Welcome back to Private Chats, the column where we speak with soldiers within the Army of Club Penguin to find out more about them. This time we’ll be getting to know a bit more about Bigbonny2013.

Welcome back to another edition of Private Chats! Let’s get into it, shall we? Bigbonny2013 first joined the Army of Club Penguin in October 2021 and has also served in other armies since then. Currently, Bigbonny is a major within the army as he aims to progress further in the ranks, maybe one day becoming a staff member. Due to his current Discord account not being his original, it’s unclear what his journey may have been like or when he first started to engage, however, we contacted Bigbonny to ask him these questions and more!

How did you find the Army of Club Penguin and when did you realise that it was the army you wanted to stay and fight for?

I joined through discussions in previous armies I was in. Probably around LC tbh.

How did you get your rank in Army of Club Penguin and what are your future goals?

By being active in events and trying my best, and possibly getting higher in the ranks

What armies did you serve in your past?

Help Force, SWATRulers, RPF, Ice Warriors, Water Vikings, Doritos of CP, Dark Warriors (but that died)

Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are some of them?

I guess just doing random stuff online. Researching, playing games, that sort of thing

What are your main goals in life?

To get through what I need to with as little difficulties as possible

Do you enjoy ACP? Is there anything the Army of Club Penguin needs to do for its betterment?

At present I don’t believe ACP needs improving

Is there anything you would like to add?

March on forever!

And there you have it. It’s clear to see that Bigbonny has big goals in life and is content with the way ACP currently runs. Whilst he joined 2 years ago, his journey has only just begun and we hope that he continues to grow within the army. Thank you for speaking to the Shamrock Bulletin, we wish you the best of luck for the future! Don’t forget troops, YOU are the main part of the army and YOU could be the next person to get interviewed.

What do YOU think? Would YOU like to be interviewed next? Let us know in the comments!

Ninja Leader

Shamrock Bulletin Reporter

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